July 27, 2024

Fox News host and ex-Trump official Kayleigh McEnany said Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary was “a fairly good night for” President Joe Biden, earning a late-night attack from former President Donald Trump.

McEnany was on hand for Fox News Channel’s coverage of the New Hampshire primary, which was over barely more than an hour after polls closed. Trump was declared the victor with what figures to be a convincing if not massive, high single-digit or low double-digit margin. But President Biden scored an even more overwhelming victory as a write-in candidate in the state’s unsanctioned Democratic primary.

McEnany offered Trump some helpful advice on adjusting his tone, using exit poll data to make the point that Biden is not alienating voters the way Trump did:

BRET BAIER: Kayleigh. You know, in the close, it seemed like the Trump campaign was pretty disciplined. They hit the immigration issue a lot at his rallies. And we saw his pitch at the town hall and the speech in Iowa.

This was a different speech. You know, he is a fighter. He punches back. He obviously didn’t like the speech he heard from Nikki Haley.

But he’s also, at some point has to get into general election, going after independents and maybe disaffected Democrats. And this speech probably wasn’t that.

KAYLEIGH MCENANY: No, this speech was a speech to dispose of the last remaining competitor, if you could call it that. She still significantly behind him. He’s pulling a majority support.

But to get her out of the race, I would suggest that adopting a general election tone is what you do at this point. And here’s why I say this.

This was actually a fairly good night for Joe Biden. When you look at our voter analysis, only 10% said “I would not vote for Joe Biden if he’s the nominee.”.

He won a plurality of voters who said he was too old. He won a majority of voters who are upset about the Gaza war. So the divides in the Democrat Party, and this is a small sample size, but perhaps aren’t as stark as one would think.

But when you look at the Republican Party, 7 in 10 Nikki Haley voters said “I would not vote for Trump.”.

There was a Des Moines Register poll. 43% said, no, I wouldn’t vote for Trump.

If I’m Trump, I sit back and I exclusively focus on the general election. I take the posture of a presumptive nominee. I focus on number one, uniting the party and number two, winning the independents, which Nikki Haley won 55 to 39%. That’s what I would do.

Nikki Haley I mean, the closest margin is 30% in the States ahead. For all intents and purposes, he’s the presumptive nominee.

That did not go down well with her old boss, who raged on social media that she’s a “RINO” and toold her to “Save your advice for Nikki!”

Watch above via Fox News Channel’s coverage of the New Hampshire primary

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