May 4, 2024

This weekly column features news stories and event announcements from around the American Redoubt region. (Idaho, Montana, eastern Oregon, eastern Washington, and Wyoming.) Much of the region is also more commonly known as The Inland Northwest. We also mention companies of interest to preppers and survivalists that are located in the American Redoubt region. Today, we focus on Idaho’s population growth.   (See the Idaho section.)


Idaho leads the U.S. in child population growth. The kid demographic has shrunk in most states. An excerpt:

“The number of adults in Idaho grew by 16 percent since 2017.

Boise is getting a lot of new residents from California, and northern Idaho is seeing more movers from Northern California, Washington and Utah. “It might be for ideological reasons, people looking for a more conservative lifestyle,” Vos said. He added that some people have left Boise as it has grown more crowded.

Throughout Idaho, housing prices have risen rapidly.”

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U of I begins construction on the nation’s largest research dairy.

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Lori Vallow convicted on all counts including first degree murder.

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University of Idaho is awarding posthumous degrees to four slain students.


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Gov. Gianforte signs bill banning foreign adversaries from buying land.

“A bill that bans foreign adversaries from buying or leasing Montana agriculture land, critical infrastructure, and homes near military assets.

Senate Bill 203, short titled “revise law for transfer of critical infrastructure and agricultural land,” will go into effect later in 2023.”

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Flathead’s Two Bear Air Rescue nears 1,000 rescue mission milestone.

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Two years after Jan. 6 Riot, several Montana-linked cases still unresolved.

Central & Eastern Oregon

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Motorhome overturns on Oregon’s I-84 after clipping semi.

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3 Bend-area property owners sue neighbor for $2.4M over Bull Springs Fire.

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Ontario BottleDrop takes steps to block Idaho cans and bottles.

Central & Eastern Washington

Lightning strikes the same place twice, Clarkston woman shows security footage.

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Controlled burn goes out of control in Benton County.


Missing 19-year-old found alive in Glacier National Park.

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Wanted Cheyenne Man at Large After Evading SWAT Team.

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Yellowstone-area grizzly bears have stopped expanding their range.

Send Your News Tips

Please send your American Redoubt region news tips, event announcements, and American Redoubt-based companies worthy of a mention to JWR. You can do so either via e-mail or via our Contact form.