May 19, 2024

The 1800s were a time of great change and progress for the American people.

Pioneers braved harsh conditions, long journeys, and uncertainty to build new lives in uncharted territories.

We can learn a lot from the way they lived their lives – even if that means incorporating some of their items into our modern homes.

Here’s a look at some of the essential pioneer items you should still have around your home today.


The axe is one of the most important tools of any prospective pioneer. This was used by pioneers in many ways, from chopping wood to building furniture and shelters.

If you’re in the market for an axe for your homestead, make sure you get an axe made with quality materials that won’t let you down when it counts.


Sickles are not just a tool used by farmers; they can be a great way to cut through thick brush or even chop down trees.

If you plan on clearing any land or want to do any gardening, consider investing in a good sickle for those times when an ax isn’t enough.

Maps And Guidebooks

Every good pioneer needs to make sure they know where they are going before they set out on their journey.

That’s why having some maps and guidebooks handy can be really helpful when it comes to exploring new territories and finding your way around unfamiliar areas.


You may not have heard much about washboards lately, but these handy devices were once an essential part of life for many pioneers.

Washboards made it possible to do laundry without access to a washing machine or running water – something that’s still true today.

To make your job even easier if you’re ever stuck without electric power, you can learn here how to build your own off-grid washing machine.


Traps were essential tools for pioneers in the 1800s and they can still come in handy today.

There are many different types of traps available, from simple snares to more complex trigger mechanisms—all designed to capture an animal without harming it.

You never know when you may find yourself needing one, so it’s always good to have a few on hand

Spades And Hoes

Spades and hoes are essential equipment for any budding pioneer who wants to start their own farm or garden. These tools will help you dig holes, till soil, move dirt, and weed out unwanted plants from your garden.

You can find these tools at any hardware store or online retailer.

Make sure you invest in high-quality spades and hoes so that they stand up against wear and tear over time.

Camping Supplies

Back in the day, pioneers had no choice but to travel with all their belongings on their backs—which meant they had to be prepared for any situation while out in the wilderness.

Related: 7 Deadly Canning Mistakes Even Smart People Make

Today’s modern camping supplies are much lighter than those used by our ancestors but still provide us with all we need while out exploring nature.

A few items to keep in your stockpile include reliable hiking boots, plenty of water bottles (or water purification tablets), lightweight sleeping bags/tents/tarps (for shelter), flashlights/headlamps (for visibility), first aid kits (for emergencies), and bug spray (for pesky bugs).

Cast Iron Cookware

Cast iron cookware was popular during the 1800s and it is still popular today.

Cast iron cookware is incredibly versatile and durable, making it perfect for stovetop cooking and baking.

It can also be used over an open fire or campfire if needed.

The cast iron skillet was one of the most versatile tools in any pioneer kitchen. It could be used over an open fire or on top of a wood-burning stove, and was perfect for cooking everything from cornbread to fried chicken.

Plus, its sturdy construction meant it would last for years with proper care. Of course, cast iron skillets are just as useful today. Making anything from breakfast sandwiches to seared steaks is easy with this timeless tool.


A gimlet is a hand tool that was used by early pioneers to bore holes into wood.

Though their primary purpose was utilitarian (to allow peg legs and bed posts to attach securely), many modern day artisans find creative ways to repurpose gimlets as decorative wall hangings or door handles.

Of course, having a gimlet or two on hand around your homestead is a good idea from a practical standpoint, since it will help you with a variety of construction projects.


Pioneers relied on seeds as their main source of nutrition during their travels, and they can also be extremely useful today.

Seeds are lightweight and easy to store, which makes them perfect for camping trips or long journeys through the wilderness.

Canning Jars

Canning jars were indispensable items during the pioneer days, providing both storage and preservation solutions for many families.

From pickles to jams and jellies, food was kept safe and portable inside these hardy glass vessels. Even hamburger meat can be canned using this guide.

Canning jars are still incredibly useful today – they make excellent containers for storing things like grains and spices as well as allowing you to preserve your own fruits, vegetables, and even meats at home.

Wooden Cooking Utensils

Wooden cooking utensils have been around since the early days of cooking. Wooden spoons, spatulas, ladles, and whisks were all essential kitchen tools during this time period and they are still widely used today as well.

The natural grain of wooden utensils makes them aesthetically pleasing while their durability ensures they will last a lifetime if taken care of properly. Plus, wooden utensils do not conduct heat like metal utensils do, meaning they won’t burn your hands when you’re stirring hot food on the stovetop.

A Good Broom

In the 1800s, brooms were essential tools for keeping homes clean and tidy—and they still are.

A good broom is not only great for sweeping up dirt and dust but also for removing cobwebs from hard-to-reach places like high ceilings or corners of rooms.


This one may seem obvious, but having a firearm with you was absolutely essential during a long journey such as this. Not only did it help protect against wild animals, but it also protected travelers from bandits who were known to try and rob unsuspecting pioneers.

Related: Firearms for Emergency and SHTF Situations

Having a firearm such as a musket or shotgun was not only important for safety, but could also provide food.

A Good Knife

A knife was an absolute must-have item for any pioneer. A good knife could be used for many different things like cutting rope, harvesting crops, cooking meals and even defending yourself if needed.

Don’t Forget About the Pioneer Pantry!

It’s no surprise that packing light was incredibly important when traveling on the Oregon Trail, so it was essential to bring non-perishable items such as flour, dried corn, coffee, pine nuts and cured meat that could last several weeks without spoiling.

Of course don’t forget about hardtack–a type of biscuit made with flour and water that provided much needed sustenance during long days of travel.

Pioneers had so many amazing tools at their disposal that are just as useful today as they were back then.

From cast iron skillets and washboards to canning jars, having these items around your home can help you stay prepared for whatever life throws your way – whether it’s cooking up a storm or doing laundry without access to modern amenities!

Whether you’re looking for functionality or style, these 1800s pioneer items have stood the test of time – so why not give them another chance?

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