September 8, 2024

NBC News Iowa entrance poll: Trump edges out Haley among independents

Biden campaign fundraises off of Trump’s frontrunner status

Trump got 71.3% support in Van Buren County and 60.7% support in Decatur County, where all precincts have been counted. That’s a 43-point improvement over Trump’s 2016 showing in Van Buren and a 35-point improvement in Decatur — both of which went for Ted Cruz eight years ago.

NBC News Iowa entrance poll: Majority of GOP caucusgoers favor a federal law banning abortion

Ramaswamy gets a delegate. Trump, Haley, DeSantis each score one more.

Trump, the projected winner of the Iowa caucuses, leads with 16 delegates, while Haley and DeSantis each have four delegates, according to an NBC News tally. That’s with 5% of the vote in.

Trump expected to attend trial for E. Jean Carroll’s defamation case on Tuesday

NBC News Iowa entrance poll: Trump winning across key voter groups

Iowa voter turnout lower than expected, NBC News Decision Desk estimates

Trump arrived at a caucus location tonight to deliver a short speech to Iowans casting ballots.

The crowd appeared to be very receptive to the former president, with audience members frequently punctuating his speech with applause and shouts of “We love you!” It was a stark contrast to the caucusgoers’ reaction to the previous speaker, Hutchinson, who is lagging in the polls.

During his brief remarks, Trump slammed Biden and tried to paint a contrast between their approaches to foreign policy and immigration.

Trump also said that he would always keep Iowa as the first state in the presidential nominating contest, a dig at Democrats’ decision to make South Carolina the first contest for their candidates.

Donald Trump wins Iowa Republican caucuses

Trump departs hotel for caucus, teases possible trial appearance

Here’s where the GOP candidates focused their time and energy in Iowa

Iowans began caucusing at 7 p.m. CT, launching the race for the Republican presidential nominee.

Caucusgoers will hear speeches from supporters of presidential candidates, and then cast their ballots. Precincts will report their results to the Iowa Republican Party.

NBC News entrance poll: Immigration, economy rank as the most important issues to Iowa Republican caucusgoers

NBC visits Iowa ‘supercaucus’ site

Potential Trump supporter says she is skipping caucus because of wintery road conditions

Trump expected to visit a caucus site in Des Moines area

DeSantis and Haley are in a heated battle for second place in the coldest Iowa caucuses on record. Marc Short, Susan Del Percio, and Jen Palmeri join Andrea Mitchell to weigh in on the race for second place and what it will mean for the primary season ahead.

Democrats in Des Moines: Republicans ‘are singing the same, terrible song’

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Rep. Dean Phillips told reporters he would be “thrilled” if he ended up with around 20 percent of the vote in the upcoming New Hampshire primary.

“We’re just beginning this campaign. We’re only nine weeks in. And I’m just starting. And I’m going to head out around the country after this, and I can’t wait to get going,” he said.

Phillips, of Minnesota, told reporters that Biden should be in the 80 percent range “if he’s a strong candidate.”

Biden is not on the primary ballot in

Each of the top three GOP presidential candidates has blanketed the Iowa airwaves ahead of Monday night’s caucuses.

Here are the campaign TV ads that aired the most over the last week in Iowa, per the ad tracking firm AdImpact.

The most-aired ad from Trump’s campaign did not focus on his rivals for the GOP nomination and instead took aim at Biden. The 30-second spot focused on the economy, with a narrator saying that Trump will “make America’s economy great again.”

Haley’s most-aired ad is a positive spot casting her as a leader with “grit and grace, a different style, not a name from the past.”

Haley and Trump, meanwhile, were both featured in DeSantis’ most-aired ad in the final days before the caucuses. The spot features Haley’s comments that next week’s New Hampshire GOP primary will “correct” Iowa’s results, and features footage of DeSantis saying, “Donald Trump is running for his issues. Nikki Haley is running for her donors’ issues. I’m running for your issues.”

Ramaswamy’s campaign had shifted much of its resources off the airwaves, but his campaign was airing a TV ad in northwest Iowa over the last week. The spot features controversial former Iowa GOP Rep. Steve King, who endorsed Ramaswamy earlier this month.

Iowa caucus chair says winter weather ‘may be an issue’ for youth vote

New York attorney Joe Tacopina is no longer representing Trump in his hush money case in Manhattan and has also withdrawn from representing Trump in his appeal of the E. Jean Carroll verdict, Tacopina told NBC News.

Tacopina says he has withdrawn from all matters related to Trump. It was not immediately clear why he chose to withdraw as counsel a day before Trump’s defamation case is set to begin tomorrow morning and he declined to comment further. Tacopina was not expected to represent Trump at that trial.

Tacopina represented Trump in last year’s trial brought by Carroll and lost the case, costing Trump

In response to Trump saying in a post on Truth Social that a vote for Vivek Ramaswamy is a “wasted vote,” Ramaswamy praised the former president in

During an interview with Al Sharpton on Monday, Biden was asked why he’s running for president again.

“The way, the things that Trump is saying … Trump is saying things that are just off the wall. He is the most anti-democratic … with a small ‘d,’ president in American history. The things he’s saying. And he means them,” Biden said.

He said, for example, that Trump has said that he wants to be president again so that he can exact revenge against certain people.

“I mean, it’s just outrageous things,” Biden said.

Haley responds to Trump’s Truth Social post calling her a ‘globalist RINO’

Within the last few days, a number of prominent Republican officials came off the sideline to make sure they got their Trump endorsements in before Iowa voters caucus today.

Since Jan. 5, nine House Republicans, two governors and five senators announced they are backing Trump, according to an NBC News tracker. Among them, Republican Sens. Marco Rubio, Jim Risch, Mike Lee, Cynthia Lummis and John Barrasso.

The endorsements came after

DES MOINES, Iowa — Most likely Iowa Republican caucusgoers say they have supported the same candidate throughout the entire election cycle, a contributing factor to former President Donald Trump maintaining a massive lead heading into 

DOVER, N.H. — New Hampshire state Rep. Luz Bay turned her 60th birthday party into a write-in-Joe-Biden house party.

About 30 of her friends, many of them state representatives and officials, gathered at her home on an icy night just over a week before the primary.

Maryland state Del. Kriselda Valderrama joined on Zoom. While giving her pitch on why to write in Biden, she said, “we remember the election in Alaska a few cycles ago, when Sen. Lisa Murkowski won a general election purely on the strength of her write-in ballot campaign, so it is possible.”

Melanie Levesque, a former state senator and state representative who also joined on Zoom, said after the DNC’s efforts to move New Hampshire from its first in the nation status, “many of us felt angst, felt disappointment, a little bit angry.”

“What I realized was that this is bigger than one man. This is about our democracy, not just one election,” Levesque said. “And we have to be there to step up and save our democracy for our children or for our future. Writing in Biden is a way of us standing up to say we believe in democracy.”

Colin Van Ostern, a volunteer with the “Write-in Biden” campaign, attended the party in person. “Let’s be honest, one party or another has been trying to take away our primary for about 104 years,” he said. He encouraged everyone to vote for the one person who has beaten Trump and who he is confident can do it again.

Haley ditches audience questions at in-person Iowa events

Trump piled on more attacks against DeSantis, Haley and Ramaswamy in a

Caucusgoer says Haley motivates her to turn out first time in 10 years

Nikki Haley brushed off Marco Rubio endorsing Trump yesterday in a pull-aside with

In the week leading up to Monday’s Iowa caucuses, former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley enjoyed a large spending advantage nationally on campaign ads.

The money spent on pro-Haley ads by her campaign and two super PACs backing her — SFA Fund Inc. and Americans for Prosperity Action — totaled more than $7.6 million from Jan. 8 to Jan. 14, the day before the caucuses, according to AdImpact.

The amount of money spent on ads backing Trump trails the amount spent on pro-Haley ads, with a combined $4.7 million spent in the last week by Trump’s campaign and MAGA Inc., a super PAC backing him, nationally.

And ads for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis were funded by just $3.1 million combined from DeSantis’ campaign and two super PACs backing him — Good Fight and Fight Right.

Biden and Democratic Party groups raised $97 million in final quarter of 2023

Ramaswamy makes emotional pitch to Iowans on caucus day


MANCHESTER, N.H. — A former Doug Burgum staffer spoke to NBC News about the North Dakota governor’s decision to endorse Trump.

“He endorsed Trump in ’16 and ’20. They’ve always had a positive relationship,” the staffer said. “Clearly Trump wanted this endorsement. Trump went on local North Dakota radio the day of or the day after he dropped out and talked him up potentially for a Cabinet position.”

Trump rails against his challengers hours ahead of the Iowa caucuses

Haley’s campaign is out with a

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