Entrance polls interview caucus-goers as they enter their caucus locations.
D. TrumpTrump
N. HaleyHaley
R. DeSantisDeSantis
V. RamaswamyRamaswamy
A. HutchinsonHutchinson
C. ChristieChristie
not yet assigned
not yet assigned
Male (55%)
Female (45%)
In which age group are you?
17-29 (9%)
30-44 (13%)
45-64 (35%)
65 or over (43%)
In which age group are you?
17-24 (5%)
25-29 (4%)
30-39 (8%)
40-49 (11%)
50-64 (30%)
65 or over (43%)
To which age group do you belong?
17-44 (22%)
Are you:
White (97%)
Black (0%)
Hispanic/Latino (1%)
Other (2%)
Are you:
White (97%)
Non-White (3%)
Which best describes your education? You have:
Never attended college (17%)
Attended college but received no degree (17%)
Associate’s degree (AA or AS) (14%)
Bachelor’s degree (BA or BS) (35%)
An advanced degree after a bachelor’s degree (such as JD, MA, MBA, MD, PhD) (18%)
College graduate (53%)
No college degree (47%)
Education by race
White college graduates (52%)
White non-college graduates (46%)
Non White college graduates (1%)
Non White non-college graduates (1%)
No matter how you voted today, do you usually think of yourself as a:
Democrat (3%)
Republican (82%)
Independent or something else (16%)
On most political matters, do you consider yourself:
Very conservative (51%)
Somewhat conservative (38%)
Moderate (10%)
Liberal (2%)
On most political matters, do you consider yourself:
Liberal (2%)
Moderate (10%)
Conservative (88%)
On most political matters, do you consider yourself:
Conservative (88%)
Moderate or liberal (12%)
White born-again or evangelical Christian?
Which ONE of these four issues mattered most in deciding whom to support today?
Foreign policy (12%)
Abortion (12%)
Immigration (34%)
Economy (37%)
Which ONE of these four candidate qualities mattered most in deciding whom to support today?
Shares my values (41%)
Has the right temperament (12%)
Fights for people like me (31%)
Can defeat Joe Biden (14%)
Would you favor or oppose a federal law banning most or all abortions nationwide?
Favor banning (59%)
Oppose banning (36%)
Do you think that Joe Biden legitimately won the presidency in 2020?
Do you consider yourself part of the MAGA movement?
If Donald Trump were to be convicted of a crime, would you consider him fit to be president?
When did you finally decide whom to support in today’s caucus?
Just today (7%)
In the last few days (13%)
Earlier this month (16%)
Before that (64%)
Decided on caucus vote:
Last few days (20%)
Earlier than that (80%)
Decided on caucus vote:
This month (36%)
Earlier than that (64%)
Area type
City over 50,000 (33%)
Suburbs (25%)
Small city and Rural (43%)
Eastern Cities (22%)
East Central (17%)
Des Moines Area (25%)
Central (19%)
West (16%)
Live Updates
The expected vote is the total number of votes that are expected in a given race once all votes are counted. This number is an estimate and is based on several different factors, including information on the number of votes cast early as well as information provided to our vote reporters on Election Day from county election officials. The figure can change as NBC News gathers new information.