July 27, 2024

This weekly Snippets column is a collection of short items: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.

From blog reader C.B: Marines Ditch 100-Year-Old Marksmanship Standards.

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The WEF agenda could be Banned from Louisiana.  Here is the key wording from the  bill:

“The World Health Organization, United Nations and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state of Louisiana. No rule, regulation, fee, tax, policy or mandate of any kind of the World Health Organization, United Nations and the World Economic Forum shall be enforced or implemented by the state of Lousiana or any agency, department, board, commission, political subdivision, governmental entity of the state, parish, municipality, or any other political entity”.

JWR’s Comments:  That is commendable.  I pray that the legislation is signed by Lousiana’s Governor.  It should become model legislation for other states.  Please contact your State representatives, to suggest that!

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Another piece of Predictive Programming comes to fruition: Mass. State Police robot dog shot during Cape Cod standoff. JWR’s Comment:  Have you seen the terrifying robot dog episode of Black Mirror?  (Season 4, Episode 5: Metalhead.)

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Cattle-Tracking Provision That May Limit Beef Supply Passed In Omnibus Bill. From the article:

“The full text of the provision reads: “The agreement directs the Department to continue to provide the tag and related infrastructure needed to comply with the Federal Animal Disease Traceability rule, including no less than $15,000,000 for electronic identification (EID) tags and related infrastructure needed for stakeholders to comply with the proposed rule, ‘Use of Electronic Identification Eartags as

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Virginia AG Clarifies Conceal Carry Permit Renewal Confusion.

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Reader J.R.G wrote, regarding the recent mention of multi-tools:

“The SOG PowerPint is awesome – it is tool dense and the bit driver in the end of the tool was genius.  Not many tools this size have that ability.”

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From SurvivalBlog reader C.B.: The Victorian Legacy: UK’s Booming Population of Giant Redwoods Surpasses California’s.

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Reader A.R. wrote:

“Regarding the article titled “The Smaller Things”: The author mentioned that most people don’t realize how much stuff they need until they live somewhere like on a farm. How true that is. I sure didn’t. Having been at this for 15 years, and having married into a family that has lived this prepper lifestyle for 60 years, I have figured that they just called it living. There are shovel handles and hammer handles and bolts that have been here for many, many years, definitely before I came here. There are indispensable tools that I have no idea of the name of and have no way to look up. All that said, I think it is impossible to know what you need until you need it. Hopefully, you have something that you can alter to make it work in the case that you can’t buy it. When the situation does arise that you need something, get enough for that project, and if you can foresee needing it in the future, get a lot more. For things like shampoo, I buy a lot. I just buy the shelf out, if I find something I like. I’ve been doing that for a long time. We buy screws in contractor packs and then put a few in an old vitamin bottle to carry around. Fence staples. When I take apart a refrigerator to make it into a raised bed, I save all the screws. When I take apart a trampoline frame and an event tent to build the trellis for the raised bed, I save all the hardware to reuse as needed.”

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What Does a Red or Yellow Dot on Your Tires Mean?

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Connecting some more dots:

Polish government approves national defence draft law amid Ukraine crisis.


A call to arms: Polish civilians get military training.


Polish PM warns ‘we are in pre-war era’ as Putin’s missiles fire close to border.

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SurvivalBlog reader D.S.V. sent this: Florida Signs First in the Nation Anti-Squatter Bill Into Law.

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SaraSue sent this snippet:

“This past week has been difficult emotionally.  A close family member was diagnosed with an inoperable brain cancer and has very little time left.  We have rallied to provide support, and hospice has been arranged along with family members ready to take turns providing care.  A sad and difficult time is ahead.

I won’t say much more because it is too personal.

I am very aware of global and national happenings and continue to prepare, logically, step by step, clicking things off the NeverEnding To Do list.  As Lily mentioned, Pfizer got into the business of making a manufactured “rennet”.  Rennet is typically a natural byproduct from certain animals.  It is used to coagulate milk in the cheesemaking process.  “Animal rennet” is something one can purchase from a reliable source or obtain yourself (research this) and is safe to use.   But you must verify the origin of the rennet.  Pfizer got FDA approval in 1990 for this product and I’ve come to find out that 90% of the cheeses in the US contain Pfizer’s bioengineered product. “Vegetable rennet” can be derived from plants or, again, a synthetic bioengineered process.  It makes me angry that we have had zero disclosure of this change in our food system, now going on 2 decades.  Here is a good summation of the various rennets.

To avoid this exposure, one could contact local small dairy farms that produce dairy products, inquire as to their source of rennet, what they feed their cows, etc., and buy directly from them.  Or, purchase the raw milk and learn to make cheese.  In fact, one can safely assume that all manufactured foods are in one way or another contaminated by synthetic, genetically modified, ingredients – disclosure or no disclosure.  Certain companies seem to get a pass on disclosure.  See’s Candies is one of them.  I requested a statement from them regarding their bioengineered ingredients and disclosures and they did not respond.  Reportedly, they’ve even gone to the lengths of scouring the Internet for any adverse reporting on their candies.  I suppose that once word gets out on GMO ingredients, it would be a devastating loss [to any company].

JWR Adds:  It is disappointing to hear that the company did not respond to this query. I’d be interested in getting a definitive response. Until then, it is not safe for anyone to draw any conclusions.

This past week I was determined to make chocolates from scratch using ingredients I know are safe: homemade butter, organic sugar, organic cacao.  I successfully made chocolate chips.  They were superior in taste to anything I can buy, but they have to be kept refrigerated or frozen.

Once you start the journey of avoiding ALL processed foods, making everything from scratch using trusted ingredients, it feels, at first, that your food choices have dramatically narrowed.  But, after awhile, you learn that you can make anything, better than can be purchased, and be as creative as you like.  In fact, your tastebuds, or stomach, will no longer tolerate processed foods.  Initially, it is a lot of work.  You have to think ahead and purchase ingredients separately.  There’s no running to the store to purchase a bag of chips and soda.  Over time, though, you realize you rarely have to go to a store and you spend a great deal less and feed your body true nutrition.  I eat things that we’ve been told are “bad for you”: beef, butter, bacon, cheese, etc.  And my health has dramatically improved.  The farm work, farm-raised food, fresh air, and exercise have made me stronger and more fit.  Lord willing that continues, and if not, then I am teaching my children and grandchildren the old ways.”

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Some humor, with point: Dumb Cops Get Owned By Grandma! Refuse To Give ID And Obey Unlawful Orders – First Amendment Audit.

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Reader Jeff S. had this comment on the recent Rethinking Food Storage article:

“My wife is the joy of my life and we have four  kids and one granddaughter. She has different allergic reactions to corn, gluten and soy, but she has no reaction to popcorn.

We find the only way we can eat safely is to avoid anything with a bar-code on it, because gluten free either has corn based or soy based replacements.
Even when we find a vendor that cooks safe, the ingredient list changes from lot to lot, so we have to read the ingredient list on every purchase.

We raise our own meat rabbits and eat from our garden but I live in the city with very little land, and eat from our canned goods.”