July 27, 2024

Last Updated: January 23, 2024 09:54 PM

Donald Trump has won the New Hampshire GOP primary, while President Joe Biden prevailed on the Democratic side as a write-in candidate.

The former president’s commanding victory makes a November rematch with Biden look more likely than ever. Trump’s main rival, Nikki Haley, finished in second.

Biden didn’t campaign in the state or have his name placed on the ballot after New Hampshire defied new party rules by holding its primary before South Carolina’s.

Trump says Haley voters wanted him to ‘look as bad as possible’

NASHUA, N.H.— If voters were looking for a magnanimous victory speech from Trump, they didn’t get it Tuesday night.

“You can’t let people get away with (expletive),” Trump railed as he criticized Haley for failing to exit the race after he won New Hampshire’s GOP primary.

From the stage, former candidate and now-Trump backer Vivek Ramaswamy declared the race over.

But if Trump is looking to pivot to the general election, he didn’t do so Tuesday.

Instead, he repeated lies about the 2020 election and slammed those who voted for Haley, saying they only did so “‘cause they want me to look as bad as possible.”

WATCH: Ballots counted for New Hampshire primary as Trump rides to victory

Ballots for the New Hampshire primary were counted at a school gymnasium turned polling place in Derry. Donald Trump and President Joe Biden won the New Hampshire primaries on Tuesday. (Jan. 23)

Trump says Haley had a ‘very bad night’

New Hampshire seemed like a state that Trump could lose


Trump is taking the stage in New Hampshire

Also at Trump’s victory party? George Santos

Haley pledges to take her ‘scrappy’ campaign onward to South Carolina

Former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley finished in second place during the 2024 New Hampshire Republican presidential primary over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the fierce fight to emerge as the clear alternative to former President Donald Trump. (January 24)

CONCORD, N.H.— Haley didn’t win New Hampshire, but she says her 2024 campaign is full steam ahead regardless.

Appearing at her election night party Tuesday, Haley thanked New Hampshire “for the love, the kindness, the support and a great night.”

Haley congratulated Trump on his victory, saying, “He earned that, and I want to acknowledge that.”

But Haley said that the GOP race “is far from over.” She vowed to take her “scrappy” campaign onward to her home state of South Carolina, which holds its GOP primary next month.

Haley also took a swipe at Trump for appearing to confuse her with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, saying that his avowed confidence that he would score higher than her on a competency test should mean that he “should have no problem standing on a debate stage with me.”

How Haley fell short

By The Associated Press

New Hampshire’s Republican voters expect Trump to be the GOP nominee

By The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — About 8 in 10 GOP primary participants said they expect Trump will win the presidential nomination, according to AP VoteCast. Only about 2 in 10 say Haley will secure it.

More than half of Haley’s own supporters think Trump will be victorious in the nominating contest.

▶ Read more about AP VoteCast.

How Trump won in New Hampshire

By The Associated Press

Why the AP called New Hampshire’s Democratic primary for Biden

WASHINGTON — The Associated Press declared President Joe Biden the winner of New Hampshire’s Democratic primary based on an analysis of initial vote returns where write-in votes have been tabulated by candidate.

The early returns confirm the findings of AP’s VoteCast survey of likely Democratic primary voters, which found an overwhelming majority of write-in voters supporting the incumbent president. Together, they show that Biden has an insurmountable lead over the rest of the Democratic field.

Biden decided not to put his name on the New Hampshire ballot, since the state’s primary violates Democratic Party rules. It was Biden’s idea to bump the state from its prized first-in-the-nation primary calendar slot in favor of South Carolina, which resuscitated his struggling campaign in 2020. Instead, his supporters are backing him as a write-in candidate.

The VoteCast survey asked likely voters if they would support U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips, author Marianne Williamson or someone else. Of those who said they support someone else, nearly all indicated they would write in Biden.

As of 8:09 p.m., Phillips and Williamson were at 21% and 5% of the tabulated vote, respectively, and AP’s analysis shows that there are no scenarios for either to end up the winner.

WATCH: Donald Trump wins New Hampshire primary, sweeps opening Republican presidential contests

Donald Trump has won the New Hampshire primary, sweeping the opening contests for the Republican presidential nomination and setting back to his GOP rivals who are running out of time to establish themselves as a viable alternative. (January 23)

Biden wins New Hampshire’s Democratic primary as a write-in candidate

By The Associated Press

Haley finishes second in New Hampshire primary

By The Associated Press

Why the AP called New Hampshire’s Republican primary for Trump


WASHINGTON — The Associated Press declared Trump the winner based on an analysis of initial vote returns as well as the results of AP VoteCast, a survey of Republican primary voters. Both indicated Trump was running ahead of Haley by an insurmountable margin.

Initial results from more than 25 townships showed Trump leading by a comfortable margin as of 8 p.m. This includes results from Manchester and Concord, two of the state’s three most-populous cities. Early returns were also reported from more rural areas in the northern and eastern parts of the state. All confirmed the findings of AP’s survey.

The only areas in which Haley was leading Trump in early returns were in the state’s most Democratic-leaning cities and towns, such as Concord, Keene and Portsmouth.

VoteCast showed Trump leading Haley by a substantial margin across all regions of the state. It also showed Haley supported by a majority of unaffiliated voters choosing to cast their ballot in the Republican primary. That wasn’t enough to make up for Trump’s nearly 50-point lead among registered Republicans. New Hampshire allows voters not affiliated with a political party to participate in either party’s primary. Voters registered with a party may only vote in their own party’s primary.

New Hampshire’s 22 delegates will be allocated proportionally among candidates who receive at least 10% of the vote statewide.

Trump wins New Hampshire primary

By The Associated Press

Why AP isn’t using ‘presumptive nominee’ to describe presidential candidates

There often comes a time in modern presidential campaigns when the last bit of drama has been drained out of a party nomination fight and the crowning of the eventual standard-bearer seems like a foregone conclusion. But we’re not there yet.

Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Donald Trump are the front-runners for their respective parties’ presidential nominations. Though you may start to hear them referred to as their parties’ “presumptive nominees,” The Associated Press only uses that term once a candidate has captured the number of delegates needed to win a majority vote at the national party conventions this summer.

That point won’t come until after more states have voted. For both Republicans and Democrats, the earliest it could happen is March.

▶ This is an excerpt from a longer story. Keep reading.

Polls are beginning to close in New Hampshire

By The Associated Press

Polls are beginning to close in New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primaries. Polls in most of the state closed at 7 p.m. ET and some close at 7:30 p.m. The last polls in the state close at 8 p.m.

And in tiny Dixville Notch, which has only a handful of residents, polls opened at midnight and closed a few minutes later after all voters cast a ballot.

Two White House aides are moving over to Biden’s reelection campaign

WASHINGTON — Biden is dispatching two of his senior-most White House advisers to his reelection campaign in Delaware as his focus shifts to the general election in November.

The new roles for deputy chief of staff Jen O’Malley Dillon and senior adviser Mike Donilon had been expected, and campaign aides insisted it was not a sign of a broader shakeup. The campaign said Donilon would focus on advertising and strategy, while O’Malley Dillon would work on organizing and the electoral mechanics.

New Hampshire voters are getting an extra-special souvenir today

By The Associated Press

Trump’s lawyer and his co-defendant are among the guests at his election night party

NASHUA, N.H. — Trump’s legal, political and personal worlds are colliding at Trump’s election night party.

His son Eric Trump, daughter-in-law Lara Trump, lawyer Alina Habba and valet Walt Nauta were among the figures from Trump’s orbit wandering around the Nashua hotel hours before Trump was set to take the stage.

Habba has been representing Trump in several of the legal cases he faces, including his civil fraud trial in New York and civil sex abuse and defamation trial.

Nauta was Trump’s valet at the White House before joining him as a personal aide at Mar-a-Lago. He was charged along with Trump in a federal case over the mishandling of classified documents. Nauta has pleaded not guilty to charges that he helped the former president hide classified documents from federal authorities. He has remained by Trump’s side as he campaigns and attends court hearings for his various legal cases.

How does AP VoteCast work?

WATCH: New Hampshire Republicans want big changes, but some have concerns about Trump, AP VoteCast shows


New Hampshire Republicans are voting with a desire to curb immigration and overhaul the federal government. Yet they have some misgivings about former President Donald Trump and the criminal charges facing him. (Jan. 23)

Explore AP VoteCast

By The Associated Press

AP VoteCast is a survey of more than 1,890 New Hampshire voters who were taking part in the Republican primary and 873 Democratic primary voters. The survey is conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

Trump is responsible for taking away freedom, Biden tells abortion rights supporters

Biden gets mixed reviews on top issues from New Hampshire Democrats

By The Associated Press

More than 8 in 10 approve of his economic leadership, according to AP VoteCast. And around 8 in 10 approve of how he’s handling the student debt issue. About 6 in 10 approve of his approach to immigration. When it comes to the ongoing conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, however, only about half approve.

▶ Read more about AP VoteCast.

About half of New Hampshire Republicans have concerns that Trump is too extreme

By The Associated Press

More New Hampshire Republicans see immigration as the country’s top issue over the economy

By The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — About 4 in 10 Republican voters identify immigration as the most important issue facing the U.S. By contrast, 3 in 10 Republican voters say the economy is their priority, according to AP VoteCast.

About 7 in 10 say immigrants do more to hurt the country than help it. And 8 in 10 favor building a wall along the southern border.

▶ Read more about AP VoteCast.

New Hampshire’s unaffiliated voters make for a different electorate than Iowa’s caucuses

Canada is preparing for a second Trump presidency. Trudeau says Trump ‘represents uncertainty’

Canada’s government is preparing for the possibility that Donald Trump could reach the White House again and the “uncertainty” that would bring, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Tuesday.

Speaking at a Cabinet retreat, Trudeau said that Trump “represents uncertainty. We don’t know exactly what he is going to do.” He said that his government was able to manage Trump previously by showing that Canada and the U.S. can create economic growth on both sides of the border.

Trump is eyeing a win in New Hampshire’s Republican primary on Tuesday, which would be his second straight victory in his quest for the 2024 GOP nomination after a commanding triumph in Iowa.

Trudeau’s Cabinet has been discussing the Nov. 5 presidential election at its retreat in Montreal.

“We made it through the challenges represented by the Trump administration seven years ago, for four years, where we put forward the fact that Canada and the U.S. do best when we do it together,” Trudeau said.

▶ This is an excerpt from a full story. Continue reading here.

Dean Phillips shakes hands at voting site

DERRY, N.H. — Democratic presidential candidate Dean Phillips was spotted earlier in the day shaking the hands of poll workers and voters at a school gymnasium in Derry.

The Minnesota congressman entered the race in October in an event outside New Hampshire’s statehouse, saying, “It is time for the torch to be passed to a new generation of American leaders.”

Phillips is highly unlikely to wrest the Democratic presidential nomination away from Biden, even if the president suffers an embarrassing loss Tuesday in a state where he’s not even on the ballot. Still, his run offers a symbolic challenge to national Democrats trying to project the idea that there is no reason to doubt the president’s electability.

Self-help author Marianne Williamson is also seeking the Democratic nomination.

Trump forecasts a ‘big loss’ for Haley in New Hampshire

Democratic voter says he’s ‘absolutely’ excited to support Biden

BOW, N.H. — Democrat Durwood Sargent, 79, cast a write-in vote for Biden on Tuesday and said he’d be excited to support him in the general election.

He said he wasn’t offended that the president kept his name off the ballot to comply with the Democratic National Committee’s new primary calendar that bumped New Hampshire from its first-in-the-nation spot.

“It’s not a big deal. They’ve made a big deal out of it. The president’s got a country to run,” he said.

Sargent said he’s “absolutely” excited to support Biden if he’s the nominee in November.

“He’s done tremendous stuff for this country,” he said. “In particular, he’s the first president to stand with striking workers.”

Voter says Haley is ‘much closer to the middle’ than others

BOW, N.H. — Linda Kelly, 46, an independent voter and stay-at-home mom, said she voted for Haley.

“I’m not far left or far right. She’s a little bit to the right, but much closer to the middle than any of the other choices,” she said outside a community center.

Kelly sighed heavily when asked who she would support if the general election is a rematch between Trump and Biden.

“I don’t like either of the choices. I probably would lean to Trump just because the economy was better (when he was in office),” she said.

No major voting issues so far, New Hampshire election office says

CONCORD, N.H. — Voting across the state was going smoothly with steady turnout into the early afternoon, according to Secretary of State spokesperson Anna Sventek.

Assistant Attorney General Brendan O’Donnell, head of the department’s Election Law Unit, agreed, saying it was a “great morning” with “no major issues.”

O’Donnell said his office was dealing with “typical complaints” from some voters who were affiliated with one party and wanted to vote in the other party’s primary. Such complaints come in every year, he said. Registered Democrats or Republicans who wanted to switch their party affiliation for this election would have had to do so by a deadline in October.

There were also some isolated issues with accessible voting machines and electioneering in polling locations that were being resolved, he said.

New Hampshire weather a vast improvement over Iowa’s

Haley vows to stay in the race even if Trump wins New Hampshire

How the AP calls winners and why it matters

PHOTOS: Nikki Haley greets supporters and voters at a polling site in Hampton

Nikki Haley was flanked by New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu and retired U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Don Bolduc, a 2022 Senate candidate, as she greeted supporters and voters at a polling site at Winnacunnet High School in Hampton. She expressed optimism for New Hampshire’s primary results and said she deserved to be in the race.

“I didn’t get here because of luck. I got here because I outworked and outsmarted all the rest of those fellas,” she said.

Republican hopes Trump chooses better White House advisers next time

HAMPTON, N.H. — Pat Sheridan, a Republican from Hampton, said he voted for Trump “because he did a really good job the first time.”

“We need a businessman, not bureaucrats,” said Sheridan, a 63-year-old engineer.

He said the most important issue to him was the economy. “Everything‘s just really bad right now,” he said.

If Trump returns to the White House, Sheridan hopes he will be more careful about choosing his Cabinet members and should bring in better advisers.

“I think he listened to a lot of people he shouldn’t have listened to,” he said.

81-year-old voter says 81-year-old Biden is too old

HAMPTON, N.H. _ Independent voter Betsey Davis, an 81-year-old who described herself as “ancient,” said she voted for Dean Phillips in the Democratic primary.

Davis, who supports abortion rights and the “freedom to be,” said she would vote for Biden if he faces Trump again in the general election, but she’s not excited about it.

“I think he’s too old,” she said, noting that they were the same age. “He may be a nice man, but nice doesn’t really count in politics.”

Asked what Biden would need to do to earn her enthusiastic vote in November, she said, “I’d like him to be stronger, much stronger. I’d like him to be able to get both parties together.”

Independent voter supports Haley, thinks Biden is too old

HAMPTON, N.H. _ Laurie Dufour was surprised to see Haley, her favored candidate, show up at her polling place on Tuesday morning.

Dufour, 66, said she is an independent who tends to vote for Democrats but likes Haley.

“I did not want Trump, and she just sounded very knowledgeable,” she said. However, she noted that she supports abortion rights and “almost didn’t vote for her” because of that.

Dufour said she would vote for Biden “in a heartbeat” over Trump in a general election but wishes he would consider stepping down.

“Mostly, I just think he’s too old. It’s sad — when I watch him, I could cry. It’s like watching your grandfather, you know?” Dufour said. “I think it’s time for him to let go.”

What to know about this primary

Haley says Dixville Notch sweep gives her campaign momentum

Polls are opening in the first-in-the-nation primary state

Trump battles Nikki Haley, his last major rival

MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — Donald Trump is aiming for a commanding victory Tuesday in New Hampshire, securing a sweep of the first two Republican primary races that would make a November rematch with President Joe Biden look more likely than ever.

The biggest question is whether Trump’s last major rival, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, will be able to eat into his margin — or pull off an upset outright. Haley has dedicated significant time and financial resources to New Hampshire, hoping to appeal to its famously independent-minded electorate.

Trump won New Hampshire’s Republican primary big during his first run for president in 2016, but some of his allies lost key races during the midterms two years ago. Haley also has to contend with an opponent who has a deep bond with the GOP base and has concentrated on winning the state decisively enough that it would effectively end the competitive phase of the Republican primary.

▶ This is an excerpt from a full story. Continue reading here.

Nikki Haley sweeps Dixville Notch’s primary winning all 6 votes

New Hampshire’s six voters prepare to cast their primary ballots at midnight, the 1st in the nation

Vice President Harris targets Trump as she rallies for abortion rights in Wisconsin

Trump surrogates mill around at rally and pose for pictures

LACONIA, N.H. — Some of Trump’s most outspoken defenders and campaign surrogates are wandering around the former president’s rally hours before he is set to take the stage.

Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida, Arizona U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia were all spotted wandering around near news cameras inside the hotel.

All three stopped and posed for photos with Trump campaign volunteers.

Lake and Greene are among the Republicans who seem to be auditioning for a spot as Trump’s potential running mate as they campaign on his behalf.

Trump fans line up in cold and snow ahead of rally

In his final rally before New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary Tuesday, Donald Trump calls on supporters to help him score a commanding victory and secure a sweep of the first two Republican primary races. (Jan. 22)

LACONIA, N.H. — Hours before Trump was set to speak at his last rally in New Hampshire before the state’s primary, people began lining up in the cold and huddling amid snowbanks.

Trump was set to hold a rally late Monday night in a lake-dotted area of central New Hampshire.

Jack Bears bundled up in a New England Patriots scarf and a Trump 2024 campaign baseball hat. He said he was waiting in line so he could show support for the former president.

Bears said he’s not worried about the former president’s court problems. “They’ve been throwing stuff at him since he came down the escalator and nothing stuck,” he said.

Floridians wait to see which version of Ron DeSantis returns from the presidential campaign trail

When Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis first took office in 2019, he surprised many with actions indicating he’d be a much more moderate leader than anticipated: He corrected a decades-old racial injustice, took the side of medical marijuana supporters over GOP leaders and hired a liberal Democrat for a key state position.

But then he set his eyes on the White House and veered far to the right as he rolled to a 2022 reelection blowout and entered the presidential race. His message was loud and relentless and focused on how he had beaten down the “woke mob” with policies that upset Black and LGBTQ+ Floridians. Not even Republicans dared stand up to his iron-fisted governing style for fear of being punished.

Now that he’s dropped out of the presidential race and is returning to govern Florida for another two-plus years, which DeSantis will Floridians see? It’s a question Tallahassee insiders are speculating about, but one that likely won’t be answered immediately.

▶ This is an excerpt from a full story. Continue reading here.

Trump trial set to resume on Wednesday

The former president’s defamation trial in New York is scheduled to continue on Wednesday, a day after New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary.

A juror’s illness forced the postponement of the trial on Monday, delaying the question of whether the former president would testify about his yearslong statements about E. Jean Carroll, the writer he called a liar after she claimed he sexually assaulted her in the 1990s.

One of Trump’s lawyers also hasn’t been feeling well but tested negative, and his team wanted to postpone the Republican presidential front-runner’s next appearance until after Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary. Carroll’s lawyer, meanwhile, pressed for the trial to resume Tuesday.

Judge Lewis A. Kaplan opted to resume the trial Wednesday.

South Carolina congressional delegation overwhelmingly backs Trump

COLUMBIA, S.C. — South Carolina’s Republican congressional delegation has made its pick for the presidential primary: All but one is backing Trump over native daughter Haley.

On Monday, Reps. Jeff Duncan and Nancy Mace endorsed the former president for 2024. Haley, a former South Carolina governor, is one of Mace’s constituents.

Rep. Ralph Norman is the only one of South Carolina’s six Republican House members backing Haley. The lone Democrat, Rep. Jim Clyburn, is a major supporter of President Joe Biden’s.

Both of South Carolina’s U.S. senators, Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott, have endorsed Trump, as has Gov. Henry McMaster.

Kamala Harris takes abortion fight to Wisconsin

Why Biden isn’t on New Hampshire’s ballot

President Joe Biden won’t appear on the ballot since the contest violates the national party rules he pushed for, but supporters have mounted a write-in campaign on his behalf. The Biden campaign has not endorsed the write-in effort. Among the Democratic candidates whose names will appear on the ballot are U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota and self-help author Marianne Williamson.

AI-generated robocall impersonates Biden in an apparent attempt to suppress votes in New Hampshire

With his presidential bid over, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum says he won’t seek a third term as governor

North Dakota Republican Gov. Doug Burgum announced Monday that he will not seek a third term as governor, over a month after he ended his bid for the GOP presidential nomination.

His recent endorsement of former President Donald Trump, and Trump’s praise of the little-known governor, have fueled speculation about Burgum serving in a possible second Trump administration.

Burgum, 67, is a wealthy software entrepreneur who won an upset victory in 2016 over the state’s popular attorney general in the Republican gubernatorial primary election. He campaigned on a message of “reinventing” state government amid a $1 billion state revenue shortfall. He went on to win his first term and reelection in 2020 by overwhelming margins.

▶ This is an excerpt from a full story. Continue reading here.

Haley hopes to stop Trump’s march to nomination in New Hampshire: ‘America does not do coronations’

Former Trump rival will campaign with him in New Hampshire

Voter still undecided with one day until primary

FRANKLIN, N.H. — Don Padgett, an independent voter who saw Haley in Franklin, said he will support Haley if she is the nominee but still hasn’t made up his mind for Tuesday’s primary.

While DeSantis supporters may shift to Trump now that the Florida governor has dropped out and backed the former president, there are still other voters up for grabs, he said.

“I think there are a lot of people who are not decided yet,” he said. “I would like to have seen some more debates, and I would really like to see a Trump-Haley debate, but that’s not going to happen.”

An Air Force veteran, Padgett said he wants a president who will keep the U.S. out of war, secure the border and get the economy back on track.

“This country is a mess right now,” he said.

Haley backers boo suggestion she should drop out

Trump trial canceled for the day after juror falls ill

A juror’s illness has forced a postponement of Trump’s defamation trial for at least a day, delaying the question of whether he’ll testify about his yearslong statements about sexual assault accuser E. Jean Carroll.

Trump had been expected to testify as early as Monday about why he has spoken disparagingly about Carroll since she revealed her claims in a 2019 memoir.

The judge says he can’t say that the writer concocted her allegation or that she was motivated by financial or political considerations after a different jury found last year that Trump sexually abused Carroll. Last week, Trump was threatened with expulsion from court for making comments.

Faced with Trump vs. Biden, this voter chooses Haley

FRANKLIN, N.H. _ Waiting for Haley in a dark VFW hall, Jennifer Davis said she is backing the former U.N. ambassador and governor because she supports veterans.

Davis, 40, an independent from Pembroke, said she is a caregiver to her husband, a veteran and Purple Heart recipient, and appreciates Haley’s focus on caregivers.

If faced with a Trump versus Biden matchup in November, Davis said she would write in Haley because she doesn’t want more chaos.

“I’m not giving either one of them my vote,” she said. “We need someone who is going to be a more reasonable person who can bring people together, and I think only she can do that.”

Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina backs Donald Trump over Nikki Haley

The GOP race isn’t over, but the veepstakes have already started

Trump celebrates DeSantis’ decision to drop out

The race for GOP nominee winnows to Trump and Haley after DeSantis suspends campaign

Can Trump be stopped? Key questions ahead of New Hampshire after DeSantis drops out of race