October 24, 2024

Worst Songs of 2023 Include Jason Aldean, Kanye West, Roger Waters

Worst Songs of 2023 Include Jason Aldean, Kanye West, Roger Waters

Jason Aldean, Kanye West, Roger Waters

Getty Images

Awfulness in music came in so many forms in 2023. Nothing makes for a good annus horribilis like songs that promote xenophobia, racism or just overall divisiveness in the interest of trolling — so here’s a round of Fudge Rounds for strange bedfellows like Jason Aldean and Kanye West. But it’s understandable if you might think that the real scourge of the last year was the plague of songs built on lazy interpolations, which manage to ruin perfectly fine oldies as well as introduce fresh rottenness into the world. We’re looking at you, David Guetta, Jason Derulo, et al.

Is there anything much worse than a remake no one wanted — see 2023’s prime offenders, Fall Out Boy? How about the phenomenon of bad self-remakes… hello, Roger Waters? Duets Mixing sex, drugs and race into a questionable cocktail landed the combination of Travis Scott and the Weeknd on our list. Meanwhile, all due credit is due when someone seems to be inventing a brand new subgenre of cringe as effectively as Meghan Trainor does on the unfortunately unforgettable “Mother.”

Here’s a 20-song sampling of the misbegotten tracks from this past year that most made our ears bleed, or our spirits, or both.

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