May 11, 2024

Fresh produce can be costly. Unfortunately, most of us lack the space for a full-fledged garden.

Instead, we must rely on local grocery stores to supply fresh fruits and vegetables. Thankfully there are options, even if you live in an apartment.

If you crave fresh produce, look no further than mason jars. Mason jars, those versatile glass containers typically used for canning, can double as mini gardens for various edible delights.

You can grow healthy and delicious foods in mason jars, whether you have limited outdoor space or none at all.


Also known as green onions, scallions are incredibly easy to grow. Place the bulb ends in water and watch them regrow within a week or two. Snip off the green shoots as needed and let the cycle continue.


Growing mushrooms may seem daunting, and it can be pretty complex. However, it’s entirely doable in mason jars.

Purchase mushroom spawns and follow the instructions to cultivate your favorite varieties, like oyster mushrooms or shiitakes.

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You can grow lettuce indoors by planting loose-leaf varieties in mason jars. Choose a larger jar, fill it with soil, and sow the seeds. Harvest the outer leaves as they mature, and the plant will continue to produce fresh leaves.


Similar to beans, peas can also be cultivated in mason jars. Dwarf varieties or sugar snap peas work best for indoor gardening. Enjoy the sweet flavor of freshly picked peas in your stir-fries or salads.


We kickstart our list with sprouts.

From crunchy bean sprouts to nutritious broccoli sprouts, these tiny powerhouses are packed with vitamins and require minimal effort.

Soak the seeds overnight, rinse them twice daily, and watch them flourish within days.


Microgreens are baby greens packed with intense flavors and nutrients. Plant the arugula, kale, or radish seeds in a shallow mason jar filled with soil.

Related: Microgreens: The Most Nutritious Indoor Food Source

Harvest them when they reach a height of two inches, and savor their tender leaves in salads, on sandwiches, or as garnishes.


Similar to lettuce, spinach can be grown in mason jars. Opt for varieties that are specifically suited for container gardening. Enjoy homegrown spinach in salads, smoothies, or sautés.


Kale, the superfood packed with vitamins and antioxidants, can also be grown in mason jars. Select compact or dwarf varieties to fit well in the jars. Snip off the mature leaves and let the younger ones grow for continuous harvesting.

Baby Bok Choy

This leafy green vegetable can thrive in a mason jar. Choose compact varieties and sow the seeds directly in the jar. Harvest the leaves when they’re young and tender, and add them to your stir-fries or soups.


Fresh herbs can elevate any dish, and growing them in mason jars is convenient.

Basil, mint, parsley, and chives are just a few herbs that thrive in mason jars.

Place the jars near a sunny window and enjoy the taste of homegrown herbs.

You can also grow these medicinal herbs that serve as effective substitutes for nearly all the medications in your cabinet. These herbs have the potential to be vital in times of crisis when medical assistance is scarce, potentially saving lives.


These crisp and spicy root vegetables are perfect for growing in mason jars. Plant radish seeds in a well-draining soil mix, and within a few weeks, you’ll have radishes ready for your salads and sandwiches.


While traditionally associated with gardens, carrots can also thrive in mason jars. Choose shorter carrot varieties and plant them in a large mason jar filled with loose soil. Enjoy the satisfaction of pulling up homegrown carrots right from your kitchen counter.


Who said you need a garden for fresh strawberries? Choose a hanging mason jar or a large jar with drainage holes, and plant strawberry plants or runners.

Place the plant near a window, and savor the sweet, juicy fruits when they ripen. Indoor strawberry plants will produce at least a few berries a day.


Growing stevia in mason jars is an excellent option for those looking for a natural sweetener. Plant stevia cuttings, and within a few weeks, you’ll have a steady supply of leaves you can dry and use as a sugar substitute.

Garlic Greens

Instead of growing garlic bulbs, opt for the flavorful greens.

Plant individual garlic cloves in soil-filled jars, and in only a few weeks, you’ll have garlic greens with a milder taste, perfect for adding a touch of garlic-infused freshness to any dish.


Plant pepper seeds in mason jars, ensuring proper drainage. Compact pepper varieties work best, and with regular watering and sunlight, you’ll soon have fresh peppers to add some zing to your culinary creations.


Choose bush or compact cucumber varieties for mason jar cultivation. Provide support or a trellis to help the vines grow vertically.

Harvest the cucumbers when young and enjoy their refreshing crunch in salads. Cucumbers can also be pickled and preserved, making them the ideal prepper option.


Bush beans, such as green or French beans, can be grown in mason jars with stakes for support. Sow the seeds, and encourage them to climb the stakes as the plants grow. Harvest the tender beans for a homegrown treat.

Swiss Chard

Known for its vibrant colors and healthy nutrients, Swiss chard can be grown in mason jars. Plant the seeds in a large mason jar, and harvest them for salads or sautés as the leaves mature.


While larger tomato varieties may not be suitable for mason jars, compact types like cherry tomatoes thrive in these containers. Stake the plants as they grow; soon enough, you’ll have plump and flavorful tomatoes.

Related: What Happens If You Bury Fish Heads Under Your Tomato Crops


While beets generally need more space to grow to their full size, you can still enjoy their nutritious greens by growing them in mason jars. Sow the beet seeds, and once the leaves reach a few inches tall, snip them off for a tasty addition to salads.

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm, a fragrant herb with a refreshing citrus aroma, can thrive in mason jars. Plant lemon balm seeds or cuttings, and enjoy its soothing flavor in teas or as a garnish.


Packed with healthy nutrients, wheatgrass can be easily grown in mason jars. Soak wheatgrass seeds overnight, spread them on moist soil in a shallow mason jar, and cover them with a breathable cloth. Harvest the wheatgrass when it reaches about six inches and juice it for a healthy shot.

Salad Greens

Combine different lettuce varieties, spinach, and other leafy greens in a larger mason jar for a custom salad mix. Harvest the outer leaves as needed, and the plants will continue growing for an ongoing supply of fresh greens.

The possibilities for growing food in mason jars are vast, from vibrant herbs to nutrient-rich microgreens and vegetables. These miniature gardens bring a touch of green into your living space, offer the satisfaction of homegrown produce, and can be handy in a crisis.

With a little bit of effort and creativity, you can enjoy fresh and flavorful ingredients harvested right from your kitchen counter.

So, grab some mason jars, seeds, and soil, and embark on your delicious and space-saving journey of growing food at home, no matter where that may be.

Have you grown anything in a mason jar? I would love to hear about your experience. Share your story, knowledge, and ideas in the comments, and stay safe.

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