May 17, 2024

This weekly Snippets column is a collection of short items: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.

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Video: Wagner Finds Antique Weapons In Ukraine’s Underground Weapons CacheJWR’s Comment:  Seeing those crates of mint condition lend-lease Thompson SMGs made my jaw drop. And seeing the two rusting Barrett .50 rifles made me wince. (Your tax dollars at work.)

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A snippet from JWR: Reader Ed S. wrote to ask me about my experience with the original Ford Broncos from the late 1960s and early 1970s, as well as my opinion of the new 2021+ Ford Bronco Sport. I told him that sadly, the new-generation Bronco Sport design is not truly sturdy, and not easy to work on, like my old ’68 Bronco. In actuality, the new Ford Bronco isn’t much more than a tarted-up Ford Escape, in a retro costume. So what does that make their drivers? Cosplayers?  (Sorry if I just offended any readers that own a 2021+ Ford Bronco Sport.)

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From the leftist MSN: Connecticut House passes most wide-ranging gun bill since legislation passed after Sandy Hook Note: Buried down at the very bottom of the article is mention of a ban on standard capacity magazines.

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Reader H.L. spotted this: State Farm to stop accepting homeowners insurance applications in California due to wildfires, construction costs.

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Reader T.R. wrote:

“I find this very disturbing; I have recently observed a number of observations including the Blog about our country’s government preparing for war, but not necessarily preparing the citizens for war. I agree with these observations. But if this government expects, and appears to be desiring war, why then are they purposely weakening our capability?

The recruiting efforts of the military are designed to discourage the right kind of individual, and they’ve lowered standards so that those who are physically unfit are now accepted. They are missing the quota by large numbers.
The war in Ukraine has depleted our stockpiles of ammo and guns and the Afghanistan debacle deserted billions of dollars of equipment and a world-class airport.
The only logical conclusion one can come to is that this government is purposely on a course to destroy this country by getting us into a lose-lose war. I see an agenda to make our country crawl on its knees begging for mercy from the world. I also see a face of a previous president behind this agenda.  I can’t see it any other way.”

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‘Mother Nature has no mercy’: Man, 20, dies after getting stuck waist-deep in Alaska mud flats and then drowning as the tide comes in.

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Bobby G. sent this video suggestion: Shooting USA: USAMU ProTip: Tripod Techniques.

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Ice core samples reveal that UN IPCC climate models picked the 8,000 year low of global temperatures on which to base their absurd “anthropogenic global warming” (AGW) cult.

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A very interesting animated timeline chart: Largest Armies in the World 1820-2022 WW1, WW2.

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Dozens of new immigrants joining Chicago Public Schools as school year nears end. Here is the defining quote from the article:

“‘CPS aims to provide every student with a high-quality and holistic education which includes serving our diverse multicultural students,” the statement read. “We are well-equipped and committed to serving every new student, including those students who have arrived in recent months with their families.”

The statement added that students staying in temporary shelters can immediately enroll in CPS, “even if he or she lacks health, immunization or school records, proof of guardianship, proof of residency, or any other documentation normally required for school enrollment.’”

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In South Africa, the scheduled power blackouts, crime, and corruption have become so severe, that lots of families are emigrating or “semigrating” to the Western Cape.

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A snippet from JWR:  This new-fangled Two Factor Authentication trend is driving me crazy. It seems to have been invented by Big City folks who assume that everyone both owns a smartphone and lives inside of cellular phone coverage. Arrrgh! Even my own insurance company (USAA) is now in on it. Making a 40-minute drive into town just to confirm my identity with my Dumbphone is maddening.

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And, lastly, blog reader C.B. suggested this: US research finds 1 in 10 adults get long COVID after omicron.

Please Send Us Your Snippets!

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