May 17, 2024

This weekly Snippets column is a collection of short items: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.

A Matt Christiansen video that reiterates some key points of the now fully-documented “Russian Collusion” Lie: Durham Report Details FBI Corruption in Trump-Russia Investigation — They Were With Her. JWR’s Comments: It is now abundantly clear that we cannot trust the grossly politicized and weaponized FBI, ATF, and other Federal law enforcement agencies. If they ever come to your door, DO NOT answer any of their questions. Just wish them well, politely ask them to leave, and lock your door.  If they return with a valid search warrant, do not physically resist them. But don’t cooperate with them in any way to make their job any easier. A search warrant cannot compel you to say anything — such as provide safe combinations or phone/computer passwords, nor reveal your cache locations or the hiding places for your keys. That would be self-incrimination and violate your Fourth Amendment rights. Also, do not confuse an arrest warrant with a search warrant. Never grant permission to law enforcement officers at any level (local, state, or federal) to search your vehicle or your home without articulable probable cause or a valid court-issued search warrant!

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Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch scolds Americans over handling of pandemic emergencies.

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SaraSue sent this snippet:

“We are having a great Spring this year after a cooler-than-normal start.  It rains every 2-3 days, enough to water the gardens and pastures well.  The pastures are bountiful, thankfully, and the cows have plenty to munch on.  Although, I had one more round hay bale delivered at the end of April due to a slow start of the Spring grass season.

Milk Cow #1 is off at a neighboring farm with a bull.  Milk Cow #2 needed special attention, as she was putting all her energy into producing milk and began to lose weight.  It can happen fast, but she is doing well now.  Milk Cow #3 arrives in a few days without her bull calf, thankfully.  The calves are doing fantastic.  I sell excess milk that we can’t use to Local people, who are grateful for the fresh milk.  In our state, it is legal to sell raw milk as “pet milk” or in a herd share arrangement.

My total focus, at present, is growing food.  The gardens are 80% planted out now.  The meat bird chick order was significantly delayed due to poor hatching rates (American Bresse), so I finally canceled the order, and switched to another breed (Buff Orpington) – the chicks will be here in a week.  I have no desire to raise Cornish Cross again.  They smell!  And that smell brings in predators of all kinds jeopardizing my laying flock.  I will raise dual-purpose birds from here on out.  The piglets will be here two weeks after that.  Then, Milk Cow #1 will come back to the farm, hopefully with her bred.  The heifer calf and Milk Cow #2 are to be bred in July.  Milk Cow #3 will be bred in September.  The steer calf will go to Freezer Camp in the Fall.  The heifer calf is promised to a family member.  This plan will assure, Lord willing, year-round dairy and meat (primary protein sources).  I decided it was better for me to stagger calving than for it all to happen at the same time.

My family is engaged and helping with the farm now, and they enjoy the bounty.  Something always needs fixing and I’m learning to take it in stride.  I’m up with the sun and in bed with the sun.  It’s a nice rhythm and I’m enjoying myself, rather than being stressed out at the magnitude of the work involved.  My Type A personality is being tamed by the sheer reality of farming.  I get stronger with every day that passes.  A real miracle.”

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WHO Dunnit? A press release on the unexplained surge in myocarditis cases in infants: Myocarditis – United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

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A snippet from JWR: I have concluded that we were robbed of part of our birthright with the codification of the National Firearms Act of 1934. I won’t feel that our gun ownership rights have been properly restored until the day that any adult private citizen can once again anonymously walk into an unlicensed gunshop and buy a machinegun with cash and without a requirement to fill out any sort of “Mother May I?” paperwork. Thankfully, with the Supreme Court’s recent Bruen decision‘s “text history and tradition” legal test, my vision of a fully-restored Second Amendment will likely become a reality. We just need to wait for some gun cases to make their way up the appeals court ladder, over the next few years.

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Josh Duhamel Is Obsessed with Doomsday Prepping. A quote:

“I read this book called Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse years ago, and it freaked me out a little bit.”

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Richard T. offered this suggestion:

“I’ve had two tool choices to make when it comes to inserting or removing small screws such as in electrical boxes; an 18 volt cordless drill or a small hand-held screwdriver. The first was overkill, the second choice was time-consuming. I found the perfect solution; the DeWalt 8 Volt gyroscopic inline screwdriver. This is easily the most amazing and necessary tool I own! All you do to turn a screw is to just turn the tool, as you would with a hand-held screwdriver. There are several video reviews to be found online.”

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And lastly, from Canada’s National Post: Michael Shellenberger: World on cusp of woke totalitarianism as governments act to end free speech.

Please Send Us Your Snippets!

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