October 26, 2024

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Author of What to Eat When You’re Broke and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course

The mainstream media coverage of the House Oversight Committee’s investigation into potential criminal dealings of President Biden’s family is – I hope you’re sitting down – ridiculously biased.

It should come as no surprise, since this is the same mainstream media that willfully interfered with the 2020 election by suppressing the story about Hunter’s laptop, scoffing at it as “disinformation.” Of course, we know now beyond a doubt that the laptop story, along with many others over the past few years, were not just crazy conspiracy theories but were, in fact, true.

I won’t go too deeply into the weeds on the investigation, as it’s still ongoing, and I’d like to see all the facts before we present them. This article is about the media. It’s about how they paint a picture for the general public to try and create their own version of “the truth.” It’s about the official narrative, the one that will go down in history unless other people tell a different version – the one that is based on the facts we’re learning as opposed to wishful thinking and manipulation.

First, how dare you have a different opinion?

What this article is about is the establishment downplaying inconvenient truths and gaslighting those of us who question their version of the facts. Anyone who doesn’t go along with their ridiculous bias is considered:

  • Far-right
  • A conspiracy theorist
  • A racist or another flavor of bigot
  • Extreme MAGA (whatever that means)
  • A fascist

I have to say, fascists who don’t believe in the right to form one’s own opinion calling me a fascist for questioning the questionable is the one that most makes me shake my head. Just to help those folks out, here’s the actual definition of a fascist from Vocabulary.com(emphasis mine):

fascist is a follower of a political philosophy characterized by authoritarian views and a strong central government — and no tolerance for opposing opinions.

Of course, this is yet another word that has been hijacked to use as an insult against people who actually have opposing opinions. Most of the folks I know who are now grouped into the category of “fascist” by smug, facially-pierced, visually ambiguous, angry young people are, in fact, just folks who want to be able to exercise their rights to free speech and having views that differ. We want to be able to have discussions, for crying out loud, and we want educational institutions to open real conversations, not shut them down with angry mobs of – dare I say – fascists.

Anyway, I digress. On to the story.

What’s going on?

The House Oversight Committee has launched an investigation into what appears to be shady financial dealings amongst the Biden family that date back to the current president’s time as the Vice President, when he served under President Obama.

A lot of things have come out and there’s evidence to back these claims. Just a few of the findings are, as summarized by Zero Hedge:

  • The Biden family received, and tried to hide, over $10 million in payments from foreign nationals
  • A previously undisclosed $1 million in Romanian-linked payments
  • Ties to Romanian ‘influence peddling’
  • A ‘web’ of 20 LLCs created while Joe Biden was Vice President with a ‘complicated corporate structure’
  • ‘At least 15’ of the LLCs were formed after Biden became VP in 2009 – several of which were owned or co-owned by Hunter
  • These LLCs accepted payments ranging from $5,000 to $3 million
  • The committee wants to know what legitimate business the Biden family was in

The memo outlines efforts by the Biden family to hide, conceal and confuse sources of money – including funds from China which Joe Biden said were ‘not true.’

Rep. James Comer (R-KY) has subpoenaed documentation from the FBI that could show President Biden did, in fact, have knowledge of all this and has lied about it. However, the FBI doesn’t want to release these documents and missed the deadline. It’s important to note this does not mean the information does or doesn’t exist – it simply means that the information has not been released at this time.

The MSM hopes if they ignore it, it will go away.

If you take a look at the mainstream headlines, of course, if it’s mentioned at all, this is all a wild goose chase, a frolic into frivolity, those nasty Republicans picking on a beloved avuncular leader. My gosh, they’re going after his family. (Insert gasp. Because, you know, political enemies would never go after the families of their targets. Just ask the Trump kids.)

Interestingly, CNN’s homepage spent most of its virtual ink being outraged about Trump’s Town Hall instead of about the potential that the President of the United States made his entire family rich by selling favors to foreign countries.

To be perfectly honest, this action hasn’t received nearly enough attention by the MSM. That in itself demonstrates bias. “We believe this is a non-story.” Imagine the hyperventilating outrage that would cover every single website if this information came out about President Trump and his family.

What they have published is in full-on damage control mode.

The coverage that does exist is quite lackluster.

The NY Times blithely overlooked the missing documentation and present the fait accompli…

ABC News tut-tutted…

House Republicans escalate attacks on Biden family, alleging business with foreign nationals

Politico downplayed the findings…

House GOP’s Biden investigations sputter out of the gate

CNN tried to evoke sympathy…

How Biden’s Wilmington residence went from a family home to subject of investigation

The Hill used a carefully selected quote by Comer to take the focus off the Bidens…

Comer: Investigating Biden family like ‘tracking a bleeding bear through a snowstorm’

Bloomberg insinuates tit-for-tat…

How House Republicans Will Investigate Biden After Democrats Probed Trump

Huffington Post hints that it’s all a reach…