October 17, 2024

Civil unrest has become an increasingly common reality in our world today. Whether it’s protests, demonstrations, or riots, the potential for chaos is something everyone should be aware of and prepared for.

While it’s easy to believe that these events are isolated to major cities or specific situations, the truth is that civil unrest can happen anywhere, and it can escalate faster than most people realize.

Before you find yourself caught up in the chaos, it’s important to let go of certain myths and misconceptions that could lead you into dangerous situations. Let’s break down seven of these myths to ensure you’re prepared when things start to spiral.

Help Is on the Way…

There are only so many police. There are way more citizens than there are police. In New York City there are 60 police officers to every 10,000 citizens. (source)

One of the most important myths for us to overcome is the idea that some government or state agency is going to come to help us when all hell breaks loose. We see this is not the case time and time again, yet so many are unprepared and lean on this crutch.

Should you find yourself in the throes of civil unrest, know that it is up to you to make the right decisions and take the right actions to keep you and yours safe.

Do not wait for a text or news broadcast to tell you what to do next. It’s best to learn here how to ensure your house doesn’t become a target during the next civil unrest, and the steps you need to take to protect yourself and your family.

Civil Unrest Happens at Campuses and Businesses

Civil Unrest Myths You Need to Stop BelievingWhen civil unrest makes the news, it’s often accompanied by images of protests in major cities or on college campuses. However, recent years have shown that demonstrations and unrest can spread beyond these traditional hotspots. In some cases, protests have moved into residential neighborhoods, where tensions run high and confrontations can escalate quickly.

As we get closer to the election in the US I believe that protests venues will begin to change. Rather than only densely populated areas in cities I think we will see protests and violence spreading to the suburbs of our nation and into residential neighborhoods and other sensitive areas not typically associated with civil unrest.

Civil Unrest is Only Civil Unrest

A myth that began to unravel in 2020 was the idea that civil unrest is strictly citizens upset about local conditions. During protests, we saw concerning trends of drastic organization. We saw pallets of bricks being dropped off at locations where protests would be happening. As arrests were being made it became clear that many of the protestors were from out of town.

Across American campuses, similar tactics are at play again. It reminds us that behind masks and protests, there are often more sinister forces pretending to be concerned citizens. I believe these groups are continuing to grow, and we may see even more militant and violent behavior come fall.

In light of this reality, preparation shouldn’t just be a strategy, but a way of life. As tensions mount and the unexpected becomes the norm, fortifying your home is crucial for facing any crisis. With insights from A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide, you can transform your residence into a self-sufficient fortress. From food stockpiling to innovative water storage techniques, this guide equips you with the necessary tools to stay safe and secure at home, no matter how long it takes for normalcy to return.

Police Response to Civil Unrest is Militaristic

Civil Unrest Myths You Need to Stop BelievingWhen the police are lined up arm to arm with body armor, helmets, face shields, and riot shields, it’s easy to look at them and see a militaristic force of oppression.

But remember what we talked about in terms of how outnumbered the police are. Imagine if the police didn’t wear helmets to riots and violent protests.

There is a very real HIVE mind that takes over people in groups. A riot grows a mind of its own and most often this mind works outside the confines of the law.

While seeing armored police might make you nervous, remember, they are all that stands between us and total chaos.

There are No Limits to Free Speech at a Protest

Our seemingly selective justice system has Americans confused. Since we prosecute different types of civil unrest differently depending on a lot of circumstances, the lines of what you can and can’t get away with are getting blurry.

You cannot insight a riot in the United States. You cannot participate in or promote disorderly conduct. Now, that might sound crazy when you realize that disorderly conduct can be obstructing traffic, and we have all seen those videos.

Related: The Desperate Measures the Government Is Secretly Resorting To

However, disturbing the peace is real and while we don’t see many people charged for these types of crimes lately, they are punishments that our system can take advantage of.

You Are Safe to Use Self Defense During Civil Unrest

Civil Unrest Myths You Need to Stop BelievingThe name Daniel Perry might sound familiar to you.

During the BLM protests in Austin Daniel was driving an Uber route when he turned the corner onto a street where an active protest was taking place.

His car was hit with items and attacked.

Eventually, as he slowly moved through the protest in his vehicle, he was confronted by Garrett Foster who was holding an AK47, which was later found to be illegally possessed by another protestor.

Perry, claiming he acted in self-defense, shot Garret dead.  . In 2023 Perry was sentenced to 25 YEARS IN PRISON for what the court ruled as an unlawful killing. . It was later that Texas Governor Greg Abbott urged the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles  to give Perry a full pardon.

You might not be so lucky! Of course, if it’s life and death then we have little by way of options.

Major Civil Unrest Leads to Martial Law

A favorite topic of preppers is the establishment of Martial Law following civil unrest or some serious disaster. After a long period of civil unrest people might even welcome the order of Martial Law in their streets.

⇒ The First States That Will Go Down During Civil Unrest Do You Live in the Red Zone?

Martial Law can only be sustained in so many places and for only a limited amount of time. During COVID-19 we got a whisper of what Martial Law could look like in our nation. However, it was very clear that many areas in counties and more rural areas just didn’t have the manpower to lock people down. In a National Martial Law situation, the cities will once again suffer.

Civil unrest is going to play a major role in the future of America and likely the world. Everything is changing and between politics and technology alone, we have at least a few decades worth of things to hash out. Assuming we get a few decades to stand in the streets and hold up signs.

Never underestimate the fact that we could wipe ourselves out at any moment. I hear France is considering putting troops on the ground in Ukraine. That should go over well in the eyes of the nation that owns the most nuclear weapons in the world.

If you live in a densely populated area, get used to people in the streets. You can either move away or deal with what is happening. No matter what choice you make you should be prepared and understand the truth about how out of control and dangerous civil unrest can be.

When urban centers descend into chaos, seeking refuge in the wilderness could be the only option. But surviving in the wild isn’t just about basic skills—it’s about knowing how to live off the land long-term.

That’s why I rely on this guide. This isn’t your typical survival manual; it’s a practical tool that teaches you the  forgotten wisdom of our ancestors who didn’t just survive in the wild – they thrived there. So, when you need to head for the hills, make sure this handbook is in your backpack; it could be your lifeline in uncertain times.

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