September 19, 2024

Ben-Gvir and one of his ministers visit the Temple Mount

(Photo: Arnon Segal)

Ben-Gvir, who is in charge of the police, has called several times in the past to allow all Jews to pray at Temple Mount freely without restrictions. During his visit on Tisha B’Av he announced from the site: “Our policy is to allow prayer.” After that visit, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu disavowed Ben-Gvir’s statement and ensured the status quo is being adhered to on the Temple Mount.

Netanyahu said in a statement that: “It is the Government and the Prime Minister who determine policy on the Temple Mount. There is no private policy of any minister – not the National Security Minister or any other minister – on the Temple Mount. Thus it has been under all governments of Israel. This morning’s incident on the Temple Mount deviated from the status quo. Israel’s policy on the Temple Mount has not changed; this is how it has been and this is how it will be.”

The police stated in response: “The Israel Police works to secure and enable visits by tourists and Israelis to the place every day, during the accepted visiting hours and days. Deviations from the visiting rules and any attempt to violate the public order in the place are dealt with accordingly.”