September 19, 2024

We already make our own deodorant and laundry detergent so thought adding homemade toothpaste to the mix was a good idea.

With all the chemicals store bought toothpaste brands have, I love the idea of doing away with it. Of course flouride was a concern, but I did some research and found we get enough without needing it in our toothpaste.

We get what we need in our drinking water since it is treated where we live.

My dentist also said that the flouride treatment we get at their office twice a year is good enough as well.

After some trial and error, below is the DIY toothpaste recipe we now use and love. Of course you can customize it to your liking. Some readers mentioned using less salt – others have added some drops of fruity oils to mix flavors.

diy toothpaste recipe

  • 6 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 6 tablespoons baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 10-15 drops of peppermint or spearmint extract or essential oil
  • 1 package of powdered Stevia (optional)

Mix all ingredients together and store in a jar.

Above 75 degrees, this will be solid paste that you can use a spoon to place onto your brush.

Below 75, this will be a very soft paste that you can dip your clean fingers or your brush into.

I also add a few drops of tea tree oil to my own personal toothpaste. Because I have a history of gum disease, the oil acts as a microbial to help provide an additional level of clean.

For the salt, I like to run it through a spice grinder to make it a bit smaller and less gritty.

If you feel that your gums or your mouth is beginning to get a little raw after use, add more coconut oil to cut down on the ratio of oil to baking soda and salt. Or make a new batch and leave out the soda all together. You want to clean your teeth, but you don’t want to damage your mouth, and some folks have a bigger sensitivity to it than others.

There are so many different versions of homemade toothpaste. Do you make your own? Share your recipe here!