October 27, 2024

There are many reasons our nation could be thrust into some form of Civil chaos over the next 6 months.

I think it’s safe to say that having a bare minimum of 3 months’ worth of preps from November to January would just be wise.

However, the problems and the conditions that have led us to this point are much deeper than the political.

In short, we are being attacked on all sides and we have no idea how to handle it. Like a cornered animal, it seems America is more ready than ever to lash out.

The Assassination Attempt Changes Everything

Not since 1981 has a president of the United States been shot in an assassination attempt. Despite a growing division in our nation and even civil unrest in the streets, we have not seen violence taken to this level.

Why a Civil War Is Now More Probable Than Ever

We have seen protests outside of politicians homes and even Supreme Court Justices’ but assassination has been off the table. All that has changed now.

The very climate of the nation has changed drastically. We can only hope that this does not become a violent pendulum that swings both ways.

The Most Important Symptom

Thanks to the rise of things like social media and now AI our enemies can easily create fake accounts, fake posts, fake pictures, and even fake videos that put Americans at each other’s throats.

The average person not having the time to vet and verify everything they see just gets mad at their neighbor for being on the opposite side of the political spectrum or having a different set of beliefs.

This is propaganda direct from the enemy and is designed to thrust our nation into civil war. Of course, there are people here at home inciting social media rage on a daily basis that helps feed this beast.

Incompetence at Every Level

Why a Civil War Is Now More Probable Than EverThe high-level incompetence that has been allowed to pour into every level of our government and, even some of the biggest corporations in the US, is breeding a level of distrust that has never been seen in our country before.

What government agency do you trust to do right by you, or even to tell you the truth?

This is the atmosphere required for people to start considering the wholesale turnover of governments and even borders! There are counties in Oregon that are already in the process of taking steps to secession and joining the state of Idaho! (source)

Thinning Ranks for Law & Order

Our police and first responders have still not recovered from what happened to them in 2020. The attack on police and its reverberations have made it very hard to keep the amounts of officers necessary for effective policing in many cities.

For political and physical health reasons our military is beset by the same kinds of struggles as our first responders. Much of the population is overweight and out of shape but also unwilling to take on these incredibly difficult tasks. Whether it be policing their fellow Americans or shuttling off to wars that have not been voted on by Congress.

Why a Civil War Is Now More Probable Than EverIt is clear that the very worst elements of this nation, and others, realize this. This level of lawlessness causes citizens to take up arms in unprecedented numbers.

With record gun purchases sweeping the nation.

Who is there to stop the warring sides from having it out on the American streets?

The First States That Will Go Down During a Civil War. Do You Live in the Red Zone?

Politicians, Media Outlets, and Leadership’s INABILITY to Apologize

This might seem like a small thing, but I ask when the last time you remembered a serious, primetime apology coming from one of the above-mentioned. We are still holding on to this ridiculous idea that if you are wrong then you are irrelevant.

Which has given way to a mainstream media that is wrong all the time but lies about it and surrounds itself with experts who parrot their causes. They go as far as employing fact checkers but never do they stand up and say that their stories have caused destruction, censorship, and even death.

There are mornings when my mind is totally enveloped in the idea of what the world could be if the most influential people in our society just started apologizing for their mistakes and making real changes to rectify them.

This is a problem on all sides that reaches from the oval office to the average American dinner table.

What Would Civil War Look Like in the US

Why a Civil War Is Now More Probable Than EverThe Mason-Dixon line was a clear delineation between warring sides in the first Civil War.

Today, our nation is far too diverse to simply draw a line and say, “Everyone on this side kill everyone on that side.”

The issues are different, too.

So, what would a civil war look like in today’s United States? Pockets of terrorism and warfare. Think about the Proud Boys fighting Antifa but on a larger scale, with firearms, and too few riot police to do anything about it.

These fights would likely turn into turf wars at first until they eventually bled into local politics. The next civil war will look like gang warfare but one of those gangs will be the people who just want to live a normal life but have to battle with other warring factions.

As civil unrest looms and the threat of home invasions increases, it’s more crucial than ever to ensure your family’s safety. In these uncertain times, having a plan is important.

That’s why I recommend the Special Forces Home Defense Academy. It’s not just about basic security measures; it’s about learning effective strategies to protect your life, family and property, from a Green Beret who’s been in the thick of it.

This guide covers everything from building backyard looter traps to securing your garage doors with simple zip ties. It’s the kind of practical, hands-on knowledge that can make all the difference when the situation gets tough. So, as you prepare to protect your home and loved ones, make sure this academy is part of your plan. It could be the game-changer you need when everything else goes sideways.

It’s an all-hands-on-deck moment for unity in this country. At this point we have all been wounded by the culture war, the social media propaganda from both sides, and the outside agitators who are looking to push America into greater conflict with one another.

Over the years I have challenged you to do many things. From prepper fitness to building off grid projects in your backyard to survive a time when the electrical grid fails. What I am asking of you now could be the most challenging of them all. It also might be the last chess move we have.

I am asking you to forgive. If we can bushwhack our egos and worry less about being right and more about the future of our country, then we have a chance. However, it all starts with forgiveness on all sides. Can you find the will to forgive those who have been wrong and told you that you were wrong?

Find the will for the sake of the nation and the world.

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