October 26, 2024

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Unexpected traffic on the interstate or a longer than expected meal at a diner will prevent you from reaching your destination. It’s getting late, and all you want is to settle down and relax for the night.

You might think that spying on a Walmart parking lot would be acceptable.

When planning an RV road trip, knowing the best practices for RV parking at Walmart can make your overnight stays more convenient and secure.

Can You Camp At Walmart?

In short, the answer is yes and no. Here’s the thing: Walmart has over 5000 stores in the US alone. That’s a lot of parking spaces, which are ideal and convenient for overnight stays.

In many of these locations, RVers are welcome to stay overnight. In fact, Walmart actively promotes this on its website.

Walmart values RV travelers and considers them among our best customers. Consequently, we do permit RV parking on our store parking lots as we are able.

However, there is a caveat. While the company does not forbid it, it’s actually up to the individual store manager to decide whether or not they allow camping.

So, if the store manager spends every free weekend out in their RV, you’re probably in luck. However, it’s important to note that the problem extends beyond Walmart and the manager alone.

Some cities have ordinances that forbid vehicles from being in parking lots overnight. Therefore, it is crucial to verify the permission from the appropriate authority.

Just because the store manager says it’s fine doesn’t prevent an eager police officer from presenting you with a ticket.

How Do I Check Which Walmart Allows Camping?

Once you know that the city allows overnight parking in lots, it’s time to check the store. There are a couple of ways to do this.

Firstly, if you’re out on the road and see a Walmart that’s suitable, park up, shoot into the store, and ask to speak to the manager. The manager will directly inform you about the permit status for camping.

If nothing else, this is excellent etiquette, and I would recommend at least saying hello to the manager, even if you know parking is permitted.

Secondly, there are a couple of useful websites that indicate which Walmarts are suitable for camping.

The Walmart Locator provides an excellent directory of stores that prohibit overnight stays. Conversely, Allstays lists those that do allow camping.

That being said, a recent change in the store manager, company policy, or local laws could mean that these directories may not be completely up-to-date. So, to be sure, it’s always wise to check directly with the store itself.

Why Might Walmart Prohibit Camping?

Remember this: Walmart allows our campers to stay there out of their own generosity.

There could be some argument that it’s not entirely altruistic; I’m sure RVers generate quite a substantial amount of income.

However, ultimately, as a listed company responsible to the shareholders, it’s a retail business—not a trailer park.

They have no obligation whatsoever to provide overnight camping. They may be reluctant to allow campers to use their land for various reasons.

  • The litterbug campers give the rest of us a bad name.
  • City laws or directives.
  • Lack of space: RVs can take up many spots.
  • Location: Nearby residents may not approve of a trailer park on their doorstep.
  • Shameless campers take up residence in the parking lot for extended periods.

It’s understandable that not all Walmart stores want RVs parked in their lots overnight.

However, when they do, behave politely and adhere to the etiquette detailed later in this post. More stores will be available to us if you camp better, we will have more stores available.

Pros And Cons Of Camping At Walmart

Boondocking, also known as parking lot camping, is not for everyone. Here’s a brief rundown of the benefits and disadvantages:


  • It’s cheap; in fact, it’s free. That’s the best camping deal you’re ever going to get.
  • Convenient: You have a supermarket on your doorstep.
  • Locations: With over 5000 stores across the US, you’re never far away from a Walmart.
  • It’s an adventure; if you’re worn out of trees and lakes, a parking lot makes for a change of scenery.


  • Despite it being a change from the norm, it’s not very picturesque.
  • Concerns over crime and security.
  • There is no access to electricity, water, or dumps.
  • Depending on the location, it can be noisy.
  • The high traffic is not ideal for children.
  • It is terrible for outdoor grilling or entertainment.

Is Camping At Walmart Safe?

One of the cons mentioned above is criminality, so keep that in mind when staying at Walmart.

Police officers visited one Walmart store more than 5,000 times over a five-year period. This may be an exception, but choosing Walmart stores wisely is advisable.

First, use some common sense. If you pull into a Walmart parking lot and you see empty alcohol bottles lying around, unsavory types loitering, or a nearby dodgy bar, it’s probably best to steer clear and find somewhere else for the evening.

Second, if you’re planning a Walmart overnighter, make sure to inspect the area beforehand. If you head over to city-data.com, you can type in a Walmart location and check crime rates before your stay.

Finally, take precautions if you sleep in the parking lot. Ensure that you lock all doors and windows, leave nothing outside, and devise a plan in the unlikely event of an intruder encounter.

Tips For Camping At Walmart

By following the suggestions below, you can make your Walmart camping experience as successful as possible.

1. Take A Generator

Once you park, there’s little chance of having access to electricity. So, if you want to turn on your enormous LCD TV, you’re going to need a generator.

However, bear in mind that these generators can be a bit noisy. At the very least, select one of the quiet runners to prevent annoyance to fellow campers, Walmart customers, and local residents.

Additionally, do not run the generator throughout the night. You could have some irate people knocking on your trailer door in the morning.

3. Remember The Water

Naturally, you’ve parked next to a supermarket brimming with water. However, getting a five-gallon bottle tipped into your tank isn’t that easy.

Parking lots don’t usually provide water for filling RVs, so ensure you have ample supply before you pull up. What goes in must also come out.

There won’t be any facilities for dumping gray or black water, so you will need to make alternative arrangements.

RVDumps.com is a useful tool that lists stations across the USA where you can leave this waste.

3. Be Gracious To The Store

You’re basically enjoying a trailer park for free. So give something back—use the store for your supplies.

A nice way to do this is to introduce yourself to the store manager, ask for his or her permission to stay, say thanks, and indicate that you’ll shop for your groceries and supplies in the store.

4. Remain In Your RV

They have granted you a parking spot, but not the entire recreation ground. Don’t take liberties in the outside areas. This includes:

  • Expanding your 18-foot awning.
  • Use your slide-outs.
  • Sunbathing in the parking lot.
  • Start the grill or utilize the outdoor kitchen.
  • To enjoy playing football, or any other sport for that matter.

5. Consider Others At All Times

Just because you’re away from home and having a fantastic time, others around you may be going about their daily business.

Take care that your actions have minimal effect on others, whether they are your camping comrades or just local residents. Remember to:

  • Leave no trash behind.
  • On a leash, keep any pets with you on the journey.
  • Clean up any natural pet calls.
  • Dress suitably for a parking lot; it isn’t a beach.
  • Only stay for one night.
  • Keep music and general noise to a minimum.

6. Arrive In The Evening, Leave In The Morning

To cause minimum disruption to the store and its customers, try to arrive as late as possible in the day and leave early in the morning—after cleaning up, of course.

This way, hardly anyone will notice you’ve been there.


Camping in a Walmart parking lot is cheap, easy, and very convenient. Always ensure that your chosen store allows overnight stays.

Following the aforementioned advice will not only make your experience enjoyable, but it will also support Walmart’s decision to permit overnight campers.

Thus, others will also be able to enjoy the facility, which gives it a favorable name for outdoor enthusiasts.