September 29, 2024

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.)

‘Rise of Extremism’

Liberals are using a Bulls Eye target to identify those they define as ‘Extremist.’ At the center of the target is Donald Trump, the Alpha Male of the Ultramaga animals. Around him are his former assistants that liberals are trying to eliminate with ‘lawfare’: Guiliani, Bannon, Stone, Navarro, etc. Then come the now incarcerated J6 invaders, and finally comes all 85 million Ultramagas that infest America. Now it is open season for every animal shown on the target, using everything available to quickly eliminate them before the November 2024 election.

A recent article by Media Research Center’s Joseph Vasquez was written “decrying the rise of extremism and violent attempts to overthrow democratic governments,” the letter referenced the ‘Big Lie’ as it demanded a return to previously debunked ‘election-integrity policies.’ Now, the billionaire-funded Free Press “is looking to incorporate global pressure to push Big Tech platforms to re-juice their censorship operations before the 2024 U.S. presidential election.” Vazquez wrote, “However, it appears that its true design is to pressure Big Tech companies to permanently silence speech the left despises. This development is directly in line with Soros’ brand, who has dedicated millions of his ungodly fortune to groups looking to interfere in elections by stifling online speech,” added the associate editor.

How to fight it? We need to show that they are the extremists, always wanting something new and flashy to stimulate their bored brains while Conservatives are trying to preserve what is good and works in our history. And more than willing to make corrections to those ideas that did not work or were immoral.


When Liberals talk about equity in criminal justice, they are really saying that they will use the law, their liberal judges, and their liberal jurisdictions against you to the point that you give up and accede to their demands. Afterward, conservatives will become tentative and likely never cross them again. One of the best examples of this is the Jan 6th riot versus the BLM/Antifa riots. I ask you, which riots had Billion-dollar property damage? Which riots resulted in significant deaths and injuries? We know the answer: BLM. And which protests resulted in thousands of arrests, inordinate trial waits, and inordinately long sentences? We know the answer: J6.

And which cases were brought before liberal judges and adjudicated by liberal jurisdictions? All of them, resulting in BLM defendants being freed or lightly sentenced, and J6 defendants being summarily found guilty and heavily sentenced. This is “equity” to the liberals of today.

Of course, another great example is all the charges being placed against President Trump.

A more insidious example is the recent creation of “Administrative Law Judges.” According to a Cornell Law School definition, ALJs are “executive judges for official and unofficial hearings of administrative disputes in the federal government.” These judges are recruited, hired, and managed by the Executive Branch of the federal government. Effectively, they deprive defendants of the right to a jury, of burdens of proof, and to having an unbiased judge. What do they make a judgment on? Why all the mass of Executive Orders that are now being created to bypass Congress. So effectively, they have consolidated the power of all three branches of federal government into the executive branch.

Again, we, as SurvivalBlog readers, need to describe the demographics of where these court cases are being adjudicated [see “Trump is a Felon”, above], and thereby prove how constitutionally illegal and unfair these lawfare cases are.

‘Follow the Science’

Just an academic way to force you to bow to their latest kooky ideas, such as Climate Change, Pandemic scares, Gender Fluidity, Abortion, Evolution, etc.

Eddie Scarry, in his 2022 book, explained that the COVID 19 pandemic revealed a frightening side of the left, one that saw them worship bureaucrats with prayer candles while calling for the unvaccinated to be locked up. Scarry wrote:

“Nothing quite revealed what absolutely horrific human beings that liberals could be quite like the COVID pandemic. The annoying things they’ve always done—nag, whine, lecture, tattle—came with the most precious gift with the 2020 election: the backing, approval, and moral authority of the state, as it’s conceived in the left’s mind. With the sanction of the government to insert themselves in everyone else’s business, liberals felt free to pole vault atop the highest soapbox and reign down their most wretched sanctimony—all in the name of Science.”

Lately, in Congressional testimony, the former Director of NIH, Dr. Francis Collins, testified that there was no scientific data behind six-foot space limits or the wearing of paper masks, as demanded by Dr. Fauci. Unfortunately, the mask the CDC required us to wear during COVID has now morphed into two different unintended consequences: as a psychological security blanky for many young Americans and to hide deception and illegality for many liberal rioters (see below).

How to counteract this? You need to understand the 5-step Scientific Method and show that much of “science” is still unsettled and always changing as new information is discovered. This is especially true of the ‘social sciences’ which liberals so much love.

‘Peaceful Demonstration’

Liberals have separated their type of demonstrations into ‘mostly peaceful’ while Conservative demonstrations are ‘downright evil and less than human.’ You cannot have organized demonstrations without someone paying for the leaders/tents/placards/food/etc. Park MacDougald has some answers in his Tablet article “The People Setting America on Fire.” Mr. MacDougald isolates, as have others, three groups as the principal organizers of the protests—Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), and Within Our Lifetime (WOL).

Who is behind these three groups? Mr. MacDougald has interesting details of the various cutouts, but it comes down to many of the “usual suspects”—the Rockefeller Foundation, George Soros in his various guises, and, to a great degree, the Tides Foundation. The author has this to say about Tides:

“Tides, you might have noticed, is a name that keeps coming up again and again. The Tides Nexus, of which the Tides Foundation is a part, is one of largest progressive dark-money networks in the country, controlling upward of a billion in assets; its list of major donors is an all-star cast of left-wing billionaires and foundations, including Soros, Peter Buffett and his NoVo Foundation, eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Ford Foundation, and the New Venture Fund, controlled by another Democratic dark-money powerhouse, Eric Kessler’s Arabella Advisors. A pioneer of what critics have called ‘charitable money laundering’ using fiscal sponsorships to obscure money trails through multiple layers of bureaucracy, Tides, through its donations and fiscal sponsorships, has emerged as a major backer of the anti-Israel protest movement across the country.”

Now comes Black Lives Matter (BLM) into the fray. They have recently sued the Tides Foundation, alleging Tides is diverting funds given to BLM and moving them to the newest craze; pro-Palestine riots. What was it that Sir Walter Scott wrote? “What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.”

How to counter this? Describe the differences above of well-known events that show their hypocrisy and describe the dark money used to fund these riots. And in the long term, we need to prepare for significant riots to spread across America, especially if President Trump wins in November or, just as likely, they justify canceling the elections.


Equity is just a clever way to dress up Communism. Instead of raising everyone up racially, socially, and economically, Equity is designed to bring down the middle class, replace meritocracy with victimhood, and reduce the citizenship of white men and Asians.

How to fight this? They still love Dr. Martin Luther King so learn his words and be prepared to show the difference between the Equality that he stood for and what Equity means. Long term, if you are a white male or other Ultramaga, make preparations now to lose your job over the next few years, especially if liberals remain in control.

‘It’s my Body’

The “It’s my body” and later “My Body, My Choice” mantras used to be all about teen/pre-teen girls wanting to wear makeup and nail polish. Then it moved to tattoos and abortion. Now it is about twenty/thirty-something blue-haired teachers convincing their 4th-to-9th-grade students that they really belong to the schools, not their parents. The teacher has all the social answers to the angst they feel as they go through puberty and it is okay to want to change your sex. One of the horrible results of this thinking is that the suicide rate of transgenders has been recorded as six times greater than the general public.

How to counteract this? This is where you must make a decision to either get involved in public school politics or remove your children from public schools and move to Christian schools or home-schooling. This is where grandparents can make a huge difference in the future of America. Kids have a natural love for their grandparents and they look to them for wisdom and guidance. You can prepare them for adulthood by taking them to museums and parks and there explain the true history of America and our Judeo-Christian foundations. You can volunteer to be a part-time homeschool teacher. Anything you can think of, just get involved in the most important treasure America has; its future generations.

‘Hate Speech’

Hate Speech laws are really a legal war on Judeo-Christian principles and worldview. Their goal is to destroy Christianity in America. If you want to know more about this, read David Horowitz’s new book Dark Agenda. But just as insidious is their unreasonable hatred for God’s Chosen People: the Jews. Any time you see protests and rules created specifically for or against Israel or Jews, then know that it is really a diabolical agreement with satanic forces. As this year continues, we will see more and more hate spewed out towards those that liberals consider hateful. Similar to using fire to fight fire, liberals will be using hate to fight what they consider hate. And the most hateful in their mind are these pesky Ultramagas.

How to fight this? Hate can only be overcome with love. But not a milk toast kind of love, rather confidently speaking truth in love. This means knowing your Bible and being able to express it without showing hatred towards the liberals. Remember, God only placed a veil over their eyes but the evil adversary has totally captured them and blinded their eyes to the truth. We must use the power of prayer and the Holy Spirit to open their eyes and ears and speak the sword of truth while we still can. God Bless!