July 2, 2024

The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.
Proverbs 22:3

Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
1 Timothy 5:8

Blessed be the Lord my rock who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle.
Psalms 144:1

In this article, I am completing my previous arguments regarding martial virtue via melee weapons in a WROL, TEOTWAWKI, Mad Max scenario, through detailing the manly qualities need for survival in such times. [1] The evidence for such a collapse is I think much greater than many survivalists believe. [2] The prospects of a collapse of techno-industrial civilisation from the converging and compounding catastrophes [3], leading to a great die off of the bulk of humanity and the coming of a new Dark Age, is not to be discounted. Nor should be the hyper-violence that will arise as unprepared starving people will, obviously enough, not go into the darkest of nights, quietly. [4] Indeed, as Mr. Rawles observed back in 2006, almost a golden year relative to the violence and chaos that is being observed in cities across the West now, “In a situation where law enforcement is non-existent, I am certain that the vast majority of people will have no compunctions to take what they want, and that good portion of them will kill without hesitation.” [5]

Previously I discussed how an EMP event, along the lines of a Carrington event and beyond via a mega-solar storm, or by nuclear attack, could result in a die-off of 90 percent of a population. There are other scenarios of a rapid collapse though. Fear is being generated now about bird flu H5N1, killing one in four people, with no doubt a gain-of-function version being tossed out the back of a bioweapons lab, as with Covid-19: see YouTube, The Angry Prepper, “This is going to Get Bad.” Gain-of-function genetic engineering experiments to increase the lethality of bird flu are being conducted in labs right now, including communist China by the folk who gave us Covid,

There is speculation from a highly qualified minority, if not heretics, within the anti-vax camp, that the present excess mortality being observed across the globe, is a product of the adverse effects of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine, and it will get worse. Professor Dr. Dolores Cahill, Professor of Translational Science at Conway Institute at the University College Dublin’s (UCD) School of Medicine, has predicted that everyone who has been vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots “will die within 3 to 5 years, even if they have had only one injection”. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, Belgian virologist, has also warned that there will be a “massive tsunami” of deaths, a “huge, huge wave,” which “will bring down the financial, economic and social order,” or in other words, collapse. According to Dr. Bossche, “What I am predicting is a massive, massive tsunami” of illness and death “among highly-vaccinated populations with compromised immune systems.” Bossche said:
“You will see what will happen, for example, in the next coming weeks … is more and more cases of more serious long Covid” … “They will start to replace the surge of the cancers … now we have a more chronic phase. “It will end with a hyper-acute phase, a huge, huge wave… “I’ve been studying this now for four years. “I know what I’m talking about,” Bossche asserted. “The thing I want your audience to understand, what we will be facing in the hyper-acute Covid crisis that is imminent, is that we will have to build a completely new world…” “It is very, very clear that when this starts, our hospitals will collapse. “And that means the chaos in all kinds of layers of society — financial, economic, social, you name it — will be complete.” “And that is what I’m very clearly predicting… “It’s very strange for me to make such statements, but I’m not hiding it because I’m two hundred percent convinced that it will happen”.

These are the most extreme vax pessimists, but other medical professionals such as Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone believe that the wave of Covid mRNA vaccine deaths and injuries has not yet peaked. At this time it is impossible to say who is correct, but the mantra of “safe and effective” is taking a hit now, even from conventional sources, with more peer-reviewed medical journals reporting on adverse effects of the vaccines, from cardiovascular events, to neurological events/prion disease, and even abdominal blood clotting. Turbo charged cancers, that are often in stage four when even detected, are being reported, and increasingly among the young: Dr. William Makis. If the Cahill/Bossche view is correct, in whole or in part, social collapse will occur, if not a Mad Max scenario, as the technicians who hold techno-industrial society, are highly vaxxed and true believers in the cult of the syringe, and it is these people who are holding society together at present. And nothing prevents the perfect storm of more than one doomsday event occurring simultaneously, such as the Covid vax die off, plus lab released H5N1, plus a hyper-Carrington event. This would truly be a bad day.

Given this situation, I will focus upon the role of traditional manliness in such as collapsed situation. Even if one does not believe that the coming breakdown will be that severe, it is an interesting thought experiment to consider some ethical and philosophical issues, that have appeared at SurvivalBlog, but which require further discussion. I will contend that the Great collapse will necessitate a return of the “John Wayne” man, characterised by the warrior virtues, to be described. I will then deal with some moral dilemmas that will face Christians, and others in such a collapse. But first, a return to the present.

Man or Bear? Feminists Choose the Bear!

At least since the 1960s there has been a concentrated attack upon the traditional conception of manliness that has characterised human societies for the previous duration of human existence, and which is still the norm outside of the West, as in Africa. [6] The feminist movement came early to regard such a conception of manliness as concentrated “toxic masculinity,” and a key part of the alleged oppressive patriarchal culture. Along with the nuclear family, this had to go, and the long march through the institutions and culture was actually rather fast, with the legal system, and education system being reformed to stamp out any sign of traditional manliness, at least among the ordinary population, although this quality was still need in state security forces to protect the elites. [7]

The situation now has got to the theater of the absurd level of the deconstruction of sexual identity itself, with the transgender agenda taking the feminist critique to its illogical conclusion. Thus, “what is a woman,” for the liberal left establishment has no easy answer, because these categories presuppose “binary” concepts of “male” and “female” which they reject. [8] As illustrated by the trans “women” in women’s sports debate, a born biological male, could with suitable altered testosterone levels, and ideology and lipstick, compete in women’s sports, and there have been notable examples of this, from swimming to weight lifting and even mixed martial arts. Or, in some cases there are no physiological changes at all, and it is just a matter of believing that one is a woman. This has led to some second and third generation feminists such as author J. K. Rowling coming out against the trans agenda, only to face the onslaught of the woke, as well as the possibility of prosecution under Scotland’s new anti-hate laws, designed to protect the trans. Thus, we are seeing older feminists get attacked by the new wave of postmodern deconstructionist types, clearly an example of the children of the revolution eating the parents.

While one could write many books about this aspect of the decay of Western civilization, perhaps a personal example will illustrate where we are at. A friend’s son, Adam, studied artificial intelligence and one of his study buddies was a female (not a trans), Evonne. He helped her get through the course. They were not romantically involved. It happened that Adam got a job at a local AI firm, as did Evonne. This was just before last Christmas. The firm had a Christmas party at a local restaurant, and supplied the food and drink. Evonne sat next to Adam. Adam had two wines, but Evonne did not drink. Nothing much happened until two weeks ago, when Adam found he had to answer a disciplinary charge, that could lead to sacking. It was alleged that he had tipped wine, in full sight of Evonne, into her drinking glass. At the hearing for evidence gathering, Adam said that he tipped wine for her into a wine glass, not the drinking glass. As she was aware of the action, whatever it was, there was no drink spiking, it was just horseplay, and that there was no legal offence committed. But now there will be a hearing before a gathering of the woke, and it could lead to the end of a young career, as Adam will get black banned however this goes in the present “believe women” culture. If a woman did the same thing to a man, you can bet nothing would have happened.

Another example of social decay, perhaps amusing, is the event that happened in the last social media manic cycle, of the great man versus bear debate. On the communist Chinese spy social media, TikTok, apparently filmed in Australia, young women were asked whether they would rather be alone in the forest with a bear or a man. The vast majority opted for the bear, saying that bears are not likely to attack and will run away from their feminist go-girl might, we suppose. The probability of a man attacking was greater, as all men are rapists, we also suppose. But bears don’t rape women, and “the bear sees me as a human being,” were the typical sort of responses given, the usual victimization from people who have the most comfortable lifestyles human history. The question even received attention from academic feminists, with one arguing that “bears do not contribute to or uphold systematic sexism and misogyny, but most men do.” [9] And other feminist nonsense.

Applying a bit of male logic and mathematics here, it is true that the probability of a black or grizzly bear attack is relatively small, and with care most bear attacks can be avoided. But the probability of an attack by a polar bear, especially a hungry one is a little higher (three attacks in the world per year. However, as the two reference classes differ, that of bears and people, it is not statistically sound to draw the inferences that the feminists do, without qualifications, which are not given about the sample spaces used. It is thus a variation of the old “cows are more dangerous than sharks,” idea, which is true only because, few people are around sharks, but more people are around cows. Yet, the probability of being injured by a specific cow, Daisy, might be quite low, while not so for a given shark, Biden. The dangerous animal could be varied to counter the objection that the shark may not attack, such as a lion, hippo, crocodile, or a dog with rabies, to raise the probabilities.

As pointed out by Tyler Durden, by this “logic” if women are safer around bears than men, then given statistics on female violence against men, men are safer around bears too! [10] And, while a bear may tear you apart, at least a bear does not nag and whinge you to death! And, if reality TV survival shows are any guide of what urbanite modern liberal Left women are made of, we see most of them doing poorly in the woods without male support, and when it comes to facing a bear, my guess is that the mRNA spike proteins in their liberal Leftist hearts from the sacred vax, will suddenly decide to blow a cardiac fuse or two. They will be wishing to have a strong male to protect them, when push comes to shove with tooth and claw. That brings us to the main topic here, manhood and manliness.

(To be concluded tomorrow, in Part 2.)