September 28, 2024


There are deep state characters who are pulling the strings on the senile installed puppet in the Oval Office. That same man who reportedly received “the most votes in any presidential election.” Yes, that installed President.

“Ultra MAGA” is a term now utilized by the Antichrist principled in power to further divide the US population. It is a group of people that are placed into a bucket to vilify by the Leftist media and the Biden administration. Last I thought, the President of the United States should unite a nation not call out to half the country as MAGA Republicans as evil Americans. This is sort of like Adolf Hitler speaking of Jews as lice. It will only get worse.

Kamala Harris has stated that January 6, 2021 was akin to the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. She also stated that the BLM riots needed to be ramped up. These rioters murdered police officers, torched shopping districts across America costing $100 billion dollars to repair, looted stores, throngs blocked traffic, and then harmed/harassed/assaulted common Americans, for “social justice.” Not one of these Leftist Rioters have seen the inside of a federal prison. However, the Grandmothers waving American flags, not touching a thing inside the Capitol building on January 6, AD 2021 are still in prison today and have seen solitary confinement.

On the other side of the coin, only Republicans go to prison and Democrats get off scot-free from crimes they have committed. Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Gen. Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, Allen Weisselberg (Trump’s corporate executive), and the entire host of January 6, 2021 election protestors at the US Capitol have all been sent to jail. President Donald J. Trump had his mug shot taken at the Fulton County Jail recently and currently has over 100 felony charges against him.

Whilst the alleged crimes of the Democrats go unpunished. The impeachment joke of Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas went nowhere according to Democratic senators. I find it odd that based on his name, he is allowed to secure our southern border with Mexico—now after three short years we have 8-million illegals inside America,. Many of those illegals do not represent what our national heritage represents. What a great way to change America into something the Founders’ didn’t espouse.

Then there are the entire host of Trump’s legal team including attorneys named in a lawsuit by Fulton County, Georgia DA Fani Willis. She is allowed to stay on the case as it has been proven by her own words under testimony that she allegedly committed perjury, extorted taxpayer funds, fornication / adultery, taking trips to tropical regions on governmental money and she appears to have committed more crimes than what she is prosecuting Donald Trump for. This will be allowed to go on as long as the Antichrist principled are in charge of our nation’s fate.

Then there are the three other lawsuits by Jack Smith of the FBI, Letisha James, DA of New York which just forced Trump to pay approximately $400,000,000 due to his accountants valuing Mar-a-largo (Trump’s Floridian golf resort) at just $ 18 million when an open parcel of land smaller and next to Mar-a-largo is on the real estate market for $100-million. And then there is the Alvin Brag case (another DA, In New York) for bringing felony charges, the first in New York’s history, for an account ledger error on titling a “legal expense” for an attorney fee in Trump’s organization.

And there was the raid by the FBI (orchestrated by DOJ’s finest—Mr. Garland) on Triump’s private residence Mar-a-Lago, and placing cover sheet placards marked “top secret” over certain documents that were not labeled top secret—to snap photos to frame Trump.

At about the same time, there was a tip-off to Joe Biden that his top secret documents stored in his Corvette in his garage, stored at his University of Delaware office, stored in his home office and a few other places, were going to be searched. However, there were entirely different FBI visits to these places — without dramatic raids. The FBI was escorted around by the Bidens or staff to carry only a few boxes of information off the premises.

We also know about the Hillary Clinton server in her basement holding top secret information—having been bit bleached with 30,000 e-mails, has been dismissed by FBI James Comey as “careless.” That the Biden’s peddling influence with China and Ukraine and have shell corporations set up funneling millions of dollars to family members including grandchildren will not be prosecuted. That the Biden administration doesn’t need to prove election results, and the American public needs to shut up and accept his win.

The Hunter Biden laptop was dismissed as misinformation and 55 members of the alphabet government agencies including from the FBI and CIA signed documents stating it was fraud—when they knew it wasn’t. Then the IRS overlooking Hunter Biden’s tax fraud.  And don’t forget Lois Lerner targeting conservative non-profits and now comfortably retired from the IRS. And you probably read about Christopher Wray (the current FBI director) having agents attend Catholic churches to spy on them.

Moreover, the FBI has targeted and murdered Republican voters and let go scot free Democrat voters. The Branch Davidians, the Weaver family at Ruby Ridge, Lavoy Fincium from the Bundy protest, Ricky Shiffer, and Ashli Babbitt on January 6, 2021, were all murdered for political reasons. All the while the rioting, looting, insurrection, and arson done by the Antichrist-principled goes unpunished by the FBI.

I can go on and on about “the premier law enforcement agency” dubbed the FBI and how they not only target Republican voters (including Catholic churches), imprison Republicans (January 6, 2021), and murder Republican voters (see previous paragraph), whilst overlooking the crimes and sins of the Democrats both in Congress and the voting electorate.

Sadly, have we too far gone? Is there going to be a hot war—a shooting war? Will there be only Lone Wolves that respond? Remember that the forming of teams (Proud Boys and 3-Percenters) were infiltrated by the FBI. Are they only allowing the Democrat voting pools to congregate and riot in the streets, and topple statues? It is only going to get worse for the Republican voter.

The book of Revelation is clear that the Great Commission ends with the rollout of the Mark of the Beast. Why would any of us Judeo-Christian principled Souls preach the saving grace of Christ to those whom have received this lake of fire damning economic mark (Revelation 13:16-18)? The book of Revelation is clear. Rest assured that there will need to be a massive fight to sustain life and the lives of your loved ones. The Bible is clear on this point. We will all have to fight in some capacity or else go to the guillotine at the end of times. The choice is yours.


Let me introduce a weapon of choice for the future Apocalypse safeguard. What if you could pull the trigger and only hear the mechanism clicking as if it was dry-fired, as the bullet goes downrange?

Here is a snapshot of an AR-15 platform. Incidentally, all my photos and recordings uploaded to the Internet are without cell phone metadata tags. These photos in this article are taken through a body cam and have no GPS tags or date/time stamps. If you construct this configuration and you use the right ammunition, then the only thing you hear when shooting is the trigger mechanism itself clicking. Yes, the gun is that quiet and I am going to teach how to construct one.

Remember that in today’s geopolitical world by not voting Democrat you are in fact not donning the mark of the Beast. It’s a matter of time before they come after all of us like they did President Trump and his Republican advisors. We must be vigilant to the trust granted by our Founding Fathers through the Second Amendment.


What this really means for us, the Judeo-Christian principled, is that one can eliminate a target from a well-hidden sniping position about 100 – 300 yards away by taking the shot and then be home for dinner that evening. No loud boom gives your position away. You eliminate the target and you walk or drive home.


The first thing I recommend is an AR-15 platform for a number of reasons. First, is that a suppressed .308 Winchester with subsonic ammo is not nearly as quiet as a suppressed 5.56mm with subsonic ammo.  The latter will be your greatest capacity for shooting “dead silent.” Granted, there is a tradeoff in effective range.

Second, I have had extensive combat training and I have practiced combat scenarios for many years. Carrying a 5.56 bolt action sniping rifle won’t work for close-quarters gun fights. So do not bring two rifles to your hide (one 5.56 bolt action sniping rifle and a 5.56 battle rifle). I will show you how to utilize both functions in one rifle.

(To be concluded tomorrow, in part 2.)