October 21, 2024

EUROPE could be gearing up to forge a bubble of nuclear protection from Russia made up of 300 French ballistic missiles.

French president Macron has suggested the submarine-launched warheads are fanned across the continent to shore up collective defence.

A French ballistic M51 missile - part of Macron's nuke weapons store


A French ballistic M51 missile – part of Macron’s nuke weapons store
Macron has suggested fanning French nukes across Europe for protection against Russia


Macron has suggested fanning French nukes across Europe for protection against RussiaCredit: Alamy
A Russian Yars intercontinental ballistic missile


A Russian Yars intercontinental ballistic missileCredit: Alamy


His offer followed a German minister urging the UK and France to forge a “nuclear shield” to deter Russia.

Leaders in Europe are worried about the ramifications of a possible Donald Trump win in the November presidential election.

And nuclear threats are coming out of Russia thick and fast as Putin’s illegal war in Ukraine drags on.

Macron said he wanted to open up conversations about “missile defence, long-range weapons and nuclear weapons” across Europe.

The French premier, who has been incredibly vocal about stepping up defence in the face of Putin, said we need a “credible European defence”.

The current US-led Nato alliance, he believes, does not offer enough protection.

France, he says, “is ready to contribute more to the defence of European soil,” independently from America, offering up the 300-ballistic and cruise missile store.

Trump warned just days ago that he will let Russia do “whatever the hell it wants” to Nato members who don’t step up in giving 2 per cent of their GDP to defence.

Most read in The Sun

German minister Lindner dubbed this: “a call to further rethink this element of European security under the umbrella of NATO”.

The UK and France are Europe’s primary nuclear powers and have independent control over their own significant weapons arsenals.

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But Russia’s nuclear stores dwarf their collective power, with the world’s most extensive and varied collection by a considerable amount.

Even the US has fewer nukes.


Just this weekend, one of Putin’s state TV propaganda puppets issued a fresh nuclear threat against the West.

Dmitry Kiselyov warned: “If NATO countries deploy their forces to Ukraine in order to deal strategic defeat to Russia, then that very moment will come of which Putin has spoken.

“In that case, we’ll send everything flying everywhere! Sarmat, Yars and Avangard missiles.

“American decision-making centres and launch sites on land and sea are already in our crosshairs.

“France, as a nuclear power, will have to be disarmed in an instant.

“The British isles will simply go underwater. We have the technologies for this.”

By referring to “American decision-making centres and launch sites”, Kiselyov was referencing bases across Europe in allied countries.

Just days ago Moscow warned that Nato’s nuclear weapons and facilities would be targeted if they are deployed in Poland.

Russia's most recent nuclear threat against Nato saw Poland dragged into the mix


Russia’s most recent nuclear threat against Nato saw Poland dragged into the mix
One of Putin's propaganda puppets issues another nuclear threat


One of Putin’s propaganda puppets issues another nuclear threat


Macron is suggesting France’s nuclear arsenal of submarine-launched ballistic missiles and air-launched cruise missiles are shared around the continent.

He urged: “French doctrine is that we can use [nuclear arms] when our vital interests are at stake … There is a European dimension in these vital interests.

“I am in favour of opening this debate, which must therefore include missile defence, long-range weapons and nuclear weapons for those who have them or who have American nuclear weapons on their soil.

“France will keep its specificity, but it is ready to contribute more to the defence of European soil.”

And last week he doubled down on a specifically European network of defence: “The European pillar of Nato that we are building is essential. But we should build a European defence framework.

“We have to … build a Europe able to show that it is never a vassal of the US.”


The French navy developed an impressive £4.2 billion submarine-launched ballistic missile, the M51 SLBM, likely the weapon Macron is referring to.

Each missile can carry six to ten thermonuclear warheads.

Like the formidable Trident, it uses a drag-reducing spike to shoot through the air.

They stretch 12 metres in length and are fuelled by an impressive three stage rocket.

Their estimated range is between 8,000 and 10,000 km.

Macron’s reference to other countries with US nuclear weapons on their soil was likely directed at Germany, home to American warheads.

Britain is also home to US nuclear tech, but is no longer part of the European Union (EU).

France, which has its own nuclear strike force, is the EU’s only nuclear power – i.e. possesses nuclear weapons not just reactors.


Nato secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg has warned that such a nuclear umbrella could divide Europe from North America.

In February he said: “Nato has a nuclear deterrent, and this has worked for decades.

“We should not do anything to undermine that.”

But as warnings continue to surface of war in Europe, leaders are worried about deterrence.

Germany’s Lindner, for example, also pointed to “collective security”.

Read More on The US Sun

He said: “The strategic nuclear forces of France and Great Britain are already making a contribution to the security of our alliance.

“The question is: under what political and financial conditions would Paris and London be prepared to maintain or expand their own strategic capabilities for collective security?”

NATO is headed for a nuclear showdown with the rest as Nato could be considering moving nukes to Putin’s doorstep.

Below is a timeline of some of the thinly veiled threats the Kremlin has made against the West since invading Ukraine two years ago.

Feb 24, 2022 – Vladimir Putin: “No matter who tries to stand in our way or all the more so create threats for our country and our people, they must know that Russia will respond immediately, and the consequences will be such as you have never seen in your entire history.”

March 26, 2022 – Putin crony Dmitry Medvedev: “We have a special document on nuclear deterrence. This document clearly indicates the grounds on which the Russian Federation is entitled to use nuclear weapons. … [This includes] when an act of aggression is committed against Russia and its allies.”

April 20, 2022 – Vladimir Putin: “[The new Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads] will force all who are trying to threaten our country in the heat of frenzied, aggressive rhetoric to think twice.”

Feb 29, 2024 – Vladimir Putin: “They must understand that we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory… All this really threatens a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons and the destruction of civilization. Don’t they get that?”

March 12, 2024 – Vladimir Putin declared that weapons like nukes “exist in order to use them”.

chilling nuclear war simulator has also revealed how a Russian nuclear strike could trigger a global conflict – killing 35 million people in just a matter of hours.

The model predicts a catastrophic war escalating from an initial Russian nuclear strike, which quickly draws in other powers.

Known as “Plan A”, the four-minute animation aims to highlight the horrific potential consequences of conflict between Russia and NATO countries as all nations would fire strikes against one another.

The model predicts that almost 35 million people would die within hours – many of those in the first 45 minutes.

The trigger-happy tyrant has even started talking about how he could deploy nukes in space, saying that Russia can be “proud” of its work on a “nuclear power plant… for operation in space”.

A bombshell warning from US intelligence in February suggested Vlad could be hoping to arm his existing anti-satellite weapon with nukes and launch it into space.

Last year, Putin was said to be readying a deadly 20,000mph “meteorite” hypersonic missile for combat.

Europe is worried about what a Trump win would mean for European security


Europe is worried about what a Trump win would mean for European securityCredit: Reuters
Russian despot Vladimir Putin has made repeated nuclear threats against the West


Russian despot Vladimir Putin has made repeated nuclear threats against the WestCredit: AP