October 19, 2024


Former President Donald Trump raised the specter of his possible spending time in jail in a social media post complete with his usual attacks on law enforcement and baseless claims that he is in some way a victim.

Trump is under 88 separate indictments ranging from alleged illegal hush money payments to an adult film actress to mishandling classified documents to defrauding the people of the United States over election results in 2020.

Trump has largely avoided publicly discussing possible prison time in lieu of his usual bromides attacking the judges, special counsel, and Biden Administration Department of Justice, insisting that he is a victim of political interference. But astute observers of Trump’s inner circle, like the New York Times’ Maggie Haberman, have reported that Trump is absolutely worried about the possibility of having to spend time behind bars.

Trump addressed this concern by posting on Truth Social:

The White House Thugs should not be allowed to have these dangerous and unfair Biden Trials during my campaign for President. All of them, civil and criminal, could have been brought more than three years ago. It is an illegal attack on a Political Opponent. It is Communism at its worst, and Election Interference at its Best. No such thing has ever happened in our Country before. On Monday I will be forced to sit, GAGGED, before a HIGHLY CONFLICTED & CORRUPT JUDGE, whose hatred for me has no bounds. All of these New York and D.C. “Judges” and Prosecutors have the same MINDSET. Nobody but this Soros Prosecutor, Alvin Bragg, wanted to take this ridiculous case. All legal scholars say it is a sham. BIDEN’S DOJ IS RUNNING THE CASE. Just think of it, these animals want to put the former President of the United States (who got more votes than any sitting President!), & the PARTY’S REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE, IN JAIL, for doing absolutely nothing wrong. It is a RUSH TO THE FINISH. SO UNFAIR!

“SO UNFAIR!” are the petulant words one typically hears from a tired or hungry toddler and not that of a former president running for his second term, but here we are!

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