October 19, 2024

When it comes to the world of prepping, so many debates have been going on for years. 

Some argue about the best survival skills or techniques, while others debate which supplies are essential in a bug-out bag. 

However, certain prepper debates never seem to go away, no matter how much evidence or opinions are available. 

These ongoing arguments cover topics like choosing between bugging out or sheltering in place during a disaster or whether guns should be part of every prepper’s arsenal. 

Here, we’ll dig into some of these never-ending discussions and look at both sides of the coin.

1. Bugging Out vs. Staying Put

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Debates in the prepper community often focus on whether to evacuate or stay put in a crisis.

Supporters of evacuation recommend swiftly moving to a well-stocked haven, while those who favor staying home argue for safety in a prepared residence. 

Factors like the type of disaster, location, resources, personal circumstances, and caring for family, including children and elderly, impact decision-making.

2. What to Add to Bug Out Bag

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Preppers agree that having a well-stocked bug-out bag is crucial in case of an evacuation. 

But what they disagree on is what you should include in it. 

Some suggest prioritizing essentials like food, water, shelter, and first aid in a bug-out bag. In contrast, others recommend adding weapons, self-defense gear, communication devices, tools for survival tasks, and essential documents. 

3. The Role Guns

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The topic of guns can be a sensitive one within the prepper community. 

Some believe that having firearms is essential for protection during a disaster or crisis, while others argue that relying on guns can cause more harm than good.

Even if you go for a firearm in your preparedness, it’s still crucial to have other self-defense options like pepper spray, batons, or some basic martial arts skills.

4. Home Grown or Store Bought?

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One of the biggest debates among preppers is whether to grow their own food or stockpile store-bought items. 

Growing your own food can be cost-effective and sustainable; it requires time, space, and knowledge.

Stocking up on store-bought items provides an immediate supply of essentials, though it may lack reliability during long-term disasters.

5. Freeze Dried or Canned Food?

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Regarding food storage, the debate between freeze-dried and canned food is ongoing. 

Freeze-dried food is lightweight, has a longer shelf life, and retains more nutrients than canned food. 

However, canned food is more affordable and readily available at grocery stores.

6. Cash or Precious Metals?

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Preppers debate the value of having money or precious metals during a disaster because

money may lose its value in an economic collapse, making it useless for purchasing supplies, but in some cases, cash would make it easier to buy necessary items.

While precious metals such as gold and silver have inherent value that you can use for bartering in a post-disaster economy, they are not as handy for purchasing items as cash.

7. Community or Alone?

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Relying heavily on a community means trusting others with your safety and well-being, which can be daunting for some. 

However, while being part of a community can provide valuable resources and support during difficult times, some preppers prefer to rely on themselves and their own skills to survive. 

8. Barter or Save Supplies

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Should you use your stockpile items to barter with or use them only for survival? This question divides the prepper community.

Some argue that using supplies for bartering helps to build relationships and establish a supportive community. 

In contrast, others believe it is important to save all resources for their own survival needs.

9. Discuss or Secret

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One of the major debates among preppers is whether to talk about their beliefs and preparations with others openly. 

Sharing information and resources can help a community, but it also carries the risk of being seen as a target by those looking to take advantage of your preparedness.

10. Help Zombies or Consider Them a Threat

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After a catastrophic event, unprepared individuals may seek help, with some preppers showing compassion to these “zombies” while others perceive them as a threat. 

Discussions also emerge on whether to assist the underprepared if they are loved ones by sharing resources or focusing on self-defense.

11. Gear or Skills

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Preppers often debate whether to prioritize gear or survival skills. 

While having the right equipment is advantageous, mastering the skills to use them effectively is equally crucial. 

They emphasize learning critical survival skills such as first aid, navigation, and food preservation.

12. What Events to Prepare For

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Common events that preppers prepare for include natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, pandemics, and man-made disasters like economic collapse or social unrest, but which ones should you prepare for is the question.

Some preppers prepare for worst-case scenarios, while others focus on more realistic and likely events; however, a well-thought-out preparedness plan can help mitigate the impact and increase the chances of survival.

13. Bows or Guns

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The prepper community often debates bows versus guns for hunting and self-defense. 

Guns pack more power and range, but bows bring silence and independence from ammo needs. 

Choosing between them depends on personal preference, local laws, and your training with each weapon.

14. MREs or Home Made Meals

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While MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) are popular for emergency food supplies, they can be expensive and not very appetizing.

Many preppers prefer to make their own meals from dehydrated or canned foods, incorporating homegrown fruits and vegetables into their diet, allowing for more variety and control over the ingredients used and potentially saving money in the long run.

15. Ways to Store Food

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How and where to store food has been a debate amongst preppers for years, and properly storing food can make all the difference in an emergency situation.

Some popular methods include using Mylar bags with oxygen absorbers, vacuum sealing, canning, and storing in a cool and dry place like a root cellar or pantry. 

16. How to Purify Water

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In addition to food, having access to clean drinking water is crucial in an emergency, but what is the best way to purify your water? 

Some preppers think boiling or using water filters is the best and simplest way, while others recommend purification tablets and even building a solar still.

17. Growing Your Own Food?

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Should you learn to grow your own food or stockpile enough to last for years?

While stockpiling food can provide immediate relief and security in the event of an emergency, relying solely on stored items may not be sustainable in the long run.

Growing your own food can provide a continuous source of fresh produce and give you valuable skills that can be used even in non-emergency situations.

18. Join a Prepper Network?

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Preppers discuss the benefits of joining a prepper network for emergency resources and support. 

While some see the value in community, shared knowledge, and pooling resources, others worry about trust issues and conflicts. 

It’s a question of group security versus trusting their preparations.

19. How to Store Water

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Water is essential for survival, but how to store it is often a debate for preppers.

Some recommend buying bottled water or large containers and storing tap water, while others prefer collecting rainwater or filtering it from natural sources.

Regardless of the method, it’s important to have a plan for storing and filtering water in an emergency.

20. How Much to Stockpile

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When it comes to stockpiling supplies, opinions vary among preppers. 

Some advocate hoarding as much as possible, while others prioritize storing within practical limits based on individual needs and resources, considering storage space, budget, and the specific disaster scenario.

21. Bunker or No Bunker?

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Building a bunker is a popular topic among preppers and survivalists. 

Still, some think it is unnecessary and a waste of resources, while others see it as a crucial addition to their survival plan. 

The decision to build a bunker should be based on individual circumstances, and weighing the costs and benefits is important.

22. Wood or Propane?

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Many preppers debate whether wood or propane is the best fuel source for cooking and heating during an emergency. 

Wood is often seen as a more sustainable option, as it can be easily sourced from forests or even your backyard, but it requires proper storage and maintenance to ensure it stays dry and ready for use. 

On the other hand, propane is a cleaner-burning fuel that can provide consistent heat and is easy to store in large quantities. 

23. Animals

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When preparing for emergencies, preppers must decide whether animals should be part of their readiness plan. 

In crises, livestock can provide food, companionship, and security, but caring for them requires extra resources and may hinder mobility during evacuations. 

Evaluating your area and the likely disasters before involving animals in your emergency preparations is essential.

24. Communication

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When communicating in a crisis, preppers have a lot to say. 

Some swear by radios and walkie-talkies for reliability, while others opt for satellite phones or CB radios. 

The key is to have different communication options ready in case one fails during an emergency.

23 Riskiest Cities To Be During a Power Grid Collapse

In a world where the stability of our power grid is increasingly under threat, knowing which urban areas to avoid during a blackout is crucial for any serious prepper. And which areas to escape as quickly as possible. When you’re making your survival plans, keep in mind that these are the places you don’t want to be.

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20 Crucial Supplies for Surviving a Societal Collapse

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In the face of uncertainty, being well-prepared gives you at least some degree of control and security. The thought of a societal collapse, while extreme, prompts us to consider how we might endure without the conveniences of our current lifestyle. Here’s a list of 20 essential items that could prove indispensable in such a scenario. This guide isn’t about succumbing to fear but embracing preparedness and resilience.

14 Essential Canned Goods for Your Emergency Pantry

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I firmly believe in keeping a well-stocked emergency pantry. While fresh food is ideal, in a survival situation, we may not be that lucky. So, for my family, even though we grow a lot of our own food, canned goods play a crucial role in emergency preparedness. They offer a reliable source of nutrition when access to fresh produce may be limited. The goods you stockpile should be affordable, easy to store, and full of nutrition.