September 23, 2024

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods. This column is a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from JWR. Our goal is to educate our readers, to help them to recognize emerging threats, and to be better prepared for both disasters and negative societal trends. You can’t mitigate a risk if you haven’t first identified a risk. In today’s column, a retrospect look at Winter Storm Elliott.

FERC Report on Winter Storm Elliott

Several readers sent us the link to this troubling report from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation: Winter Storm Elliott Report: Inquiry into Bulk-Power System Operations During December 2022. Here is a quote from page 147 of the report:

“Many natural gas-fired generating units indicated during the Event that they were unavailable because they did not have advance arrangements for natural gas fuel supply for the hours they were committed to operate, and by the time they were notified for commitment, natural gas supplies were unavailable. All of the [Balancing Authorities (BAs) thought that they had sufficient reserves arranged to meet their forecast peak electricity demands, until they were faced with escalating unplanned outages and increased customer demand that, for most, exceeded their load forecasts. By the time that these trends were apparent, the BAs had limited flexibility, leading many of them to declare Energy Emergencies and some to shed firm customer load.”

Neil Oliver Spells Out the Tyrannical Risks of Digital ID

Could 2024 Election Trigger Societal Collapse?

Reader G.G. sent this from the very mainstream leftist USA Today: Could 2024 election cause society to collapse? Some preppers think so — and they’re ready.

Suidlanders Spell Out a National Disaster Plan

Lily and I recently had the opportunity to meet the Suidlanders spokesman, Simon Roche. In our meeting over lunch, he mentioned their National  Disaster Plan, which includes a contingency plan for relocation to a redoubt of sorts, in the Orange River area of South Africa. This is at the southern end of the Orange Free State.

I urge Americans to contact their elected representatives and get them to approve a larger legal immigration quota from South Africa. The “Brain Drain” from South Africa will turn out to be a “Brain Gain”, for the United States, since most of these anti-communist refugees are well-educated and hard-working. Nearly all of them are Christians. Those at risk of genocide in a revolution include Afrikaaners, Indians, minority tribes, and some overseas Chinese.

Venezuelans Vote to Invade Guyana

Reader H.L. sent us this news item: Majority Of Venezuelans Vote To Annex Oil-Rich Region Of Guyana. JWR’s Comment: I’d grade that with an “A” for Initiative and an “F” for OPSEC.

Mexican Immigration Officials Give Illegal Aliens GPS Coordinates

Reader H.L. also sent us this: Venezuelan Reveals How Mexican Immigration Officials Operate as a Cartel, Give Illegal Aliens GPS Coordinates and Charge Them to Cross Rio Grande Into US (Video).

Canada Now Euthanizing Dozens of Citizens Every Day

Slay News reports: Canada Now Euthanizing Dozens of Citizens Every Day. A pericope:

“In recent years, the government has been increasingly relaxing the laws that were originally meant to give terminally ill people an option for dying.

However, the expansion of the laws means people can now be euthanized for far less severe issues such as depressionhomelessness, or mental illness.

The laws have even been expanded to include “mature minors” with a push to expand to infants.

A report has revealed that the average number of citizens being euthanized in Canada has soared in recent years.

According to Health Canada‘s recent report on government-assisted suicide, euthanasia made up 4.1 percent of deaths nationwide last year.

The figure is a significant increase from 3.3 percent in 2021.”

Former UK Cop Convicted for “Implication” Social Media Message

This news from England is quite troubling: Former UK Police Officer Convicted for “Implication” in “Offensive” Social Media Message Raises Major Free Speech Concerns. JWR’s Comment:

Large Group of Chinese National Men Crossing Border

And we will finish with an X-Twitter post linked over at the news aggregation site: Large groups of migrants, mostly Chinese national men crossing illegally through open gaps on the border wall in Jacumba Hot Springs, California.

You can send your news tips to JWR. (Either via e-mail or via our Contact form.) Thanks!