September 23, 2024

Joe Scarborough took a unique approach to former President Donald Trump’s promise to be a dictator on day one of his second term during Tuesday’s Sean Hannity-hosted Town Hall — he went off on the Fox News audience reaction to it.

Hannity asked Trump during Fox News’ town hall, “Under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?”

“Except for day one,” replied Trump, repeating it moments later to adoring applause from the pro-Trump audience.

After Hannity asked Trump what he meant by that, Trump said, “I want to close the border, and I want to drill, drill, drill.”

“That’s not retribution,” Hannity pointed out before eventually throwing to a commercial.

Morning Joe producers ran that clip before Willie Geist could introduce it and toss to his co-host, Scarborough, who has long been warning of what he sees as Trump’s fascist and authoritarian ways, took the bait.

“If any other politician in American history were asked the question ‘are you going to be a dictator now?’” Scarborough mused rhetorically before noting, “Donald Trump never answered it. He never answered it.”

“There’s a sickness; there is a sickness among, unfortunately, some of our fellow Americans regarding authoritarianism and totalitarianism,” Scarborough pivoted to the crowd clapping. “They want it because Willie, when he promised that he would be a dictator on day one, he got applause!”

“Well, that’s on Fox News,” Mika Brzezinski said. “And therefore, a lot of people are watching.”

Scarborough mocked Trump’s “drill, drill, drill” statement as a “stupid thing to say” because the US is currently producing a record high in crude oil, ridiculing Trump’s apparent lack of newspaper reading along the way.

He then returned to the Trump MAGA base, which he called a “personality cult.”

“It’s very bad for America,” he concluded. “And make no mistake of it, a large chunk of those people in that audience cheering when Donald Trump said, I’ll be a dictator on day one. Well, they want that.

Watch above via Fox News.

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