September 21, 2024

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods. This column is a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from JWR. Our goal is to educate our readers, to help them to recognize emerging threats, and to be better prepared for both disasters and negative societal trends. You can’t mitigate a risk if you haven’t first identified a risk. In today’s column, we look a Euthanasia in Canada.

Canadian Death Cult

SurvivalBlog’s Tom Christianson suggested this City Journal article: Canadian Death Cult: America’s northern neighbor has euthanized tens of thousands of its citizens.  A quote:

“When critics argued that the ruling would result in euthanasia being offered to the mentally ill, the depressed, those with disabilities, or other vulnerable persons, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau dismissed such concerns, saying, “this simply isn’t something that ends up happening.” He was wrong. In 2021, Parliament removed the law’s previous requirement that a person’s natural death must be imminently foreseeable for him to elect suicide. Reports immediately began circulating of physicians pushing MAID on people who had suffered strokes or other survivable challenges. These people were isolated and depressed in many cases, but hardly at death’s door. In one alarming instance, a 71-year-old widower was admitted to hospital after a fall. He contracted infectious diarrhea in hospital, where he was humiliated by staff for the smell of his room. Staff claimed that he had end-stage COPD and offered him MAID; he took their advice and was euthanized within 48 hours of his first assessment. A post-mortem examination, however, proved that he did not have end-stage COPD.”

Tucker Carlson Interviews Martin Shkreli

Over at the news aggregation site, I found the link to a fascinating interview, on several levels: Tucker Carlson Interviews Martin Shkreli. His observations on politically motivated prosecutions — and Federal prosecutions in general — are very insightful.

UK May Ban Peat Moss

Some alarming news from the UK, reported by The Telegraph: What the proposed ban on peat means for gardeners.  A brief quote:

“None of the substitutes (including bark and green waste) hold water as well as peat, so they need more water and fertiliser, which means we are adding yet more nitrogen to our rivers. What this whole peat fiasco has done is to expose the lack of support and understanding for horticulture and soil science in general. Defra has not been doing its job and organisations such as the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), National Trust and Bug Life have simply “gone with the flow” of virtue signalling. Furthermore, the peat in horticulture is used as a medium to grow plants that trap CO2, so the effect is positive. If it was left in the ground it would not trap more CO2.”

DNA Tests Are Sold to Highest Bidder

Reader D.S.V. sent us this Mercola article: The Genetic Conspiracy: DNA Tests Are Sold to Highest Bidder.  A pair of pericopes:

“As reported by Bloomberg, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) will pay 23andMe $20 million to
extend its ve-year contract to mine the company’s consumer DNA data for another


 “In case this wasn’t obvious, YOU pay to have your DNA tested, and then 23andMe sells
the mining rights of those data, and makes royalties on new drugs. Quite the profit
model, having customers pay for their own exploitation. And GSK isn’t the only drug
company mining your data. The deal is nonexclusive, so any number of other companies
may be mining your genetic data as well.”

Supreme Court Accepts NRA First Amendment Case

Supreme Court Accepts NRA First Amendment Case – A “Historic Step Forward” for the NRA and Free Speech.

Hurricane-Resistant Houses

Reader C.B. sent this: Some houses are being built to stand up to hurricanes and sharply cut emissions, too. Here is an excerpt:

“Pearl Homes’ Hunters Point community in Cortez, Florida, consists of 26 completed houses and 30 to be built by the end of 2024 that are all LEED-certified platinum, the highest level of one of the most-used green building rating systems.

To reduce vulnerability to flooding, home sites are raised 16 feet (4.8 meters) above code. Roads are raised, too, and designed to direct accumulating rainfall away and onto ground where it may be absorbed. Steel roofs with seams allow to be attached so closely it’s difficult for high winds to get under them, and the homes have batteries that kick in when power is knocked out.”

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