October 18, 2024

This short article does not teach any particular skills, tactics, or procedures. My only objective here is to offer some suggestions for using pop culture to get children or teenagers to start thinking about survival and to learn about civics. While most pop culture ranges from fluff to downright destructive, there are some gems we can pull out of the trash heap. Some of the examples here are irreverent and some have bad language; that’s the point. Books and sober lectures aren’t always the best way to get people’s attention. Note that I am labeling anything with vulgarity or profane language as NSFW — meaning “not safe for work”.

Let’s start with Amish Paradise. This classic has been floating around the Internet since the late 1990s. Let your children watch the whole thing and laugh their heads off. Then start asking them questions to make them think: What would their lives be like with “no phone, no lights, no motorcar, not a single luxury?” How would they get around? How far could they go via walking or cycling? How would they communicate? Then introduce the concept of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) to show how the United States might be reduced to living the “Amish Paradise” life. Would they be able to pay for anything online, or get any information online? Is it time to start learning bartering and other survival skills? Will cash or precious metals suddenly become much more useful? Is it time to stock up on paper books (not e-readers), which will not be vulnerable to EMP?

We’ll turn now to the growing possibility of World War III. At about 3:56 of this clip from Star Trek: First Contact, listen to the description of life ten years after the Third World War: “Most major cities destroyed, very few governments left, 600 million dead, no resistance.” 600 million dead is twelve times the butcher’s bill from the Second World War. Set aside the alien invasion storyline. Here are some questions for your children: How bad would a war have to be to kill 600 million? Such a war would likely involve the use of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. How would you protect yourself? Might living in rural areas help? And what would afterwards?

How sure could we be that the United States would survive with Constitutional government intact, when the Constitution is already under constant attack by the Left? What could the United States government be doing better to ensure that such a war does not happen? Lastly, might the Borg portrayed in this movie and in many Star Trek episodes be a possible outcome of the neural implants and artificial intelligence being developed now? Who would like to force neural implants on the American people? Advertisers? The ideologically-driven policy wonks of the current Administration? The World Economic Forum  (WEF)?

Social media is a sort of crude hive mind, but imagine how much more fun it would be for power-mad corporate and political leaders if they could force neural implants on people. You can ditch your cell phone and refuse to have social media accounts, but it’s a lot harder to get rid of a neural implant once it’s been implanted. 4:35 of this clip sums up the attitude of the WEF and other globalists: “From this time forward, you will service us.”

Many celebrities are on board with the Leftist program. One notable exception is Kid Rock. “We the People” (NSFW) profanely skewers the Left and the Covid paranoia. I’m surprised that YouTube hasn’t taken this video down, but perhaps Kid Rock is too popular and too widely known for that. Born Free is another great song about the glory of freedom. And now, there’s Jason Aldean’s Try That in a Small Town.  I’m sure this resonates with those SurvivalBlog readers that are lucky enough to live in a small town.

Interaction with law enforcement is another thing to prep for. This classic Chris Rock video (NSFW) says it all. The point here is that while abuses of power and excessive uses of force can and do occur, obeying the law and being respectful usually help a lot.

It’s more likely that there will be severe economic problems than a TEOTWAWKI event. As blogger Commander Zero likes to say, “You will need $50 bills more often than .50 BMG.” People also face the possibility of being canceled for expressing politically incorrect views, such as the views of many of us on SB. Clearly, saving money is a great way to prep.

Do you tell your children to save? Boorrring! Instead, tell them about building a “f-you fund”. The concept of “the f-you fund” is that you can leave a job or other situation that has become intolerable, and that you will be able to survive without work for some time. Yes, it is saving money – but calling it an f-you fund is a catchier way to get young people interested in saving and investing. FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) is a related concept. I should note, however, that many FIRE practitioners started with high-paying jobs and do not have or want children.

I hope these gems in the great muck of popular culture will be useful in instilling the survival mindset in the next generation. Teach your children well!