September 19, 2024

Burglars have a knack for finding your valuables in the least expected places. Discover the sneaky spots they always target first and learn how to outsmart them.

Thieves are experts at locating jewelry, cash, and electronics by zeroing in on specific areas within your home. Many homeowners make these common mistakes, leaving their valuables vulnerable to theft.

In this article, we highlight the top spots burglars check first and offer actionable advice on securing these high-risk areas. By understanding where thieves tend to look, you can safeguard your possessions and enhance your home’s security.

1. Under the Mattress

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One common spot burglars check first is under the mattress, where people hide cash and jewelry. However, it’s not as discreet as you might think. Burglars know to look there, so use a secure safe or lockbox for storing valuables instead.

2. Dresser Drawers

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Similarly, dressers are a prime target for thieves seeking easy-to-snatch items. 

To keep your stuff safe, avoid stashing them in easy-to-reach dresser drawers. 

Try adding secret compartments in your dresser or using a bank’s safe deposit box instead.

3. Portable Safe

home safe
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Portable safes are convenient for keeping valuables safe, but burglars can easily take them.

If you choose a portable safe, ensure it’s either bolted down securely or hidden to avoid theft.

4. Freezer

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Some people believe the freezer is a safe place to store valuables because burglars won’t think to look there. However, experienced criminals are aware of this trick and may check freezers for hidden treasures. Instead, invest in a small fireproof safe that can be easily and securely bolted in a safe location within your home.

5. Plants

ZZ Plant
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Some people like to hide their valuables in potted plants, thinking that burglars won’t think to look there, but this is another common hiding spot that experienced criminals are aware of.

It’s best to avoid using plants as hiding spots for valuables and opt for a unique and discreet way to store them, such as a hidden safe built into furniture or household items.

6. Medicine Cabinet

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Many burglaries are for drugs, making your medicine cabinet a prime target for thieves. 

Instead of keeping your prescription medication in the bathroom, consider investing in a locked medicine cabinet or safe to keep them secure.

7. Closets

A housewife woman pulls neatly folded bed linen out of the closet. The concept of space organization and storage. Cleaning and order.
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Closets may seem like safe and hidden places to store valuables, but they are often among the first places burglars check. If you keep items in your closet, use a locking mechanism or place them in inconspicuous hiding spots to enhance security.

8. Vases

Rubber Plant
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A vase might seem like a great place to hide things, but remember, burglars are looking for easy targets and may be drawn to decorative items like vases. If you use a vase as a hiding spot, ensure it is not easily accessible or visible from outside your home.

9. Kitchen Cabinets

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Kitchen cabinets are a common hiding spot for valuables, but burglars can easily find them when searching the kitchen. Consider using a false back panel or hidden compartment in your cabinet to keep items out of sight, and securely lock any cabinets that contain valuable items such as jewelry or expensive cookware.

10. Shoe Boxes

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Shoe boxes may seem like a clever hiding spot, but they are also a common target for burglars. Instead of using an actual shoe box, consider creating a false bottom or compartment within the box to hide small items. Alternatively, use old shoe boxes as decoys, placing them in obvious locations while keeping valuable items in less conspicuous places.

11. Bedside Tables

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Many people keep important items such as wallets, keys, and personal documents on their bedside tables for easy access, making it an easy spot for burglars.

Consider using a diversion safe or hidden compartment within your bedside table to secure these items and make them less obvious to potential thieves.

12. Entryway Table

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An entryway table is another common place where people keep their keys, wallets, and essential documents.

Remember, the key is to keep valuable items out of plain sight, making it difficult for thieves to find them, so consider using a lockbox or hidden compartment within the table.

13. Bedrooms

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Many bedrooms have TVs, computers, and other electronics that are prime targets for burglars. Secure these items with sturdy locks or hide them safely when not in use. Additionally, install security cameras or alarms in the bedroom to help deter potential thieves.

14. Family Room

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Family rooms often contain valuable electronics and are places where families gather. These items are frequently left in plain sight, making them prime targets for burglars. Secure any electronics or valuables in this room, and be mindful of what you leave out on display. Expensive items like gaming consoles and laptops can attract unwanted attention from burglars.

15. Home Office

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Burglars often target home offices, which may contain valuable items such as laptops, computers, and important documents. Secure your electronics with passwords or biometric locks and store sensitive documents in a locked cabinet or safe.

16. Purses and Handbags

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Purses and handbags can be prime targets for thieves, as they may contain cash, credit cards, and personal identification. Be cautious about where you leave your purse or wallet in the house, and consider investing in a small safe to store them securely when not in use.

17. Mail

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A pile of mail left on a kitchen counter or coffee table can signal to burglars that no one is home. Additionally, avoid leaving critical documents or bills in plain sight, as they may contain personal information that could be used for identity theft.

18. Garage

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Many homeowners overlook their garage’s security, yet it can be an easy access point for burglars.

Keep your garage door closed and locked at all times, and consider installing motion sensor lights or a security camera outside the garage.

19. Display Shelves

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While displaying your valuables may seem aesthetically pleasing, it can also make them an easy target for thieves.

Consider keeping valuable items out of sight or investing in a lockable display case to protect them.

20. Liquor Cabinet

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If you have a liquor cabinet, make sure to keep it locked when not in use. Thieves often seek out alcoholic beverages to resell for profit.

Consider installing a small lock on the cabinet or keeping it in a locked room for added security.

21. Toilet Tank

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Storing valuables in toilet tanks was once a popular hiding spot, but it is less secure than you may think, and thieves have caught on to this trick. Instead of the toilet tank, opt for a secure safe or hidden compartment that thieves cannot easily access.

22. Suitcases

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While suitcases may seem like a safe place to store valuable items, thieves often target them due to their portable nature. Consider keeping important documents and valuables in a locked safe instead of in your suitcase while traveling or at home. If you must store items in a suitcase while traveling, invest in one with sturdy locks and never leave it unattended.

23. Areas Near Windows and Doors

checks on windows
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Burglars target areas near doors and windows as they are easy entry and exit points into a house. Avoid storing valuable items near these areas, especially if they are visible from outside. If you have a safe, it’s best to place it away from windows and doors for added security.

24. Canisters and Cereal Boxes

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Believe it or not, burglars often check everyday household items such as canisters and cereal boxes for valuables. These items may seem inconspicuous, but experienced burglars know to look there first. Invest in a hidden compartment in a less obvious location to effectively protect your valuables.

31 Ways to Boost Home Security: How to Fortify Your Fortress and Deter Burglars

home security
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We sadly live in a society where it’s all too common for criminals to want to take what we’ve worked hard to get. The results of a break-in are traumatic, too. Beyond just losing your stuff. Victims often feel violated, anxious, and unsafe, sometimes for years after the event.

Prevention is the best way to stay safe. And, while you shouldn’t have to turn your home into a fortress, that’s the stark reality of our world. But you can take plenty of simple steps to deter burglars and ensure your home is less attractive to would-be thieves.

12 Money Mistakes That Can Leave You Vulnerable in a Crisis

money in an emergency fund jar
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In times of uncertainty, financial stability is more crucial than ever. While prepping for physical emergencies is vital, don’t overlook financial prepping. Avoiding these common money mistakes can help make sure you’re in a stronger position to weather any storm.

38 Things Every Prepper Should Stockpile That Aren’t Water, Food, or Weapons

Get home bag
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This list extends beyond the basic survival trio of water, food, and weapons. It’s a given that we need to stock up on water, food, and a way to defend ourselves and what we have. But what other things will you need in a survival situation? None of us truly knows what TEOTWAWKI will really look like, although most of us have theories we think most likely. But whatever the situation is, there are certain supplies that it just makes sense to have on hand, aside from the obvious trio I mentioned above.