September 19, 2024

This weekly Snippets column is a collection of short items: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.

This video echoes my long-standing advice to my consulting clients on camouflagling aboveground LP/OPs built from repurposed prefabricated concrete cisterns or septic tanks: How To Build The Best Place To Hide!

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Radio Apocalypse: HFGCS, The Backup Plan For Doomsday.

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A WND column by fellow blogger Patrice Lewis: 8 steps to take to prepare for a Kamala presidency.

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At Reason: Lawsuit Claims Indiana Unconstitutionally Seizes Millions in Cash From FedEx Packages Every Year.

Statists freak out over an unscripted Elon Musk conversation with Donald Trump.

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SaraSue sent this snippet:

“A week of repairing fences, and general farm maintenance.  Our weather went from blistering hot to cool.  59 degrees at night in August?!!  I am not complaining.  I have been getting sweat-soaked to the bone several times a day just doing farm chores.  It would be nice to have an outdoor shower to just cool down in between tasks.  The problem with living out in the hills is that there are snakes and bugs of every variety, so I have to wear pants and boots all the time, which makes me hot.  And I don’t want to change clothes several times a day.  I start the day in clean clothes, which get dirty pretty quickly, and stay in them all day.

The guardians of the galaxy, which is what I call my Great Pyrenees/Anatolian shepherd puppies that are 5 months old now and weigh about 60 pounds each, have dug another spot to get through the fencing.  I finally spied the hole and will fix it, asap.  So, this week they’ve been spending nights up close to the house rather than out in the field.  They would much prefer to be house puppies, but the problem is that if you give them that attention, they will never stay out in the fields and do their job.  So… they barked all night long, up close to the house, making sure that nothing came near the house, making for sleepless nights.  That started a chain reaction with the inside/outside guardians of the home, the big German Shepherds, that also bark in response.  No sleep.  So far, no chickens have been absconded with, so I’m thankful for that.  I have about 25 that I lock up in the hen house at night, that free range in a protected run during the day.  I haven’t lost one yet after having lost 4-5 flocks over the past years.

Sadly, my mother passed away this past week.  I was thankful that she was never in a nursing home and did not suffer.  She was just shy of 90 years old.  I am thankful that she is with our Heavenly Father and dear old Dad.  It was difficult to get through farm chores this week – just an overall feeling of sadness, then I would remind myself that she is in the best place of all.  Over the years, since our father passed away, we all took turns caring for her, watching over her finances, helping her downsize her belongings, so that when the time came it would not be a difficult task to close down her earthly life.  It made me think about what all I need to do so that my children will not be left with a mess to untangle.”

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Greenland fossil discovery stuns scientists and confirms that center of ice sheet melted in recent past. (Thanks to blog reader C.B. for the link.)

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St. Funogas sent these cogent observations:

“Here are three likely reasons why Trump is going to lose the 2024 election:

An October Surprise   This isn’t conspiracy theory stuff, this is the best info I’ve seen yet on how James Clapper, formerly Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, almost single-handedly threw the 2020 election for Biden and nearly did the same in 2016 using the same method.  Within a few days of receiving the Hunter Biden laptop, the FBI had authenticated it. That was 10 months before the election yet James Clapper signed an official statement to the contrary just before the last Trump/Clinton debate.  Most notably, not a single FBI person signed the Letter of 51.  When Trump brought up the laptop during the debate, Hillary said the CIA had said it was BS and everyone believed her.  A survey after the election showed that a large percentage of people would not have voted for the Democrats had they known the laptop was authentic.  The election was won by 44,000 votes.  It’s pretty clear that James Clapper threw the 2020 election.

While he was the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper knew all along the Russiagate story was false propaganda during the 2016 election and throughout Trump’s term as president, yet he issued an official statement to the contrary just before the 2016 election.  Trump only won by the skin of his teeth.  In the link, first go to the end of the article and read the author’s bio.  He was a CIA analyst for 27 years and probably the most qualified person in the country to write this article.

The 2024 election is going to have to be won by a large enough margin so that these methods won’t be as effective this time around.  Expect to see another October Surprise by these same Deep State people, be watching for it.  When you have James Clapper on your side, you don’t need to mess with voting machines or have mules illegally collecting and submitting bogus ballots at drop-off boxes in the middle of the night.

How Not to Run Against Vice President Harris.  This is the biggest reason of all why Trump is killing his chances to win.  I’m beginning to wonder if his campaign manager is working for the Deep State.  Half the commenters on the article missed the point. It’s not relevant if not all of her comments about Trump are true or not, or what is relevant is that unless Trump starts using some of the same methods Reagan and Baby Bush used, he’ll lose.  Even my hard-core Republican military family members can see that Trump is blowing it with his constant attacks and name-calling.  Don’t get your hopes up too much that Trump is going to win and prepare for the possibility of four more years of wide open borders, Marxist policies, and the Deep State rushing the U.S. into WW III.”

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Tom Christianson suggested this article: Unemployable: A growing number of Americans aren’t simply out of a job. They’re no longer fit for work.

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Another from Tom: My insurance company spied on my house from the sky. Then the real nightmare began.

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A friend in Finland mentioned that Donald Trump’s opponent is well-named. In Finnish, the word kamala means “Terrible”  — or awful, ghastly, atrocious, or appalling.

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And, lastly, Clayton Cramer’s blog led me to this: Kalthoff 30-Shot Flintlock: The First Repeating Firearm Used in War (1659). JWR’s Comment:  This helps dispel the myth that “…the drafters of the Second Amendment couldn’t have conceived assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.”

Please Send Us Your Snippets!

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