October 27, 2024

Across America, certain states stand out for their strong support of gun ownership. These 15 states are top choices for firearm enthusiasts, reflecting a deep respect for the Second Amendment and the lifestyle it supports.

As debates over gun control continue, these states remain committed to supporting gun owners, and upholding the traditions of American gun culture.


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Montana is known for its independent spirit and high gun ownership rate. The state supports constitutional carry, has no magazine limits or waiting periods, and provides plenty of public hunting lands.


Houston, Texas
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Texas is known for its strong gun culture, with no magazine or gun bans and the option for open or concealed carry without universal background checks. The state also has the most firearm-related jobs, reflecting its deep integration of gun ownership.


Kansas City, Missouri
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Kansas is known for its permissive gun laws, allowing open carry for those over 18 and requiring no additional state background checks beyond federal requirements. The state emphasizes self-defense with its Castle Doctrine and does not require firearm registration.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire
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New Hampshire is appealing to gun owners despite having the lowest household gun ownership rate among top states, thanks to its many firearm-related jobs and high average pay for these positions.


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Florida recently adopted permitless carry, removing the need for a concealed weapons permit. The state has its own standards for firearm purchases and supports the stand-your-ground principle.


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Arizona trusts its citizens with firearms, allowing constitutional carry and having a robust gun culture. A significant percentage of households own guns, and there are extensive public hunting areas available.


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Louisiana permits open carry for those over 18, with some restrictions in specific locations. The state has a stand-your-ground law and offers concealed handgun permits with reciprocity in many states, though recent attempts to introduce permitless carry were vetoed.


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Wyoming is a top state for gun owners with its large population of firearm enthusiasts, constitutional carry laws, and stand-your-ground policies. The state has no magazine capacity limits or waiting periods and offers extensive hunting grounds.


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Oklahoma has long supported gun rights, with constitutional carry, stand-your-ground laws, and no magazine capacity limits or waiting periods. The state also offers substantial public hunting land and a high number of residents with hunting licenses.


Memphis, Tennessee
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Tennessee allows constitutional carry for individuals over 21 and has comprehensive reciprocity agreements for concealed carry permit holders. The state supports the stand-your-ground principle and does not require retreat in the face of a threat.


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Georgia ranks well with its significant percentage of households owning firearms and many firearm-related jobs. Recent legislation has further eased restrictions, allowing residents to openly carry firearms without a permit.


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Alaska boasts a high percentage of gun owners and minimal state-imposed restrictions. With constitutional carry in place, residents can openly carry firearms without a permit. The state’s vast wilderness and rural lifestyle make guns an integral part of daily life.


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Idaho features a high rate of gun ownership, constitutional carry, and stand-your-ground laws. The state lacks magazine capacity limits or waiting periods and offers vast public hunting lands, fostering a strong gun culture.


Little Rock, Arkansas
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Arkansas is a favorite among gun owners due to its high household gun ownership rates and supportive laws. The state allows open and concealed carry, and residents can obtain a concealed handgun carry license (CHCL) for more flexibility in public. Arkansas values the Second Amendment and works to protect gun owners’ rights.


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Utah is a standout state for gun owners, offering constitutional carry and a strong culture of firearm ownership. The state has no magazine capacity limits, does not require a waiting period for gun purchases, and has extensive public lands available for hunting. Utah also supports the stand-your-ground principle, ensuring robust self-defense rights for its residents.

Best Hunting Rifles of the Last 50 Years

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Choosing the “best” hunting rifle is a pretty personal thing. We all have different opinions and preferences on what we like to hunt with. But still, over the last 50 years, there have been some remarkable weapons. Over the past half-century, the evolution of hunting rifles has seen so many innovations, catering to a wide range of needs from the casual deer hunter to the adventurous big-game enthusiast. What’s your favorite hunting rifle? Which weapons deserve a spot on this list?

14 Most Versatile Hunting Cartridges

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With almost 16 million hunters in the United States, and with such a huge range of game to hunt, the right rifle and the best cartridge is critical. We have some of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet, with animals ranging from tiny squirrels to gigantic moose. The cornerstone of a successful hunt lies in the hunter’s skill and knowledge but also in the choice of ammunition. The right cartridge can make all the difference, offering the power needed for a clean, humane kill without compromising the quality of the game.

38 Things Every Prepper Should Stockpile That Aren’t Water, Food, or Weapons

Get home bag
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This list extends beyond the basic survival trio of water, food, and weapons. It’s a given that we need to stock up on water, food, and a way to defend ourselves and what we have. But what other things will you need in a survival situation? None of us truly knows what TEOTWAWKI will really look like, although most of us have theories we think most likely. But whatever the situation is, there are certain supplies that it just makes sense to have on hand, aside from the obvious trio I mentioned above.