October 26, 2024

Key takeaways from Biden’s news conference: Insistence on staying in the race and flubbed names

Biden faced a test Thursday that he had avoided so far this year — a solo news conference with questions from the White House press corps.

The news conference was meant to reassure a disheartened group of Democratic lawmakers, allies and persuadable voters in this year’s election that Biden still has the strength and stamina to be president.

He made at least two notable flubs, referring at an event beforehand to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as “President Putin” and then calling Kamala Harris “Vice President Trump” when asked about her by a reporter. But he also gave detailed responses about his work to preserve NATO and his plans for a second term. And he insisted he’s not leaving the race even as a growing number of Democratic lawmakers ask him to step aside.

Here are some highlights from the press conference.

After press conference, another Democratic lawmaker says he hopes Biden will end his campaign


Another House Democrat, freshman Rep. Eric Sorensen of Illinois, said following the press conference that he was “hopeful” the president would step aside.

Sorensen said in 2020, Biden ran with the purpose of “putting country over party. Today, I am asking him to do that again.”

Other representatives from across the country earlier Thursday called on the president to end his reelection campaign. In total, over a dozen House Democrats have said they hope Biden will step aside.

Biden makes the case for his candidacy during rare press conference

President Joe Biden sounded a defiant tone at a news conference Thursday evening, the key event in a monumental week for his campaign as he fends off calls for him to step aside as the party’s presumptive nominee.

Another House Democrat urges Biden to withdraw from campaign


Rep. Scott Peters of California also called on the president to abandon his bid for reelection.

Peters said in a statement after Biden’s news conference that Democrats are on a “losing course.”

“My conscience requires me to speak up and put loyalty to the country and to democracy ahead of my great affection for, and loyalty to, the President and those around him,” he said.

Another House Democrat calls for Biden to end his reelection bid


Connecticut Rep. Jim Himes, the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee, says he hopes Biden will step away from his presidential campaign.

Himes said in a post on the social media platform X immediately after Biden’s news conference that it has been “the honor of my career” to work with Biden, but that “the 2024 campaign will define the future of American democracy, and we must put forth the strongest candidate possible to confront the threat posed by Trump’s promised MAGA authoritarianism.”

Himes said he no longer believes that person is Joe Biden, “and I hope that, as he has throughout a lifetime of public service, he will continue to put our nation first, and as he promised, make way for a new generation of leaders.”

More than a dozen House Democrats have now called for Biden to leave the campaign. Vermont Sen. Peter Welch is the only Democratic senator to say he should step aside.

Watch the press conference in full


Biden bats away questions about his fitness to serve during lengthy solo news conference

Biden has wrapped up a nearly hourlong news conference in which he batted away questions about his age and fitness for office, while defending his record.

The president opened with an eight-minute statement, largely about the NATO summit he hosted in Washington, before taking reporters’ questions.

Biden called on reporters from 10 news organizations. He was asked about Democrats calling on him to drop his reelection bid, Vice President Kamala Harris and foreign policy.

Biden says he’s not leaving the presidential race as long as he has a chance to win

Democratic governors’ gathering winds down

None of the nine Democratic governors present at the National Governors Association conference remained around a TV watching as Biden’s news conference entered its final stretch.

Only a handful of Democratic staffers remained near the TV as the event wound down. The rest left to mingle in the hotel courtyard in Salt Lake City.

WATCH: Biden blasts Trump, says GOP has ‘no commitment to NATO’


President Joe Biden opened his highly anticipated press conference Thursday with a recitation of his NATO accomplishments during the summit this week as he faced growing calls to withdraw from the presidential race. Biden blasted Trump as he opened the press conference, saying the presumptive GOP opponent has ‘no commitment to NATO’

Biden again says he doesn’t need to undergo cognitive testing

Biden says he’s determined to run

President Joe Biden sounded a defiant tone at a news conference Thursday evening, the key event in a monumental week for his campaign as he fends off calls for him to step aside as the party’s presumptive nominee.

Biden is reiterating his determination to run for reelection, despite the growing number of Democratic lawmakers and others who are calling for him to step aside.

“I think it’s important that I allay fears,” he said, referring to campaign appearances on Friday in Detroit and next week in Texas and Nevada.

“I gotta finish this job,” he said. “I gotta finish this job, because there’s so much at stake.”

Democratic governors react to news conference in private viewing

Some Democratic governors are watching the president’s press conference in a private viewing during the National Governors Association.

A couple of groans could be heard as Hawaii Gov. Josh Green stepped outside during the news conference. It wasn’t immediately clear what they were responding to.

Green told The Associated Press he supports the president’s choice to run.

“My admiration and love for the president is not going to wane no matter how many ‘moments’ he has,” Green said. The governor said the state loves him because of what he did to help after the Maui fire.

Questions shift to foreign policy

WATCH: Biden says he is ‘the most qualified person to run for President’ at major news conference


President Joe Biden opened his highly anticipated press conference Thursday with a recitation of his NATO accomplishments during the summit this week as he faced growing calls to withdraw from the presidential race. He forcefully declared he would stay in the race and would win.

Biden’s teleprompter-less time fielding questions approaches half-hour mark

Journalists tackle Biden health issue head-on

Biden tries to calm those worried he’ll have another ‘bad night’

Biden said the best way to reassure anyone who is concerned about him having another “bad night” is “the way I assure myself and that is: ‘Am I getting the job done?’”

The president said “there’s no indication yet” that he’s slowing down on that front.

Biden had explained his poor debate performance against Trump last month by saying he had a “bad night.”

Trump comments on Biden’s news conference

Trump is weighing in live on Biden’s news conference.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee posted on his social media network a video clip of when Biden said “Vice President Trump.”

Trump added sarcastically at the end: “Great job, Joe!”

Biden says he never suggested he needs an earlier bedtime

Biden responds defensively to reporter asking about the drama over his political fate

Asked whether the focus on his flubs and the pressure to drop out of the race has become damaging for the United States, Biden pushed back on the question.

“Have you seen a more successful conference?” he asked. “What do you think?”

Biden did not address the question, but he asserted that the just-concluded NATO summit was “the most successful conference I attended in a long time.”

JUST IN: Biden insists he’s not in presidential race ‘for my legacy,’ says he’s running to ‘complete the job I started’

Biden’s first question is on shrinking support from many fellow Democrats

The first question of Biden’s press conference was about him losing support among many of his fellow Democrats and key unions, and about Vice President Kamala Harris possibly replacing him on the ticket.

Biden was at first defiant, saying the “UAW endorsed me, but go ahead,” meaning the United Autoworkers.

But then he flubbed the answer, mixing up Harris and Trump: “I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president if she wasn’t qualified.”

JUST IN: Biden blasts Trump as he opens press conference, says presumptive GOP opponent has ‘no commitment to NATO’

Biden opens highly anticipated news conference

UK prime minister wants to talk substance, not Biden flub


French president says Biden ‘very much on top of things’

WATCH: Biden accidentally refers to Zelenskyy as ‘President Putin’


In announcing a compact that would bring together NATO countries to support Ukraine, President Joe Biden referred to the nation’s leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy as “President Putin.”

Democratic governors gather to watch Biden face the press

As Biden prepares for his high-stakes news conference in Washington, the National Governors Association is meeting for its conference in Salt Lake City.

The nine Democratic governors present for the event filed into a private room to watch a livestream with their staffs and other Democratic officials.

Reporters were not invited in.

Democrats have doubts about Biden’s strength as a candidate, according to polls

Polls conducted after the debate have largely reinforced that Democrats nationwide have doubts about Biden’s ability to lead the ticket in November.

More than half of Democrats, 56%, in a recent Washington Post-ABC News-Ipsos poll said that given Biden’s debate performance, he should step aside and let someone else run. A similar share — more than half — of Democratic voters in a CNN/SSRS poll said the party has a better chance of winning the presidency in November with a different candidate.

Separate from the question of whether he can win, a small but noteworthy chunk of Democrats see a second Biden term as a risky proposition. Around 6 in 10 voters, including about one-quarter of Democrats, said that reelecting Biden as president this November would be a risky choice for the country rather than a safe one, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll.

News conference pushed back

More NATO allies hitting defense spending goals

JUST IN: Trump lawyers press judge to overturn hush money conviction after Supreme Court’s immunity ruling

Donald Trump’s lawyers urged the judge in his New York hush money case to overturn his conviction and dismiss the case in the wake of the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on presidential immunity on Thursday.

Trump was originally scheduled to be sentenced Thursday, but that’s on hold until the trial judge, Juan M. Merchan, rules on whether to set aside Trump’s felony conviction for falsifying records to cover up a potential sex scandal.

Biden accidentally refers to Ukrainian leader as ‘President Putin’

President Joe Biden was winding down his remarks at an event on the sidelines of the NATO summit with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and other leaders on Thursday when he made an untimely verbal flub: He referred to the Ukrainian leader as “President Putin.”

“And now I want to hand it over to the president of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination, ladies and gentlemen, President Putin,” Biden said.

The room, and Zelenskyy, gasped at Biden’s gaffe, which the U.S. president quickly sought to clean up.

“President Putin? You’re going to beat President Putin,” Biden said to Zelenskyy at the event to mark the unveiling of an agreement called the Ukraine Compact. “I’m so focused on beating Putin; we got to worry about it,” Biden explained.

Zelenskyy joked: “I’m better” than Putin.

Biden agreed. “You’re a hell of a lot better.”

Hawaii congressman joins list of Democrats asking Biden to step aside

The number of Democratic members of Congress calling for Biden to drop out of the presidential race is continuing to grow, with U.S. Rep. Ed Case of Hawaii adding his name to the list.

Case said in a statement late Thursday afternoon that it’s unclear whether Biden can perform “the most difficult job in the world” for another four years.

Case acknowledged that replacing him would be “difficult and uncertain” but he did not believe continuing with Biden would be the “best path forward for our country.”

More than a dozen House Democrats have publicly called for Biden to step aside.

A former mayor of Phoenix, Stanton represents a Democratic-leaning suburban Arizona district that includes many of the state’s most competitive precincts, where ticket-splitting voters helped fuel Democratic gains in the emerging swing state while backing moderate Republicans who have distinguished themselves from Trump.

2nd Arizona representative calls on Biden to step aside

Rep. Greg Stanton of Arizona became the latest member of Congress to call on Biden to step out of the presidential race, a list that now numbers over a dozen.

Stanton said he was one of Biden’s earliest supporters in 2020 but that it is now time for the president to “pass the torch” to new leaders.

He said in a statement that Trump poses an “existential threat to the Constitution and the rule of law,” and the Democrats need a candidate who can effectively make the case against him.

Stanton is the second representative from the swing state of Arizona to ask Biden to step down from the top of the ticket.

Donald Trump Jr. to speak before his father’s VP pick at the RNC

A Wisconsin-based talk-radio network agreed to remove portions of its interview with Biden

The network said it agreed to the Biden campaign’s request to make two edits to its interview with the president ahead of broadcast.

The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported Thursday that Civic Media said its decision to make the tweaks fell short of “journalistic interview standards.”

Civic Media’s Earl Ingram was one of two Black radio hosts who said last week that he had been given questions by the Biden campaign ahead of speaking with the president. Ingram told The Associated Press that there was “no back and forth” over the four questions he was provided.

The Biden campaign did not immediately return a message seeking comment. The campaign said it plans to refrain from offering suggested questions to hosts, according to a person familiar with the candidate’s interview booking process but not permitted to speak publicly about its operations.

Per the station, the campaign asked to remove a portion where Biden referenced having “more Blacks in my administration than any other president” and a reference to the Central Park Five case, the group of teenagers wrongly convicted of raping a white jogger in a brutal attack more than three decades ago.

Harris stumps for Biden in North Carolina

JUST IN: Zelenskyy says to win the war, US needs to lift limits on striking military targets inside Russia

Kentucky governor: I support Biden as long as he’s nominee


Rep. Brad Schneider becomes the 11th House Democrat to ask Biden to step down

Voters see Biden as less ‘mentally sharp’ but more ‘honest’ than Trump


A new survey from the Pew Research Center underscores how concerned Americans have become about Biden’s mental acuity over the past few years. The poll also found that they are more likely to view Trump as mean-spirited and less likely to view him as honest, compared to Biden.

Only about a quarter of voters say the phrase “mentally sharp” describes Biden very or fairly well. That share has declined 6 percentage points since January and is much lower than it was four years ago, when about half of voters saw Biden as “mentally sharp.”

It’s Biden’s own supporters who are largely driving the decline. About 8 in 10 Biden supporters described Biden as “mentally sharp” in 2020, while only about half do now.

Voters have more confidence in Trump’s mental keenness. The poll found that nearly 6 in 10 voters say the phrase “mentally sharp” describes Trump well, a slight increase from 2020.

Compared to Trump, Biden is more likely to be seen by voters as someone who “cares about the needs of ordinary people” and as “honest.” And they’re considerably more likely to see Trump as “mean-spirited”: Nearly two-thirds of voters say this describes Trump well, while only around 3 in 10 say the same of Biden.

It’s been months since Biden formally faced the press solo

Biden’s high-stakes press appearance scheduled for Thursday night is his first formal solo news conference since November 2023.

The president’s last similar outing came nearly eight months ago when he took questions from reporters after his summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping in California.

At that news conference, Biden called on reporters from four organizations, one of whom asked two questions.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre jumped in to end the news conference after the fourth reporter, though Biden proceeded to answer an additional nine questions.

Biden’s most recent joint news conference was during the G7 summit last month.


Biden says he’s 100% in, even if some aides have private doubts

While Biden has expressed confidence in his chances, his campaign on Thursday acknowledged they are behind, and a growing number of the president’s aides in the White House and the campaign privately harbor doubts that the president can turn it around.

But they’re taking their cues from Biden, expressing that he is in the race 100% — unless and until he isn’t, and there appeared to be no organized internal effort to convince the president to step aside. His allies were well aware heading into the week there would be more calls for him to step down, and they were prepared for it. It really is not clear how many lawmakers (or movie stars) it would take for Biden to reconsider his decision or if that number even exists.

With Trump potentially sharing the bitcoin stage with Snowden, it’s worth noting that in the years before becoming president, he said Snowden deserved to be executed before later changing his tune amid his lingering resentment of the intelligence community.

Biden holds fewest news conferences since Ronald Reagan

Biden has held fewer news conferences and has given fewer interviews than his recent predecessors, according to research by a Towson University presidential scholar. To date, Biden has held 37 news conferences, compared to 25 for Ronald Reagan at the same point in their presidencies.

Biden prefers short, informal exchanges with reporters, according to the data from Towson emeritus political science professor Martha Kumar.

New York Democratic Rep. Ritchie Torres stopped short of calling for Biden to drop out


Torres said the “narrative” that Biden just had one bad debate performance “reflects a continuing pattern of denial and self-delusion.”

Torres posted on X Thursday that if Biden becomes the Democratic presidential nominee, “we will have no choice but to make the best of a complicated situation. But there is no point in denying the complication.”