July 3, 2024

Today’s graphic is a computer wallpaper created by vandon on X-Twitter, showing “America’s Great Conservative Migration Prior To Federal Collapse.”  He obviously put a lot of time and effort into this.  Take a close look, because there are a lot of little “Easter Eggs” hidden in the graphic’s layers.

The thumbnail below is click-expandable:

For those who are curious about the included dark blue banner, I found this description at the RPC website:

“The Reformed believers, known as Covenanters (from their support of the covenants), insisted on ‘the crown rights of King Jesus,”‘ which brought them into conflict with those who supported ‘the divine rights of kings.’ The blue banner bearing the motto ‘For Christ’s Crown and Covenant’ originated as a battle flag for these Covenanters. It first appeared in 1639 with the Covenanter army under General Alexander Leslie, First Earl of Leven.

During the period of most intense persecution (1680-1688), some 18,000 men, women, and children died in battle, were executed, killed without process of law, or exiled, for their faithfulness to ‘Christ’s Crown and Covenant’. Since the end of ‘the killing time,’ the Blue Banner has continued to serve as a symbol of the Reformed faith.

The Reformed Presbyterian Church is the continuation of the Covenanter Church in Scotland, and treasures the testimony and heritage which God has given to it. The banner itself has no theological significance, but serves as a reminder of our commitment to the great truths of the Word of God.”

Please send your graphic ideas to JWR. (Either via e-mail or via our Contact form.) Any graphics that you send must either be your own creation or uncopyrighted.