September 27, 2024

President Joe Biden dropped a brutal new ad depicting the January 6 attack ahead of ex-President Donald Trump’s visit to meet congressional Republicans at the scene of that crime.

Trump is scheduled to meet with congressional Republicans on Capitol Hill Thursday, many of whom he has not seen since the January 6 attack, and for the first time since becoming a convicted felon.

On Thursday morning, the President posted a blistering ad along with the message “There’s nothing more sacred than our democracy. We can’t let Donald Trump burn it to the ground. Watch our new ad.”

The spot is narrated by actor John Goodman and features dramatic footage and news reporting of the riot, as well as choice Trump quotes:

JOHN GOODMAN: On January 6, Donald Trump lit a fire in this country.

REPORTER: One hundred and forty officers were injured. The siege lasted for seven hours.

JOHN GOODMAN: Stoking the flames of division and hate. Now he’s pouring gasoline!

TRUMP: “They were unbelievable patriots.”

JOHN GOODMAN: Pledging to pardon the extremists who tried to overthrow our government.

TRUMP: “We will give them pardons.”

JOHN GOODMAN: Inciting them to try again. There is nothing more sacred than our democracy. But Donald Trump is ready to burn it all down!

PRESIDENT BIDEN: I’m Joe Biden and I approve this message.

The campaign also released a scathing memo that included a statement from Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi (D-CA):

Biden-Harris 2024 Launches New Ad As Trump Heads To Capitol for First Time Since January 6

“Donald Trump is ready to burn it all down.”

Today, as Donald Trump returns to the Capitol for the first time since he inspired a violent insurrection on January 6, Biden-Harris 2024 is launching a new television ad, “Burn,” to remind voters of the violence he inspired when he encouraged his supporters to stop the peaceful transfer of power.

Since Donald Trump lost the election in 2020, he’s snapped and continues to spiral, becoming more unhinged and dangerous – even after the horrific events he inspired at the Capitol on January 6.

Burn reminds Americans that at the behest of Trump, over 140 officers were injured and five people died. Now, an even more unhinged Trump promises to pardon those same violent insurrectionists and criminals who attacked the brave law enforcement protecting the Capitol on January 6, and has mused that the election this November could be our last. And he continues to encourage more political violence; convicted felon Donald Trump promises a “bloodbath” if he isn’t reelected.

This ad will run today across all battleground states during local news broadcasts in an effort to remind voters about Trump’s unforgivable actions on January 6, and his promise to go further if reelected.

The following is a statement from Biden-Harris 2024 Chair of the National Advisory Board and Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi:

“Today, the instigator of an insurrection is returning to the scene of the crime. January 6th was a crime against the Capitol, that saw Nazi and Confederate flags flying under the dome that Lincoln built. It was a crime against the Constitution and its peaceful transfer of power, in a desperate attempt to cling to power. And it was a crime against Members, heroic police officers and staff, that resulted in death, injury and trauma that endure to this day. With his pledges to be a dictator on day one and seek revenge against his political opponents, Donald Trump comes to Capitol Hill today with the same mission of dismantling our democracy. But make no mistake — Trump has already cemented his legacy of shame in our hallowed halls.”

Watch above via Biden-Harris 2024.

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