September 27, 2024

“We won’t stop working until all the hostages come home,” said President President Joe Biden Saturday at a joint international press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris, during which the leaders focused on cooperation between the two nations.

A joint operation by the IDF, Israeli security agency Shin Bet, and the Yamam unit of the Israel police liberated four civilians who were kidnapped during the brutal musical festival attack on October 7, part of the Hamas-led terror attack on Israeli civilian targets.

Both President Macron and President Biden on Saturday praised the rescue of the illegally held civilian captives from the terrorists.

Macron went on in his remarks to criticize Israel on humanitarian grounds and call for an immediate ceasefire. Biden in his remarks focused on points of agreement and cooperation, including the war in Ukraine and other international issues.

MACRON: In Gaza, we want to obtain the immediate liberation of hostages, and we can only welcome the liberation of four hostages by the Israeli army. We want to achieve an immediate ceasefire and open up the prospect of a political solution, which is the only one that can bring about a fair and lasting peace and meet the security concerns of both people.

BIDEN: But before I begin my remarks, I want to echo President Macron’s comments welcoming the safe rescue of four hostages that were returned to their families in Israel. We won’t stop working until all the hostages come home and a ceasefire is reached. That is essential to happen.

Watch the clip above via The White House.

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