September 28, 2024

This weekly Snippets column is a collection of short items: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.

Some great news! GOA, GOF Help Secure Temporary Restraining Order Against Biden’s Universal Background Check Rule.  Here is a quote:

“Today, Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) helped secure a temporary restraining order (TRO) against the Biden ATF’s new Universal Registration Check rule, which could require any person who sells just one gun in a year to obtain a Federal Firearms License and conduct background checks.

The rule was slated to take effect on May 20th, but under the TRO, it may not be enforced against the individual plaintiff, the citizens of the State of Texas, and members of GOA, GOF, the Tennessee Firearms Association, and the Virginia Citizens Defense League.”

JWR’s Comment:  This legal protection is another good reason to join the GOA!

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Reader Mike M. sent this suggestion:

“I think as prepared citizens we purchase supplies in stages. After the initial stage of defense we begin stocking up on food related items or ways to secure food for the depression era that is coming. Luckily my grandparents and parents told me countless stories of the depression era and what they could not get. One story told to me was about fishing in a small creek during the dry months when the water was basically still or flowing very little. They would take green walnuts, hulls and all, place them in a burlap bag and beat them to a pulp. They then took them to a creek and “sloused ” them around in the water where it was pooled several feet deep. This reaction, as i was told, took the oxygen from the water and the fish would float to the surface to be picked up.

I live near water of all types. I have prepared for fishing for a long time and have recently purchased extra supplies. I have put back a turtle trap, gill nets, catfish hoops/traps, bream traps, and trot lines. There is an outlet called Nets and More located in Jonesville, Louisiana. They build nets or anything associated with fishing. They have remnants of gill net that is as cheap as you can get. About $5 and up, depending on what you need. Did you know you can catch birds and other animals in nets?  Just place them near a feed area. Use small netting sizes for this. Good luck.”

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How Many Gun Owners are in America? (2024 Statistics).

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The latest video from Mike Jones (“Garand Thumb”): The US Army’s New Mk18? The Compact SIG SPEAR ASSAULTER K.

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H.L. was the first of several readers to mention this: New CBP data reveals the Hundreds of Thousands of illegals Biden is flying directly into the country.

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Free Solar for Farmers: Climate Law Gives Rich Incentives. An excerpt:

“The Agriculture Department awarded about $465 million in grants through its Rural Energy for America Program in the agency’s fiscal 2023, with the average amount of a grant at roughly $150,000. That is up from nearly $60 million in total grant awards the previous year. Requests for funding from farmers have also surged.”

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Newark Schools to Install 7,000 AI Cameras, Privacy Concern?

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Kittery Trading Post Contemplates Move in Response to Maine’s New Gun Law. Here is a pericope:

“Fearing “irreversible consequences,” the Kittery Trading Post has communicated to the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine that the legislation could push them to relocate their business to New Hampshire—a state synonymous with the motto “Live Free or Die” and with less restrictive gun laws. In a letter released by the Sportsman’s Alliance, the Trading Post argued the waiting period “forces law-abiding customers to make two visits over three days to complete a legal firearm sale.” They highlighted that such a requirement places undue logistical and financial burdens on customers.

The move would not only shift a piece of Maine’s heritage across state lines but also potentially inflict a substantial economic blow. The Kittery Trading Post provided a financial impact statement predicting an annual loss of over 40,000 customers and more than $400,000 in Maine sales tax revenue. The repercussions, they contend, would ripple through their sale of not just firearms, but camping and fishing gear, footwear, and clothing as well.”

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Reader C.B. sent us the link to this Matt Rissinger pre-fabricated insulated panel 374-square foot tiny house construction video: 1 Hour ADU House Build!

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And lastly, there is this odd news: Scientists Accidentally Discovered That Hibernating Bumblebee Queens Can Survive Underwater For Up To One Full Week.

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