September 28, 2024

(Continued from Part 1.  This concludes the article.)


I like to use Beck brand subsonic ammunition as they are good quality cartridges and best for this scenario. Subsonic means that it doesn’t break the sound barrier so there is no secondary boom (or “crack”) when firing. The first boom (from the powder charge) is silenced by the suppressor, and there is no secondary hypersonic boom, beyond the suppressor. Hopefully, that makes sense to everyone. Use subsonic ammunition in situations where you need to be nearly silent.

One caveat is that subsonic ammunition is not powerful enough to push the bolt carrier group on the AR-15 of the upper receiver all the way back to cycle the next round to allow semi-automatic fire. But you can work around this issue. Fire your sniping shot from your subsonic ammo magazine. (My magazines have green tape at the bottom to ensure I know they are not for semi-auto use.) Then manually cycle each cartridge by pulling the charging handle back, and releasing it.

Should a Close Quarter Battle (CQB) ensue and you need rounds that can cycle the bolt carrier group in the upper receiver for fast semi-automatic rifle then you simply swap that magazine out with your supersonic ammo magazine. (One without the green tape). But do not forget to cycle the bolt carrier group manually once, after the magazine is swapped out.  That will ready your rifle for semi-auto fire.

Again, I use a magazine with green electrical tape band at the bottom, signifying subsonic ammo. So I do not get confused with your supersonic ammo magazine, my body armor rig holds the supersonic ammo while my carrying case stows the magazines loaded with the subsonic cartridges.

Caution: Be mindful of the warning on the subsonic ammunition carton, in that slamming the bolt carrier group on a chambered round of the subsonic ammo could lodge the round in the chamber.


There are many suppressors on the market today. Be sure you perform all the steps to obtain one LEGALLY. You must do the following to obtain a suppressor:

Establish a corporation or trust and purchase your suppressor from a licensed dealer, through that formed entity. That way when you shoot at the range you can hand that suppressor to anyone named in your trust without violating the law. I am not an attorney and please seek legal help in this area.

  • Complete all forms needed including the FBI background check.
  • Pay the $200 tax stamp fee for a suppressor
  • Wait for your suppressor stamp to be granted by the ATF. (Typically this has taken several months, but  recently the process has been greatly speeded up for those using the ATF’s e-file system.)Once granted, you must have your tax stamp wherever your suppressor travels.

Depending on the design, a suppressor may screw onto the end of your barrel (“direct attach”) or it may have a locking pin twist-lock, as mine does. For the latter, you must remove your flash suppressor and install a barrel coupler for your style of suppressor. Screw the coupler on and tighten it up. Now you are ready to take some practice rounds at the range.

IRON Sights

Due to the technical aspect of lasers on scopes, batteries, sunshields for scopes, and glare that can reflect to the enemy, I rely on Iron Sights only. That means I can easily take a shot at 100 meters without the aid of scopes. I can also do approximately 200 meters with some accuracy. Take note that 90 % of police sniping kills are at less than 100 meters.

In addition, any daytime close quarter battles (CQBs) inside buildings will not require the use of scopes or battery-powered sighting aids as most shootouts are within 30 to 50 feet (not meters). I have trained with this scenario and found that I’m more capable with iron sights. Imagine being in a gunfight and your red-dot scope doesn’t turn on because the battery is dead or it malfunctions. The world’s best sniper, Simo Hayha of Finland, used only iron sights.


We will arrive in an era in America history very soon as is documented in John the Apostle’s Revelation. Just understand the targeting of Republicans by the DOJ/FBI today and their non-targeting of Democrats.

For the time being, the targets on your own range will be paper targets. Be sure to get proficient then change it up from time to time. Fire from different positions (prone, standing, kneeling, sitting, et al.), during different all weather conditions. Be sure to purchase a ghillie suit and fire from your makeshift hide donning your ghillie hood and place rounds on target 100 meters down range. Practice shooting while wearing a gas mask once in a while.

Most of your real-life shooting will be in civilian clothing and in residential or business districts. Be sure to shoot in civilian clothing and practice shooting from your vehicle. Use moving targets. This is a great segue into the next section.


To covertly carry your firearm in public, carry your firearm inside a case such as in this photo. Here is my guitar case which houses my firearm and accessories. This can be carried down any city street and into highly surveilled areas without raising suspicion. Practice carrying your rifle case empty through populated areas. Then you can carry your real rifle, inside, once you feel comfortable. Did you read about  the leftist who carried a pick-axe onto Hollywood Boulevard inside a guitar case to destroy Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame sidewalk? He accomplished his goal and just got a legal slap on the wrist.


No gun is effective in the long term without having a proper cleaning kit. So, to underscore this point, inside your carrying case, which is not an obvious gun case, you will also stow a small gun cleaning kit. This kit is one that you use to actually clean your caliber of firearm and is a compact traveling gun cleaning kit—not bulky. For me, I use a bore snake and swabs. I also have small bottles of Hoppes #9 solvent and gun oil with cloths to wipe the outer parts of the rifle. It’s good to give your firearm a generous dose of oil, as it cleans the gun and helps prevent rust. If you do not know how to clean your gun, then watch the good YouTube videos from T-Rex.


Let’s face it, if we Conservatives are backed into a corner, having to use lethal force to get out of that corner—as the Biblical text illustrates, then it should be an unfair fight, every time.

I would recommend watching the Dennis Prager video on the difference between taking a human life and murder, as there is a reason God stipulated in the Sixth commandment to not murder another person, but killing is warranted in scripture (see act of war, capital punishment, and self-defense in the Holy scriptures). In other words, if you need to kill a human (not murder them out of spite), then do it as an unfair of a fight as possible.

For night ops and training in my civilian life, I utilize a helmet-mounted PVS-14 monocular night vision that I bought from Ready Made Resources. I know the owner personally. A Navy SEAL bump helmet with a contour fit to my specific head size and shape is used to mount the night vision monocular. These helmets have Velcro on the top and battery packs at the rear. The helmet is perfectly balanced onto my head with extra batteries. I place a wide-angle IR flashlight on the top of the bump helmet which can be utilized in an emergency and illuminate the area without the naked eye seeing the light.

So why the night vision for your shooting platform? This is where the unfair fight comes in and the advantage given to you.

A small caveat is that the night vision is equipped with active IR (infrared) and be sure that IR illuminator is normally off. Also, the IR flashlight which is attached to the top of my bump helmet can also be seen by an opponent with night vision gear, so I plan to use it in emergencies only.

To aid in the precision shooting at night, I use the Holosun LS321 Laser which is Allen-wrenched to the Picatinny rail on my rifle’s barrel. This is also found at Ready Made Resources. What this platform does is possess a green (human eye-visible) laser beam when in sunlight, low light, or dimly-lit rooms. It has an IR beam that spreads out like a flashlight which is seen only through a night vision monocular. Lastly and most importantly, it has an IR laser used for shooting at night. You will see the laser beam through your night vision monocular.


As the FBI and alphabet authorities continue to incarcerate more Republicans, including a former President (Donald J. Trump), and kill more Republicans, there will come a time when there is no other choice for the Judeo-Christian principled Conservative but to “kill or be killed,” as Marine Corps teaches.

Please switch your thinking over to that of the Lone Wolf partisan. The longest wars ever fought were between standing armies and Lone Wolves. Most importantly, change your thinking on what weapons platform you need now and in the future. Remember that we are purchasing weapon systems for our children and grandchildren as the 2nd Amendment will be gone soon. Every one of us needs to now have this “unfair fight” capability, in our gun safes at home. Purchase a weapon for each of your children. When the hot war begins, you want to take the shot in silence and then be home for dinner with your family, unobserved by the authorities.

God bless you and may God bless the Republic.