October 21, 2024

So weird. It’s been three days since Vladimir Putin had Alexei Navalny murdered. And as of this morning, Mr. Faux Free Speech (Elon Musk) and the Tangelo-Flavored Sneaker Salesman (Donald Trump) — neither of whom can usually shut up about anything, both of whom pretend to love freedom — hadn’t uttered a peep about one of the world’s preeminent freedom fighters getting snuffed by their man crush. Does the cat have their tongues? Or are their tongues so far up Putin’s tuchus, they can’t speak? (No tongue-touching up there, boys. Your boss, Mr. Putin, hates The Gays.)

But hark! The Sneaker Salesman finally just broke his silence. Not to condemn Putin, but to ask the most important question, the only question he ever cares about:  “How can I make this about me?” On his failing, ironically-named Truth Social network, Trump essentially just compared himself to Navalny. (Navalny’s in wonderful company, Trump’s compared himself to Jesus in the past, as have some of his disciples.)

I, too, see some similarities between Navalny and Trump, with key differences:

1.   Navalny sacrificed himself for others, Trump sacrifices others for himself.
2.  Navalny was a great man. Trump wears the word “great” on his dopey hat, while dancing to Village People songs in front of fellow Putin idolators.
3.  Navalny was a lion-hearted badass. Trump’s a lyin’ ass.
4.  Navalny died with dignity. Trump lives on without any.

If you want to know what real courage looks like, watch the 2022 documentary, Navalny, from which this clip comes.

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