September 24, 2024

The tight security that surrounds President Biden and his wife was breached in spectacular fashion on Sunday night after a car collided with part of the presidential  motorcade that was parked up in Wilmington, Delaware.

In what could be sheer coincidence, the crash occurred at the very moment Biden was walking out of a building and onto the sidewalk to get into his own armored car.

Biden paused and looked over toward the sound and appeared surprised. The crash appeared to come out of the blue and saw the Secret Service hurriedly bundle Biden into his own armored vehicle.

Meanwhile, armed agents drew their weapons on the driver who had rammed into the SUV that was being used to close down a street while Biden had been attending a nearby campaign event. 

The president and the First Lady had just emerged from the Biden-Harris 2024 headquarters in downtown Wilmington just after 8pm when the collision happened. 

The first lady was wishing ‘Happy Holidays’ to waiting journalists and was just as the president emerged that the sound of the car slamming into the motorcade could be heard. The president and first lady were unharmed. 

President Joe Biden appeared shocked after a car crashed into a Secret Service SUV 

Members of the US Secret Service rush to a car, after it hit the presidential motorcade

Members of the US Secret Service rush to a car, after it hit the presidential motorcade 

Members of the United States Secret Service speak to the driver of the vehicle that crashed

Members of the United States Secret Service speak to the driver of the vehicle that crashed 


The car rammed into a motorcade SUV  operated by the Secret Service  which was blocking the street

The car rammed into a motorcade SUV  operated by the Secret Service  which was blocking the street

The car, a silver copper sedan with Delaware plates was being driven by a man as he hit the black U.S. Secret Service SUV that was shielding the motorcade at the intersection across from the entrance of the campaign headquarters. 

There was a loud bang and the president appeared startled as the collision occurred.

The sedan tried to continue into the closed-off intersection, before Secret Service personnel sprung into action and surrounded the vehicle with weapons drawn instructing the driver to put his hands up. 

The man complied and held his hands up while nearby reporters were quickly shuffled away. 

‘They’re evacuating, you guys gotta go,’ a staffer told journalists as security personnel secured the area. 

Law enforcement quickly surrounded the vehicle with weapons drawn

Law enforcement quickly surrounded the vehicle with weapons drawn

Agents quickly approached the crashed vehicle to speak with the driver and understand what had occurred

Agents quickly approached the crashed vehicle to speak with the driver and understand what had occurred  

One Secret Service agent could be seen with his hand on his weapon as he approached the vehicle

One Secret Service agent could be seen with his hand on his weapon as he approached the vehicle

Secret Service agents rushed to the scene moments after the collision

Secret Service agents rushed to the scene moments after the collision 

The crash occurred on slippery roads in wet and windy conditions on Sunday night

The crash occurred on slippery roads in wet and windy conditions on Sunday night 

Biden and his wife had just left his campaign headquarters after having a meal of pasta with tomato sauce with members of his re-election team.

The president was quickly ushered into his waiting vehicle, where his wife was already seated, before being driven swiftly back to their home. 

His schedule was otherwise unaffected by the incident.

The Secret Service did not immediately comment on the incident.

The crash came just as Joe Biden was leaving his campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware on Sunday night, just after 8pm

The crash came just as Joe Biden was leaving his campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware on Sunday night, just after 8pm

Moments earlier, Biden had been waving to gathered reporters wishing them 'Happy Holidays'

Moments earlier, Biden had been waving to gathered reporters wishing them ‘Happy Holidays’

U.S. first lady Jill Biden reacts after a vehicle crashed into a Secret Service SUV

U.S. first lady Jill Biden reacts after a vehicle crashed into a Secret Service SUV 

The crash happened in full view of a team of journalists and photographers covering Biden

The crash happened in full view of a team of journalists and photographers covering Biden

Biden was walking from the building to his waiting SUV when the crash occurred

Biden was walking from the building to his waiting SUV when the crash occurred

President Joe Biden reacts after hearing a loud bang as he leaves his campaign headquarters

President Joe Biden reacts after hearing a loud bang as he leaves his campaign headquarters 

Tight security that surrounds the president appeared to have been breached on Sunday night

Tight security that surrounds the president appeared to have been breached on Sunday night

A car plowed into a parked SUV that was part of Biden's motorcade Sunday night while the president was leaving  his campaign headquarters. The bang startled Biden

A car plowed into a parked SUV that was part of Biden’s motorcade Sunday night while the president was leaving  his campaign headquarters. The bang startled Biden