September 22, 2024

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods. This column is a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from JWR. Our goal is to educate our readers, to help them to recognize emerging threats, and to be better prepared for both disasters and negative societal trends. You can’t mitigate a risk if you haven’t first identified a risk. In today’s column, we look at the Bunker Building Boom. (Pictured is a diagram of an underground bunker from Atlas Shelters.)

An Invasive Tick That Can Clone Itself Is Spreading

Over at Smithsonian: An Invasive Tick That Can Clone Itself Is Spreading Across the U.S., Threatening Livestock.

Something is Very Wrong—What Now?

A brief but pointed essay from Eric Utter, over at The American Thinker: Something is very wrong—What now?

American Prepper Culture Spreads To Taiwan

Reader Pat A. sent this: American Prepper Culture Spreads To Taiwan Amid Fears Of Chinese Invasion. Here is a pericope:

“Over the years preppers have been approached with ridicule and skepticism.  The media became overtly hostile to the idea of independent thinkers organizing to survive and fight, and others simply treated these groups as a novelty – A curious area of interest but nothing to be taken seriously.

Then came the lockdowns and the panic driven by covid hysteria, and suddenly many of those same skeptics became preppers overnight.  Mobs of people caught asleep and without provisions rushed into their local Walmart and Costco to fight over toilet paper and bags of rice.  Prices on necessities doubled, many items were hard to find and there was no knowing how long the supply chain disruptions might last.

The preppers and “conspiracy theorists” were right.  In fact, they’ve been proven right so frequently the past few years that it’s now humorous to find anyone who still uses the term “conspiracy theorist” as a derogatory remark.  Not only were they right about stockpiling essential goods, but they have also been proven right about training for self defense in combat scenarios.

The Russian war with Ukraine sparked surprising discussion within the mainstream media about the usefulness of civilian militias.  Had the Ukrainian government not been so hostile to the notion of an armed and trained citizenry they might have had an edge when the conflict with Russia started.  At the drop of a hat, Ukraine leaders were racing to arm civilians and teach them how to shoot.  Of course, this was too little too late.”

El Niño Winter — What Will Be Different?

Reader H.L. sent us this: It’s the first El Niño winter in 5 years. What will be different?

Bunkers Booming Amid Fallout From World’s Conflicts

Reader C.B. sent us this from the UK Telegraph: Bunkers become a boom industry amid fallout from world’s conflicts. Here is an excerpt:

“The fitting out of a safety room usually takes about six weeks, while installing and kitting out a full bunker takes around three months.

Converting a cellar or basement is another option, says Valdas Macys, head of international sales at Castellex – maker of NBC air systems. “They are not as sophisticated as a purpose built shelter but will increase your chance of survival. The most important thing is to survive the blast and the shock after.”

There are also other factors to consider.

“The process of designing a nuclear bunker is not easy,” says Hardman. “There is a planning process to go through and that can be difficult. The planning departments can’t seem to get a grip on a nuclear bunker in their planning policy.”

Engineering considerations and technical issues around building controls also need to be looked at.  It is also not cheap. Prices for panic rooms to bunkers typically range from £250,000 to £1.5m.”

America Is a Heartbeat Away From a War It Could Lose

Tom Christianson flagged this article from the leftist-globalist Foreign Policy: America Is a Heartbeat Away From a War It Could Lose.

Police Now Have Access to Trillions of U.S. Phone Records

Mike D. suggested this article: Police officers now have access to trillions of U.S. phone records, thanks to secret White House surveillance program.

You can send your news tips to JWR. (Either via e-mail or via our Contact form.) Thanks!