September 20, 2024

I’ll begin with a quote:

“The first step is to give up the illusion that the primary purpose of modern medical research is to improve Americans’ health most effectively and efficiently. In our opinion, the primary purpose of commercially funded clinical research is to maximize financial return on investment, not health.” – John Abramson, M.D., Harvard Medical School

The last few years have been revealing to many people about the world in which we live. For those of us who study (not just read) the Scriptures as well as others, the world appears to be in a spiritual as well as a physical warfare. Many have written about the dimensions of warfare, and I will not pretend to know much about them other than it seems clear that there are many dimensions of war with the passage of time. Furthermore, there are many fronts to a war, and if I may draw an analogy, I wish to offer a paradigm on healthcare as a war front.

In my opinion, we are witnessing the death of true medicine in the social transformation of American medicine. Before defending my opinion, I presuppose that most of the readership of SurvivalBlog hold to one of two primary world views. though there are many others. Specifically, these are Humanism and Theism, particularly the view that YHWH of the Scriptures designed and created everything including humans and the multiple systems in which we find ourselves. Humanism, on the other hand, rejects the idea of God or the supernatural, and holds to the materialistic, progressive evolution for its basis of genesis. Its followers ultimately tend to absolutize humankind either as self-worship or collective man, as in the form of government.

I think most of us can see this in our current state of affairs especially if one has been to a college campus recently. I start from these presuppositions for two reasons. First, it is not polite to ignore that others may feel differently for reasons unknown to the author and others as has happened to me many a time, and second, that many in both world views may have not thought of such assumptions in a logical rational relation. Suffice it to say, with all my time in government schools, government-approved college, government-approved medical school, and 30+ years of government-approved continuing medical education based on Humanism, I believe the Theistic worldview describes reality better in answering the bigger questions in life as well as lining up with archeological, geological, and spacial history and true science. There are others that believe differently, and I acknowledge them. Thus, since none have all the answers, we all live by faith of some sort. If we start from different assumptions, logically we most likely will end up at different conclusions.

In this article, I will try to pare down a thesis to help you find a physician that you can trust in this day and age. Ultimately, we are seeing the end stages in the social transformation of American medicine or as has happened in other war fronts such as the visual and musical arts and education– the degradation from the rational to the irrational. As my favorite professor always stated, you can tell someone’s foundational world view or theology (or who he worships) by identifying what he does and thinks. The theistic basis for medicine holds that Man fell in the garden and the consequence is our “curse.” Man’s rebellion against God as well as his fellow man resulted in injury, sickness, famine, poisons, infections, disease, genetic problems, murder, and death. The focus for many theistic physicians and nurses is to stop rebelling against God and to minister to the sick by “reversing the curses” using God’s instructions and revelation in reversing famine, nutritional deficiencies, contamination, infectious and poisonous diseases, even genetic and physiologic disorders, and truly taming the heart to stem violence and other abominable behavior until He provides ultimate reconciliation and restoration.

The Humanistic basis for medicine holds that man was neither designed nor created but rather materialistically progressively evolved (not devolved) over time (Father Time) by chance (and Mother Nature). Life is from Natural Selection or the Survival of the Fittest. Disease is reduced to biochemical causes and thus chemical cures. There are no curses, no “Satan,” no absolutes, no design, no divine healing or intervention, nor eternal life in the classical sense. There is only progressive evolution, and humans can help speed it up. The focus for many humanistic physicians and nurses (whether they realize it or not) is to help speed up human evolution by helping the fittest survive and the sick to die. Since there are no absolutes or real ministry, why not get rich or make a living under the guise of helping people? There is no God to be accountable to except Collective Man (government).

Furthermore, it is my opinion, like in other life disciplines, there is a fine line in medicine for using a medication to reverse the curse while worshiping the Creator, and for using a medication to create or evolve a better human in our own likeness and rebelling against the Creator. Theoretically, an example of the later would be if there was a Creator God, He created a very weak ecosystem as far as climate change is concerned and he surely created a weak immune system as far as Covid-19 is concerned. Thus, as we now have evidence that the gene of the spike protein of Covid-19 was in the genomic library of Moderna in 2017 and that it was conspicuously inserted into the genome of what became the Covid-19 virus and that they introduced mRNA gene therapy as a “vaccine,” they could claim to make mankind’s immune system better than God created. We now know that certain cells in the bodies of many of those who took the mRNA therapy have had their DNA genetically mutated. Thus, for them, humankind is evolving for the better with our DNA modifications. I think the real science shows otherwise.

Many physicians and non-physicians pushed for mandatory mRNA therapy for everybody including those that were reluctant, pregnant, or had other contraindications. This was done without the FDA-mandated Patient Package Insert. Many patients who were pressured to get the “jab” were very low risk of serious illness with the virus because of their age, sex, race, history of previous infection, and lack of other risk factors. In fact, their risk was so low that the actual serious side effects of the “jab” were found to be greater. These healthcare workers are physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, and hospital CEOs that you do not want as your healthcare provider whatever your theological or humanistic worldview is!

My Rules

With the foregoing in mind, the following are my suggested rules for finding a trustworthy doctor:

Rule #1: Find a doctor who will offer his professional opinions, but realizes that you are the ultimate decision-maker of your own healthcare and that of your family. Beware of the physicians, especially pediatricians, who basically say “Its my way or the highway” particularly when it comes to immunizations. Though they may truly believe that immunization may be proactive disease prevention, they are effectively telling you two different thoughts that they are thinking. First, I am not your healthcare advisor that you are ultimately paying for my services through a third party, but rather, I am your healthcare “parent” and it is my job to make sure that your healthcare behavior follows the dictates of the Government and third-party insurers. Second, don’t waste my precious time because if I can’t immunize you, then I may not be able to upcode your office visit for medical necessity for insurance reimbursement or meet quotas for insurance bonuses. At least in my neck of the woods, the government and insurance providers track the percentages of vaccinated patients of healthcare providers and issue quarterly compliance reports.

For those who are truly interested in their healthcare and immunizations, I would refer them to a couple of books. The first is Dissolving Illusions Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History by Suzanne Humphries, MD and Roman Bystrianyk. The second is The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Both are worth your time reading, and you might suggest them to your current healthcare provider.

Rule #2: Find a doctor who is willing to listen to other opinions. Physicians are some of the easiest people to indoctrinate. The National Socialistic Governmental Indoctrination System otherwise known as the Public School System naturally select those who get the best scores on tests and rewards them with “better-paying” jobs such as admission to medical school for example. The more time spent in “school” and refined testing, the easier it is to indoctrinate with less questioning of what is being taught as truth. Physicians don’t have a lot of time to read, and when they do read to study for some government-mandated exam or Certified Medical Education, it is only about the government-generated agenda for healthcare. Can you start to see the bias and the Humanistic worldview?

The obvious example is how treatment for Covid-19 was handled. South Korea was the second country affected by a local epidemic of Covid-19. While the Democrats were screaming racism and bigotry for national and self-isolation practices in the US, they credited self-isolation and mask-wearing for the swift control of the local epidemic in Korea. When it became known from South Korean physicians that they applied what was known about zinc devastating intracellular viral replication and hydroxychloroquine as the “facilitator” of zinc entering the cell and that this treatment was responsible for quelling the South Korean epidemic, the story was censored. When France reported that it halved the shed time to 6 days in stage 3 and 4 (hospitalized) patients, this story was censored. Furthermore, the National Institutes for Health website had a page up for almost 2 years stating that hydroxychloroquine was not effective for early treatment of Covid-19. They listed 3 papers to support their claim. One paper included 42% of patients with no documentation of Covid-19 infection. Two of the three were from the same author and facility. They all had questionable financial bias. But the real evidence of intentional deception was the fact that all these papers withheld zinc from the patients. Even my homeschooled high school children saw this. Why didn’t the pharmacists and other healthcare providers see it? Because the other studies were censored and they believe without question the government narrative.

When one realizes that the 33,000 workers at the NIH and CDC allowed this real “disinformation” resulting in delayed treatment and deaths coupled with the fact that 1800 NIH and CDC employees received $192 million in royalties one has to ask “Why?” The corruption is more disturbing when it comes to Ivermectin, a drug probably safer than Tylenol or penicillin. The fact that my boss, a non-medically trained hospital vice-president, demanded that the medical staff not recommend hydroxychloroquine and zinc or Ivermectin for early treatment to their patients while at the same time knowing that the hospital could upcode every patient admitted or treated with the diagnosis of Covid-19 seems an obvious conflict of interest to outsiders. Furthermore, she and her bosses refused their use in stage 3 and 4 patients, but allowed Remdisivir, with known lethal side effects, to be used.

The statistics were so messed up that no one really knows how many patients died from Covid-19, how many died from renal failure from Remdisivir, how many died from excessive anti-coagulation and bled to death, or how many died from other causes. But I saw them die in my ICU, many preventable, and without their loved ones at their side. I refused to listen to my boss. There were many valiant physicians who prescribed these life-saving meds at risk of their jobs only to have many less-educated and inexperienced, indoctrinated pharmacists refuse to provide any medication thus placing the physicians at risk for medical malpractice and patients at serious risk. As far as I know, not one of my early treatment patients died or were hospitalized. I am pretty sure that the pandemic was a “blessing” for hospital administrators as most easily hit their financial benchmarks for their bonuses even with the expense of firing hard-to-find nurses and doctors for non-compliance. Can you see the corruption? Can you see the world views?

(To be completed tomorrow, in Part 2.)