September 16, 2024

This weekly Snippets column is a collection of short items: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.

Reader C.B. sent this: 8-year-old survives ‘extraordinarily rare’ cougar attack inside Washington’s Olympic National Park.

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From Mike D.: New Evidence Suggests Vaccinated Can Transmit Covid-19 Vax Antibodies Through The Air.

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Avalanche Lily alerted me to this article at The Hill: High school boys are trending conservative.

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Wikipedia Founder Larry Sanger to Glenn Greenwald: “CIA and FBI Use Wikipedia for Information Warfare”.

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At Reason: Say Goodbye to Permissionless Travel. Starting in 2024, Americans will need to pay for a visa to visit Europe. This might take up to two weeks.

L.A. County Reports First Deaths from Flea-borne Typhus in Decades. (Thanks to blog reader C.B. for the link.)

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There is something special about a Land Rover with an 88-inch wheelbase, especially this one: Richard Hammond on the greatest barn find of all time.

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Farage Tells Breitbart we are on the Verge of Banks Running ‘Word Checks’ on Customers Social Media. JWR’s Comment: De-banking is a real threat. It happened to me.  No reason was ever given. I had held that non-interest-bearing checking account with plenty of activity and an average balance of $4,000+ for nearly two decades. I had never been overdrawn. Farage is right: Denial of banking is a political weapon.

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‘Startling’ Images Show Armed Cartel Members Walking Into U.S. At Southern Border.

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Mark G. flagged this article: Gene-edited Mosquito Vaccines Could Lead to Mass Vaccination Without Consent, Kim Iversen Warns.

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From The Civil Rights Lawyer: Cops Arrest Kid Protesting Drag Event | First Amendment Violation?

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M.J. had this comment, regarding SwampFox’s recent article on chemical weapons:

“I used to work as a non-sworn courthouse security guard for a large municipal law enforcement agency in California.  During our training, my classmates and I were sprayed with Freeze+P, a mix of tear gas and pepper spray.  We were expected to work through it while a DI was playing the part of a suspect to be subdued.

I can testify that Freeze+P is a powerful attitude adjustment!  I was so badly blinded by the spray that I almost blundered into the women’s locker room; only the frantic shouts of my classmates saved me.  I don’t think it’s available for purchase by civilians.
There was a rumor going around our class that washing our eyes with shampoo would neutralize the pepper spray. That was NOT true. It was only after training that I learned about neutralizing solutions.
Sabre Red was what we carried on duty.
Now that I’m a civilian, I carry a small jogger-size canister of Mace.  It came in handy recently when a stray dog was threatening me and some children in the park where I was exercising.  When I sprayed the dog, it ran away and rubbed its face repeatedly in the ground. I ran away in the other direction.  I never saw the dog again.

Pepper spray is very handy to have, but as SwampFox said, be mindful of the law.”

Ukraine Rearrests American Blogger Trying To Enter Hungary For Asylum.

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A new video from Attorney Bill Kirk: The Case That’s Going to Tie Both of ATF’s Hands Behind Its Back.

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An Armed Scholar video: Supreme Court 5-4 Emergency Order Just Changed The Second Amendment Fight!

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Palestinian Arabs afraid of the red heifer.

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Reader F.J. sent this: See the solar-powered homeless shelter made from shipping containers.

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‘We’re changing the clouds.’ An unforeseen test of geoengineering is fueling record ocean warmth.

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A recent TOOLMAN TIM’S WORKSHOP podcast interview: James Wesley, Rawles Interview – History of Modern Preparedness.

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I recently met the nice folks who run Hells Canyon Mountain Sports. It is an Internet and gunshow-operated company that sells guns, ammunition, and reloading components. They recently expanded their business to go nationwide, and launched a full website.  They are headquartered in Lewiston, Idaho, but don’t operate a storefront, to keep their overhead low.

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