September 19, 2024

Since the day President Biden entered office, the nation knew it would be a surprise if he finished one full term in the Oval Office.

Mr. Biden himself indicated that it was inconceivable that he would run for reelection. Yet 2½ years into his presidency, Mr. Biden shows no signs of bowing out of the 2024 presidential race.

It is clear, however, that with Mr. Biden’s age, frailty, proneness to gaffes, and the vast majority of Democratic voters hoping he does not seek a second term, the Democratic Party reluctantly supports Mr. Biden as its leader.

So, what happens now? Is there an alternative candidate for the Democrats? I’m willing to make a bold prediction and say that by the end of October, Mr. Biden will withdraw his reelection bid, and California Gov. Gavin Newsom will be declared the Democrats’ most viable option for the presidency.

Let’s look at some of the indicators that lead to this conclusion.

Earlier this year, the Democratic National Committee overhauled the party’s presidential nominating calendar. The purpose of this change moving forward is to avoid a primary bloodbath similar to that of the 2016 election.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton came out of the primary season as the victor, though severely bruised — limping into the general election — ultimately failing to win her mandated place in the White House. By placing states like South Carolina, Georgia and Michigan at the top of the primary list, a clear path to the nomination will become apparent early, thus avoiding a drawn-out and damaging primary cycle.

So, if Mr. Biden withdraws, why not Vice President Kamala Harris? Ms. Harris’ actions on the public stage have been of great concern to voters, giving them an unsettled feeling in placing her as the face and leader of the party.

Her awkward demeanor and sometimes talking down to Americans, coupled with her nervous cackling, pit her unfavorable numbers against her chances of being a viable candidate.

With the two leading Democrats out of the equation, what are the alternatives? Mr. Newsom is gradually getting his feet wet on the national stage: visiting the southern border, campaigning in Florida, and most recently, having an hourlong interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity.

Without offending the powers that be in the Democratic Party, it is clear that Mr. Newsom is positioning himself to be the Democrats’ alternative to the declining 80-year-old commander in chief.

Mr. Newsom is a young, charismatic politician who brings a fresh face to the party and has the ability to reenergize the Democratic base. The California governor also has a solid donor base and is good at raising money, an ability most politicians lack.

Mr. Newsom has shown that he is not afraid of the media and is willing to confront those who may not necessarily align with his political beliefs.

In his interview with Mr. Hannity, Mr. Newsom showcased his intellect by debating policy. Mr. Biden, in comparison, is known for giving non-answers to tough questions from the press corps.

Mr. Newsom did not shy away from the tense debate and was well prepared.

The qualities that Mr. Newsom possesses are almost the polar opposite of Mr. Biden’s, and Mr. Newsom has the ability to turn out Democrats’ votes in 2024.

As a presidential candidate, Mr. Newsom would force Republicans to respond to tough political discussions that they will try to avoid this cycle. Mr. Newsom will define the Republican platform on sensitive issues such as abortion, Social Security and Medicare, forcing the Republican candidate to go on the defensive.

This tactic will give Mr. Newsom an advantage to win over the electorate who are single-issue voters or who identify as independent and don’t like the extreme positions of either side of the aisle.

Gavin Newsom will continue to make more strategic moves over the course of the summer to position himself as the viable alternative to Mr. Biden.

To be clear, this is not an endorsement of Mr. Newsom. It is a mere warning for Republicans to take this potential threat seriously and prepare themselves for a very different presidential election season.

• Adam Brandon is president of FreedomWorks.