October 18, 2024

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods. This column is a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from JWR. Our goal is to educate our readers, to help them to recognize emerging threats, and to be better prepared for both disasters and negative societal trends. You can’t mitigate a risk if you haven’t first identified a risk. In today’s column, we look at Canada’s restrictive new gun laws.

11 Places That Will Pay You To Move There

SurvivalBlog reader D.S.V. mentioned this article at  Clark.com: 11 Places That Will Pay You To Move There in 2024.

New Canadian Firearms Laws

Blog reader L. in Nova Scotia, sent the link to this update at the RCMP website: Requirements for individuals and businesses to transfer a firearm barrel or handgun slide, and for individuals to import these parts, ammunition and cartridge magazines.

Here is a quote from a recent RCMP nationwide letter:

Other measures that are already in effect include:

    • businesses and individuals may only transfer cartridge magazines to an individual that holds a valid PAL;
    • a national “freeze” on handguns;
    • changes to the definition of a “prohibited firearm”;
    • “red flag” laws (emergency weapons prohibition order); and
    • new Criminal Code offences.

Additional measures will take effect at a later date.”

JWR’s Comment: They keep gradually adding their Liliputian lines of tyranny…

Moscow And Beijing Pursue Win-Win Deals With Türkiye

Reader H.L. sent us this, from Zero Hedge: As NATO Bids Farewell To Reality, Moscow And Beijing Pursue Win-Win Deals With Türkiye.

A New Ice Age?

Reader C.B. suggested a video produced last year by Dr. Ben Miles: New Evidence We Are Entering An Ice Age Termination Event – Explained.

Russia Running Out of Tanks?

Tamara K., the Editrix of the great View From The Porch blog alerted me to this news published by The Economist: Russia’s vast stocks of Soviet-era weaponry are running out.

Consequences of The New Asian Pivot

Reader H.L. suggested this substack piece: The Japanese-Philippine Military Logistics Pact Raises The Risk Of War With China.

Musk: European Commission’s Censorship Demands

An interesting piece at WorldNetDaily (WND): Musk drops bombshell about European Commission’s censorship demands.  Here is a quote from Musk’s tweet:

“The European Commission offered an illegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us,” he charged.

“The other platforms accepted that deal. X did not.”

Tenth Circuit To Rule on Public Lands Access

From reader C.B.: Tenth Circuit Court expected to decide on public lands access.

St. Funogas on the Attempted Assassination

SurvivalBlog reader St. Funogas had these observations on the July 13th assassination attempt on Donald Trump, and its implications:

“Concerning the attempted Trump assassination, for the first time in history there are conspiracy theories flying on both the Republican and Democrat sides.  None that I’ve read seem especially plausible to me so let me throw this one out there for what it’s worth.

For anyone who read the Congressional Committee’s 31-page report released June 25th (“The Intelligence Community 51: How CIA Contractors Colluded With the Biden Campaign to Mislead American Voters”), it’s obvious that the Deep State is far more worried about Trump getting back into office than Democrats are.  The “Intelligence Community 51” refers to 51 former intelligence officials, including 5 former Directors/Deputy Directors of the CIA, releasing a letter two days before the last Trump/Biden debate in 2020 and two weeks before the election saying the Hunter Biden laptop had “all the earmarks” of a Russian disinformation plot.  There’s a 99% probability that the first signature Jim Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence (a Presidential Cabinet position), and a 95% probability that at least one of the other former CIA Directors knew the laptop material was authentic since the FBI had authenticated it ten months before.  If that’s the case, then 51 men threw the election for Biden.  Polls show that a minimum of 4.5% of Biden voters would have reconsidered their vote had they known the laptop was authentic, exposing some of Vice President Biden’s questionable activities with Ukrainian and Chinese companies and Hunter Biden’s influence peddling.  Had it not been for this letter intentionally misleading American voters, Trump would have won the election by a much greater margin than the 44,000 votes Biden won it by.  So again, the Deep State is far more worried about Trump getting back into office than Democrats are.

For the Deep State to do a JFK-style assassination is out of the question with everybody having a video camera on their cell phones these days.  But what if the plan was as simple as instructing hand-picked Secret Service snipers to hesitate before taking out any assassins who might show up an a Trump rally?  With record levels of political hostility between both parties, there was already the probability of an attempted assassination on Trump by a regular lone-dog nut-job citizen.  Occam’s Razor says the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.   For me, the simplest explanation would be to instruct a few hand-picked Secret Service snipers to wait until an assassin showed up at a Trump rally and then let him get some shots off before the SS snipers fired back.  Thomas Crooks didn’t even need to have any connections with the Deep State, the Deep State just needed to patiently wait for a disturbed individual with an AR-15 to show up at any given rally.

Whatever the correct explanation turns out to be, the fact remains that the Secret Service failed to act before a gunman was able to get at least three shots off.   By the time they finally did something, it was too late.  Thus my belief that the most logical explanation is that the Deep State had the Secret Service be sure to let any potential gunmen get some shots off before taking him out.

Back to the Letter of 51, I’ll go so far as to say many of those who signed felt they were true patriots and some honestly felt for national security reasons that it was necessary to do all they could to keep Trump from getting back into office.  When the Congressional committee asked former Deputy CIA Director Mike Morell why he drafted the letter, he responded that one of the reasons “was to help Vice President Biden.”  Like some of the letter signers, some of us would lie if we felt it was in the best interest of the national security of the US.  For them, if that meant throwing an election, so be it.  If it means killing Trump before he can get back into office, so be it.  For this reason I don’t think it’s out of the question for a handful of Deep State actors and a few Secret Service snipers to be involved in a plan to delay taking out a gunman until he can get a few shots off.

The Secret Service said it would take weeks or months to figure out exactly what happened.  I’m guessing it will only take days to figure out what happened, and months trying to figure out how to get people to believe the BS story they come up with.  Most Americans will swallow it,

I lost track of how many times I’ve said, and heard others say, that things are getting so crazy so quickly that they can’t get any worse.  Then in no time at all, the pace quickens even more and they get crazier and even more unbelievable, both here and abroad with our foreign entanglements.  With each passing week I’m more and more convinced that the country and the world is headed for a big disaster of some sort, something big enough to be called a mini-TEOTWAWKI event.  There are more options on the table today than ever before: our “leaders” are continually pushing harder and harder to get us into war with Russia which will certainly turn nuclear at some point; possible rioting and civil unrest after the November election; civil unrest evolving into civil war; a 1929 style stock-market crash; another plandemic which we’re already seeing indications of; and perhaps one of the more likely ones, some of the 10+ million illegal aliens who’ve crossed the border during the Biden administration being operatives to do things like take down the national grid which isn’t that difficult for anyone with the right plan.

Taking down the grid would be almost as effective as an EMP: there aren’t enough spare parts just laying around in warehouses somewhere.  It would take months to get the grid back up and running.  The supply chains we’ve always taken for granted will be seriously damaged and many will become nonexistent.  Friends and family who’ve laughed at us all these years will be the first ones knocking on our doors for a cup of sugar, toilet paper, food, wanting to borrow the rototiller, and asking if we have an extra trebuchet we can spare.

The bottom line is, this is not a good time to be asleep at the wheel, stuck in our normal comfort zones being entertained by the news of assassination attempts, plandemics, wars with Russia shaping up, etc.  A few hundred more pounds of beans and rice in our pantries is dirt cheap insurance.  The probability of needing to survive on our food storage and non-perishables is getting greater with each passing day.  Stock up!  And don’t forget to have a lot of extra on hand for the neighbors too when they come begging.”

High School Graduation Rates By State

Over at Zero Hedge: Mapping High School Graduation Rates By State.

Matt Bracken Analyzes The Recent Assassination Attempt

Tucker Carlson Praises Trump’s Selection of J.D. Vance

Linked over at the Whatfinger.com news aggregation site: Tucker Carlson Praises Trump’s Selection Of J.D. Vance: ‘Every Bad Person In Washington Is Aligned Against Him’.

You can send your news tips to JWR. (Either via e-mail or via our Contact form.) Thanks!