September 8, 2024

After losing the New Hampshire primary to former President Donald Trump, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley hammered the frontrunner for his past election losses and mental capacity.

Haley’s defeat has led some pundits to predict that her candidacy can not last much longer heading toward the South Carolina primary where Trump holds a significant lead in the polls. However, the former United Nations ambassador vowed on Tuesday night to soldier on, claiming “The race is far from over.”

She congratulated Trump on his victory in the Granite State, but then began calling out the former president for his loss to President Joe Biden as well as Republican defeats in past midterm elections. Haley’s crowd joined in on mocking Trump as one individual called him a loser:

HALEY: With Donald Trump. Republicans have lost almost every competitive election. We lost the Senate. We lost the House. We lost the White House. We lost in 2018. We lost in 2020, and we lost in 2022. The worst-kept secret in politics is how badly the Democrats want to run against Donald Trump.

CROWD: Trump’s a loser! He’s a loser!

HALEY: They know Trump is the only Republican in the country who Joe Biden can defeat. You can’t fix the mess if you don’t win an election. A Trump nomination is a Biden win and a Kamala Harris presidency. I defeat Biden handily. With Donald Trump, you have one bout of chaos after another. This court case, that controversy, this tweet, that senior moment. You can’t fix Joe Biden’s chaos with Republican chaos.

Haley then kept up her recent criticisms of Trump by challenging his mental competency to serve again in the White House at his age and demanded he face her on a debate stage.

“The other day, Donald Trump accused me of not providing security at the Capitol on January 6th. Now, know I’ve long called for mental competency tests for politicians over the age of 75,” Haley added. “Trump claims he’d do better than me in one of those tests. Maybe he would. Maybe he wouldn’t. But if he thinks that, then he should have no problem standing on a debate stage with me.”

Watch the clip above via MSNBC.

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