June 12, 2024

Unless you’ve totally tuned out from any news, you’re probably aware of what recently happened in Israel. As dawn broke on October 7, 2023, Hamas launched thousands of rockets from the Gaza Strip, which they control, into Israel. Under the cover fire, Hamas gunmen crossed the border into Israel and conducted an all-out assault, killing over a thousand Israeli civilians and wounding many more.

It was a ferocious attack, and Israel has since declared war on Hamas, vowing a mighty vengeance.

But the bloodshed that happened and the bloodshed that will follow as Palestinian neighborhoods are pounded into rubble is not why this new conflict matters to America.

Ever since the end of World War II, we’ve enjoyed what’s known as the Long Peace, or Pax Americana, a period of no major military conflicts between the world’s great powers.

Sure, we had the Cold War, but thankfully that never turned nuclear hot.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, America remained the only true superpower, projecting a military and economic power that nobody dared challenge.

The world became unipolar, and the focus was on developing economic ties and a growing sense of cooperation between countries. It led to one of the greatest golden ages in human history.

And we all took it for granted.

The Most Dangerous Geopolitical Moment in Decades

But now things are changing rapidly, and a new global alliance is taking shape. It’s made up of countries that oppose America’s rule and the Western values we stand for. I’m talking about a group of authoritarian countries that have no interest in democracy and would like nothing more than to do as they please without having to worry about America and its allies stepping in to ruin their plans.

It’s probably no secret who I’m referring to; all you need to do is look around. It’s China and Russia, who vowed a “friendship without limits,” but also India, South Africa, Brazil, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and many more. What they all have in common is that they’re ruled by people who have either been in power for a very long time or are working diligently to ensure they will be. Plus, they either overtly or covertly hate America.

The End of the Long PeaceWhat you may not realize is that we are already at war with this alliance—not a direct military conflict yet with American boots on the ground but through proxies.

The first front opened in Ukraine in 2021. The second front is now in the Middle East, and this one has a far greater potential for escalation.

There will be a third. I’ll get to it in a second, but first let’s talk about what’s likely to happen in the next couple of weeks.

From everything I’ve seen so far, Israel will take this retaliation too far. Just looking at the videos coming out of Gaza will make a grown man cry, regardless of his religion.

Protests against Israel are taking place all over the world, but the largest ones are, unsurprisingly, raging in the Middle East.

The Arab world is fast becoming one big powder keg waiting to blow up. The talk coming out of Iran, Turkey, and others is very concerning. I believe that once the Palestinian civilian cost escalates, other countries that hate Israel and what they are doing in Gaza will join the war. And Israel and Hamas will turn into a regional conflict that will completely destabilize the Middle East.

Israel has been at war with Hamas before, and it always ended with the terrorist organization battered but still in control of Gaza. The Israelis know they can’t afford another half-victory. This time they are going all in and all out, as evident by their recent actions.

This will not be over soon.

It’s just in the beginning stages.

All Hell Is About to Break Loose

Even if the ground invasion has been postponed at the behest of America, it will still happen. Israel is just giving us time to protect our troops all over the Middle East. They’re already being attacked, and allegedly Iran’s fingerprints are all over that.

Related: 8 Nuclear Attack Myths You Should Stop Believing

Besides rocket attacks on U.S. bases, there is another immediate threat. Hezbollah, the 150,000-strong militia in Lebanon, is likely waiting for Israel to get bogged down in urban warfare in Gaza before opening a second front in the north.The End of the Long Peace

When that happens, America will have no choice but to step in and help Israel, stretching our already thin military resources even further. We all know how much lethal aid has already been poured into Ukraine, and we are sending more and more. We don’t have the industrial capacity to replenish our stocks as quickly as they are being drained.

And it’s at this time that the hammer will fall in the Pacific.

China wants Taiwan back and has wanted it back for the longest time.

President Xi has repeatedly made it crystal clear.

I believe China has been patiently biding its time, waiting for us to overextend our military assets before finally making a move on the breakaway territory.

As much as I still have faith in our military, not even America can fight on three fronts at once and win.

Not anymore.

In the 1990s, at the pinnacle of our military power, America was ready to fight two and a half wars. That’s how our forces were configured. We could fight and win a major war in Europe through NATO against Russia. We could fight and probably win another huge war against China somewhere in the Korean Peninsula. And at the same time, we could fight a holding war in the Middle East, protecting our assets and allies there until we won one of the two major wars and could divert resources.

Those days are gone.

Our military is diminished, and recruitment is at an all-time low. We can’t fight more than one major war.

And just because we can fight it, there is no guarantee we’ll win it!

Now there is all this warmongering coming out of Washington. They’re talking a big game, but they can’t back it up!

In fact, it’s like they’re gladly walking us straight into World War III, with no efforts being made to deescalate. In fact they’re doing the exact opposite.

We haven’t been at a more dangerous geopolitical point in decades.

But I think anyone can sense in their gut something big is coming—something we’ve never faced before.

The Past Is Prologue

A Pax Americana is coming to an end, I can’t help but think about another empire and the peace they kept. For hundreds of years, the strength of the Roman Empire and its military maintained peace over Europe, parts of Africa, and the Middle East.

But once it was over, the world was plunged into the turmoil of the Dark Ages, which it wouldn’t reemerge from until 1000 years later. And now many of the signs that came before their fall are also present here in America. Endless internal fighting over unimportant issues, political instability, a mounting unsustainable debt, the devaluation of the currency, a weakening of the military, and many others.



But I think there has never been a better time to prepare your household and get ready to protect your loved ones, because nobody else will. Our government has put America in harm’s way, and sensing weakness, our enemies are out for blood. I don’t know how this will all unfold. I wish I did.

But what I can tell you is that the world you live in today will not be the world you’ll still live in tomorrow. Many of the things we take for granted, like food, water, medicine, and the protection of law enforcement, might simply vanish. That’s why besides stockpiling, becoming self-sufficient on your own property should be priority #1. I’ve just found what I think is the perfect resource for that:

No-Grid Survival Projects: How to Produce Everything You Need on Your Property

Inside you’ll discover 70+ DIY projects anyone can build to secure the vital things that are needed in any major crisis, including war, economic collapse, long-term blackouts, famines, riots, hyperinflation, and many others.

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