June 2, 2024

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to defeat the Hamas militant group after its deadly incursion into southern Israel which has seen them snatch grandparents, children and women off the streets but says the war will ‘take time.’ 

Hamas gunmen have taken dozens of hostages off the streets of Israel as the war takes a darker turn and the death toll reached 450 after less than one day.

Horrifying footage showed women being marched into vehicles, bloodied and bruised, often with their hands bound behind their backs. Earlier pictures showed Israeli pensioners taken into the Gaza Strip on golf carts and families forced into trucks.

At least 250 people have died and 1,100 wounded in the conflict in Israel alone, and it’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced his country is ‘at war’ with the Palestinians militants and his country will ‘settle the score’ with anyone who harms captives. 

Meanwhile Hamas has called for Arab and Islamic nations to join its attack, and has seen 198 people die in the Gaza Strip with another 1,610 wounded amid Israel’s retaliation.

The UN has announced an emergency Security Council meeting will be held tomorrow.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to defeat the Hamas militant group

Footage appeared to show hostages being taken by Hamas militants into Gaza earlier today

Footage appeared to show hostages being taken by Hamas militants into Gaza earlier today

Israeli civilians were purportedly taken off the street and driven back into Gaza

Israeli civilians were purportedly taken off the street and driven back into Gaza

People try to extinguish fire on cars following a rocket attack from the Gaza Strip in Ashkelon, southern Israel

People try to extinguish fire on cars following a rocket attack from the Gaza Strip in Ashkelon, southern Israel

Palestinians transport a captured Israeli civilian, centre, from Kibbutz Kfar Azza into the Gaza Strip on Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023

Palestinians transport a captured Israeli civilian, centre, from Kibbutz Kfar Azza into the Gaza Strip on Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023

Shocking footage shared on social media appears to show Palestinian fighters parading the naked body of an Israeli woman on the back of a pick-up truck

Shocking footage shared on social media appears to show Palestinian fighters parading the naked body of an Israeli woman on the back of a pick-up truck

Hamas claimed to have fired 5,000 rockets into Israel from the occupied Gaza Strip, setting off air raid sirens in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem

Speaking on Saturday night, PM Netanyahu issued a dire warning to Hamas militants: ‘I tell Hamas, you are responsible for the wellbeing of captives, Israel will settle the score with anyone who harms them.’

He vowed to defeat the group, but said the war would ‘take time’, continuing: ‘What happened today has never been seen in Israel, we will take mighty vengeance for this black day.’

Promising ‘mighty vengeance’, he promised to reduce Gaza to ‘rubble’, telling innocent Palestinians to leave immediately. 

Soon after, a convey of tanks were reported to be heading towards the border with Gaza. 

Thomas Helm, Jerusalem Correspondent at The National spoke to MailOnline from Jerusalem today. He said the hostage situation set a dangerous tone for how the conflict – which was launched on a Jewish holiday – could develop.

‘There are reports that [the Palestinians] have taken an Israeli General hostage, entire families have been taken, point blank killings… wars have been started where one Israeli hostage was taken and now it seems like there could be about 60.

‘So it couldn’t be worse. Every Israeli I have spoken to, their voices have been quivering.’

The militants have claimed to have taken dozens of soldiers captive, but this does not include the number of civilians who have reportedly been detained.

An Israeli army spokesman says fighting is continuing in 22 locations in southern Israel some 12 hours after Hamas militants launched a surprise attack from the Gaza Strip.

Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari also said that Israel was striking targets in Gaza from the air and that ground operations were imminent.

Hagari confirmed ongoing hostage situations in the towns of Ofakim and Beeri. Earlier, both the Israeli military and Hamas confirmed that some Israelis had been captured and taken hostage.

For Israelis working and living within range of Gaza, the sight of Hamas militants roaming outside their homes marked a terrifying turn of events unlike anything residents had experienced before.

‘This was always the nightmare. We told ourselves that one day, the terrorists will come inside here,’ said Jehan Berman, a 42-year-old in the small community of Avshalom, just a few kilometers from Gaza. 

He added that it took eight hours for the Israeli military to arrive to his kibbutz and start fending off the Hamas fighters. ‘We cannot live like this.’

Mr Berman – who suffers from multiple wounds and disabilities inflicted by the past four wars and countless other skirmishes between Israel and Hamas over the years – said that Israeli authorities had notified him that Hamas had kidnapped his 75-year-old mother-in-law, along with several friends in their 30s and their small children. 

The last time he heard from his mother-in-law was at 10.30am, he said, when she called him, panicked and distraught, to say that Hamas militants had shot and killed her husband.

A ball of fire and smoke rise from an explosion on a Palestinian apartment tower following an Israeli air strike in Gaza City

A ball of fire and smoke rise from an explosion on a Palestinian apartment tower following an Israeli air strike in Gaza City

A young girl looks at the wreckage caused by an Israeli airstrike on Saturday

A young girl looks at the wreckage caused by an Israeli airstrike on Saturday

Many Palestinians were left without electricity as they picked through rubble

Many Palestinians were left without electricity as they picked through rubble

People walk atop the rubble of a tower destroyed in an Israeli air stike in Gaza City on October 7

People walk atop the rubble of a tower destroyed in an Israeli air stike in Gaza City on October 7

Rockets are fired from Gaza toward Israel on Saturday night, October 7

Rockets are fired from Gaza toward Israel on Saturday night, October 7

A woman sobs at the site of a rocket explosion in Tel Aviv, Israel

A woman sobs at the site of a rocket explosion in Tel Aviv, Israel

One captured woman was sat in the front seat of a golf cart accompanied with three male Hamas members as they made their way into the Gaza Strip

One captured woman was sat in the front seat of a golf cart accompanied with three male Hamas members as they made their way into the Gaza Strip

Israeli soldiers are pictured after fighting between the IDF and Hamas

Israeli soldiers are pictured after fighting between the IDF and Hamas

Firefighters work to put out a fire in an open field, following a mass-infiltration by Hamas gunmen from the Gaza Strip

Firefighters work to put out a fire in an open field, following a mass-infiltration by Hamas gunmen from the Gaza Strip

Another image showed a woman, who is being held hostage, holding a gun and putting her hands up in a peace sign alongside a member of Hamas in a balaclava

Another image showed a woman, who is being held hostage, holding a gun and putting her hands up in a peace sign alongside a member of Hamas in a balaclava

Areas of Tel Aviv in Israel have seen significant damage from the air strikes, which are overwhelming Israeli defences

Areas of Tel Aviv in Israel have seen significant damage from the air strikes, which are overwhelming Israeli defences

Smoke and flames billow after Israeli forces struck a high-rise tower in Gaza City, October 7

Smoke and flames billow after Israeli forces struck a high-rise tower in Gaza City, October 7

Journalists take cover behind cars as Israeli soldiers take position during clashes with Palestinian fighters near the Gevim Kibbutz

Journalists take cover behind cars as Israeli soldiers take position during clashes with Palestinian fighters near the Gevim Kibbutz

Smoke and flames billow after Israeli forces struck a high-rise tower in Gaza City

Smoke and flames billow after Israeli forces struck a high-rise tower in Gaza City

Dozens of rockets are fired by Palestinians towards Israel on Saturday night

Dozens of rockets are fired by Palestinians towards Israel on Saturday night

Germany's Brandenburg Gate was lit up with the Israeli flag on Saturday night

Germany’s Brandenburg Gate was lit up with the Israeli flag on Saturday night

Iran have been accused of encouraging the latest round of fighting by sources in government, the Times reports.

A Whitehall source told the paper: ‘The Revolutionary Guards have their fingerprints all over this multifaceted attack. Hamas is just another tool in Iran’s campaign against the West.’

Videos shared online appear to show Iranians celebrating news of the conflict, with state television airing a clip of Parliament members chanting: ‘Palestine will be victorious, Israel will be destroyed.’

Hamas, the de facto governing authority of the Gaza Strip, claims to have fired 5,000 rockets into Israel today, setting off air raid sirens in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, before invading by ground and air, reportedly using paragliders.

The coordinated attack has seen border fences broken down, tanks immobilised, dozens of hostages reportedly taken and residential buildings targeted by airstrikes.

Emerging footage shows horrific scenes, including Palestinian groups celebrating as they paraded the naked body of a female IDF soldier on a truck through Gaza.

The Palestinians appear to have the upper hand, continuing to launch strikes across Israel. With little incentive to de-escalate, onlookers worry the clashes could go on. 

But Israel has hit back, firing its own rockets into Gaza in retaliation, and both sides are continuing fighting late into the night.

Tel Aviv appears to have been struck by multiple missiles, with footage showing damaged buildings and large fires.

Meanwhile the Israeli Minister of Energy and Infrastructure has ordered the immediate suspension of power to the Gaza Strip.

‘I have signed an order instructing Israel’s electric company to stop the electricity supply to Gaza,’ Katz said in a statement.

Gaza’s power authority says 80 percent of Gaza electricity supplies have been shut following Israel’s announcement.

The Gaza Strip is one of the most densely populated places in the world, with around two million people packed into 140 square miles. But it depends on Israel for water, electricity, telecommunications, and other utilities, and imports are carefully controlled by the occupying country.

On the outlook for the conflict, Thomas Helm told MailOnline today: ‘It really depends what Hamas wants out of this. I’ve heard comments from Hamas officials saying ‘we now have enough hostages to free every single Palestinian prisoner in prisoner exchanges.’

A rescue worker from the Magen David Adom disaster relief service looks on as cars burn at the site of a rocket attack in Ashkelon, southern Israel

A rescue worker from the Magen David Adom disaster relief service looks on as cars burn at the site of a rocket attack in Ashkelon, southern Israel

An Israeli missile launched from the Iron Dome defence missile system attempts to intercept a rocket, fired from the Gaza Strip, over the city of Netivot in southern Israel

An Israeli missile launched from the Iron Dome defence missile system attempts to intercept a rocket, fired from the Gaza Strip, over the city of Netivot in southern Israel

Palestinian militants brandish weapons as they pass through Israeli territory on trucks

Palestinian militants brandish weapons as they pass through Israeli territory on trucks

Israeli forces have mounted strikes against targets in Gaza City following attacks today

Israeli forces have mounted strikes against targets in Gaza City following attacks today

Iranians attend a gathering in Tehran on October 7, 2023, to express their solidarity with Palestine

A source in Whitehall has pointed the finger at Iran for encouraging the recent outbreak of conflict

A source in Whitehall has pointed the finger at Iran for encouraging the recent outbreak of conflict

A tower block in Gaza City is hit by an Israeli airstrike after Palestinian militants struck Israel

A tower block in Gaza City is hit by an Israeli airstrike after Palestinian militants struck Israel

A man runs in the road as fires burn in Ashkelon, Israel, following rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip initiated by Islamic militant group Hamas

A man runs in the road as fires burn in Ashkelon, Israel, following rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip initiated by Islamic militant group Hamas

‘The most safe way of getting hostages back is exchanging prisoners, but do you want to exchange mass prisoners at a time like this? Probably not.’ 

Israel’s army this afternoon acknowledged ‘soldiers, civilians kidnapped’ by Hamas.

From Israel’s perspective, the surprise attack has been ‘humiliating’, undermining intelligence efforts and overwhelming the Iron Dome defence system.

‘Israel has an amazing intelligence network but Gaza is sealed off. And no matter how good your intelligence is, if you don’t have people on the ground you don’t know the full picture.

‘This is a catastrophic intelligence failure, perhaps the worst intelligence in Israeli history. People have been describing it as their 9/11.’

‘There will be a huge response. We never want to say that for certain, but I think now we can because Israel is humiliated and they are obsessed with deterrence.’

Israel has vowed to exact revenge on Palestinian militants after they launched the surprise attack, warning Hamas that they had made a ‘grave mistake’. 

A rocket is launched from the coastal Gaza strip towards Israel by militants of the Ezz Al-Din Al Qassam militia, the military wing of Hamas movement, in Gaza City, 7 October 2023

A rocket is launched from the coastal Gaza strip towards Israel by militants of the Ezz Al-Din Al Qassam militia, the military wing of Hamas movement, in Gaza City, 7 October 2023

Palestinians wave their national flag and celebrate by a destroyed Israeli tank at the Gaza Strip fence east of Khan Younis southern Saturday, October 7, 2023

Palestinians wave their national flag and celebrate by a destroyed Israeli tank at the Gaza Strip fence east of Khan Younis southern Saturday, October 7, 2023

Palestinians use an excavator to break through the border fence separating the occupied Gaza Strip from Israel

Palestinians use an excavator to break through the border fence separating the occupied Gaza Strip from Israel

A Palestinian medic inspects the remains of an ambulance hit by an Israeli air strike in retaliation for a surprise incursion by Hamas on Saturday

A Palestinian medic inspects the remains of an ambulance hit by an Israeli air strike in retaliation for a surprise incursion by Hamas on Saturday

Ambulances transport people to hospital in Tel Aviv after the incursion on Saturday

Ambulances transport people to hospital in Tel Aviv after the incursion on Saturday

A woman holds the hand of a wounded soldier arriving at the emergency entrance to the Ichilov hospital in Tel Aviv

A woman holds the hand of a wounded soldier arriving at the emergency entrance to the Ichilov hospital in Tel Aviv

Residents living close to Israel’s border with Gaza have been ordered to stay inside and others have been evacuated after Hamas militants infiltrated the country by land, sea and air and launched a fusillade of missile strikes. 

A resident of Be’eri, Kibbutz, named Ella told Channel 12 that she is hearing ‘lots of gunfire’ nearby. 

Another resident from the south is worried that his family have been snatched and taken into the Gaza Strip. 

He said his wife and daughters have disappeared and that he has tried to ring them, but nobody is answering. 

He then tracked his wife’s phone, which says that it is in the Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip.

This comes as there are unconfirmed reports that Hamas gunmen are holding hostages at the Kibbutz. 

Around 50 Israelis of all ages are thought to have been taken hostage by Hamas gunmen in Beeri Kibbutz near the Gaza border, according to channel N12.

Pictures show senior Israeli women being transported on golf carts and motorcycles from Kibbutz into the Gaza Strip. 

One grandmother was wedged in between two members of Hamas on a motorcycle. One of them was holding a sizable gun. 

One captured woman was sat in the front seat of a golf cart, accompanied by three male Hamas members as they made their way into the Gaza Strip. 

Another image showed a woman holding a gun and putting her hands up in a peace sign alongside a member of Hamas in a balaclava.

A senior leader of Hamas, Saleh al-Arouri, said that the group had enough hostages to make Israel free all its Palestinian prisoners.

The murder of civilians has drawn widespread condemnation from world leaders and prompted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to say the country is at ‘war’.

Speaking in a televised address, Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant said that Hamas had made a ‘grave mistake…and launched a war against the State of Israel’ – vowing that ‘Israel will win’.

Israel has rallied troops as the conflict deepens, despite calls from world leaders to de-escalate. 

Thomas Helm told MailOnline: ‘This call up of reservists is natural at moments like this. But I haven’t seen anything to suggest that a coordinated response is happening… They keep very quiet about very sensitive things… but I mean, something big is coming. 

‘It’s not going to be organised. It’s going to be messy and it’s going to last a long time. It’s just obviously unprecedented.’

‘It’s just impossible to comprehend,’ he said of the situation this afternoon. ‘If you had asked me to imagine a worse case scenario yesterday, I don’t think I could have come up with one short of a nuclear attack.’

Israel’s military claims that 2,500 rockets were fired by Palestinian militants, half the amount alleged by Hamas – and said troops had ‘infiltrated’ the country via sea and ground as well as by air, using paragliders. 

A man shelters by a wall as a siren sounds and rockets are launched from the Gaza Strip, in Mevaseret Zion, Israel

A man shelters by a wall as a siren sounds and rockets are launched from the Gaza Strip, in Mevaseret Zion, Israel

Palestinians celebrate after an Israeli tank was hit by Hamas gunmen who infiltrated the south of the country, on the Israeli side of the Israel-Gaza border

Palestinians celebrate after an Israeli tank was hit by Hamas gunmen who infiltrated the south of the country, on the Israeli side of the Israel-Gaza border

A woman and child are evacuated from the site of a rocket attack in southern Israel on Saturday

A woman and child are evacuated from the site of a rocket attack in southern Israel on Saturday

People in Gaza assess damage after a barrage of Israeli airstrikes

People in Gaza assess damage after a barrage of Israeli airstrikes

Hamas fighters circumvented Israel's border with the Gaza Strip by flying in via paraglider, according to the Israeli military (pictured: an alleged paraglider crossing into Israel)

Hamas fighters circumvented Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip by flying in via paraglider, according to the Israeli military (pictured: an alleged paraglider crossing into Israel)

Among those celebrating at the Beirut camp was a young boy wearing militia-style fatigues, carrying a handgun

Among those celebrating at the Beirut camp was a young boy wearing militia-style fatigues, carrying a handgun

Israeli medical teams evacuate an injured person from the southern city of Sderot, close to the border with the Gaza Strip

Israeli medical teams evacuate an injured person from the southern city of Sderot, close to the border with the Gaza Strip

An injured Israeli soldier is brought into Tel Aviv's Surasky Medical Centre following an attack by Palestinian militants on Saturday

An injured Israeli soldier is brought into Tel Aviv’s Surasky Medical Centre following an attack by Palestinian militants on Saturday

Children are seen clambering among wreckage in Gaza after Israel launched rocket strikes

Children are seen clambering among wreckage in Gaza after Israel launched rocket strikes

Hamas supporters burn the Israeli flag in southern Beirut, Lebanon

Hamas supporters burn the Israeli flag in southern Beirut, Lebanon

Israelis gather to donate blood at a hospital in Tel Aviv, following an appeal by the national ambulance service in the wake of the attack by Hamas on Saturday

Israelis gather to donate blood at a hospital in Tel Aviv, following an appeal by the national ambulance service in the wake of the attack by Hamas on Saturday

An Israeli war jet is seen flying over the country after Hamas began its barrage on Saturday

An Israeli war jet is seen flying over the country after Hamas began its barrage on Saturday

They said in a statement: ‘The military declares a state of war alert. In the last hour, the Hamas terrorist organization had begun a massive shooting of rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory, and terrorists infiltrated into Israeli territory in a number of different locations.’

Mr Helm told MailOnline people on the ground had been expecting a rocket attack, but were shocked by the nature and extent of this morning’s assault.

‘What’s so shocking about this one is the creativity. People were planning for a large rocket barrage. That’s what we have been worrying about for a long time. But for people to be flying in on hang-gliders, it’s unreal,’ he said.

‘What it does more than anything else is shatters this sense that Israel… whenever you speak to an Israeli General they’re obsessed with deterrence. And they worry that their deterrence has been diminished in recent months. But this shatters it.’

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said he was ‘shocked’ by the attacks, writing on X, formerly Twitter: ‘Israel has an absolute right to defend itself. We’re in contact with Israeli authorities, and British nationals in Israel should follow travel advice.’

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly also condemned the attack, as did Labour Leader Sir Keir Starmer, who said there is ‘no justification for this act of terror’.

In Germany the famous Brandenburg Gate was lit up with the Israeli flag.

Videos on social media appeared to show armed troops from the Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ militant arm, moving through built-up areas firing weapons as Israeli residents were evacuated from their homes following air strikes. 

In a statement posted on Telegram, Hamas called on ‘the resistance fighters in the West Bank’ as well as ‘our Arab and Islamic nations’ to join the battle. 

In remarks reported by CNN, militant commander Deif said: ‘If you have a gun, get it out. This is the time to use it – get out with trucks, cars, axes. Today the best and most honorable history starts.’

‘Today the people are regaining their revolution,’ he added, as he called on Palestinians from east Jerusalem to northern Israel to ‘expel the occupiers and demolish the walls.’

In response, Israeli forces have vowed that Hamas will ‘face the consequences and responsibility for these events’.

It has started striking targets in Gaza in response, and deployed countermeasures to repel further air attacks – prompting further rocket launches from inside the blockaded territory. 

In a filmed statement posted on X, following the attacks, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said the incursion was a ‘murderous surprise attack’, adding: ‘We are at war, not an operation, not rounds, but at war.’

But Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas told US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that ‘injustice’ towards Palestinians is driving the conflict with Israel to an ‘explosion’.

Men believed to be Palestinian militants are seen riding an Israeli military vehicle after reportedly seizing it close to the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip

Men believed to be Palestinian militants are seen riding an Israeli military vehicle after reportedly seizing it close to the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip

A member of Hamas' Al-Qassam Brigades - its militant wing - holds a Palestinian flag atop a destroyed Israeli tank

A member of Hamas’ Al-Qassam Brigades – its militant wing – holds a Palestinian flag atop a destroyed Israeli tank

Palestinians are greeted by crowds after returning from crossing the border into Israel

Palestinians are greeted by crowds after returning from crossing the border into Israel

People flee as clashes flare between Palestinian groups and Israeli forces in Gaza City following the earlier air strikes

People flee as clashes flare between Palestinian groups and Israeli forces in Gaza City following the earlier air strikes

A man carries a crying child as they walk past a building destroyed by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City

A man carries a crying child as they walk past a building destroyed by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City

In a phone call, Abbas also said the ongoing escalation is down to the ‘practices of the colonialists and the Israeli occupation forces, and the aggression against Islamic and Christian sanctities,’ according to Palestinian agencies.

President Joe Biden described the assault as ‘horrific’ and said that he had spoken to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to underline that the United States stood ‘ready to offer all appropriate means of support.’

Biden stressed that Israel – which the United States has supplied with billions of dollars of arms – has ‘a right to defend itself and its people.’

US President Joe Biden offered Israel on Saturday ‘all appropriate means of support’ after a deadly attack from Palestinian militant group Hamas and warned ‘any party hostile to Israel’ not to seek advantage.

‘We will not ever fail to have her back,’ Biden said of Israel in televised remarks condemning the attack.

The assault by the Iran-backed Islamist group erupted amid efforts by Biden and his team to negotiate a landmark normalization agreement between foes Israel and Saudi Arabia and a US-Saudi defense pact.

Biden spoke by phone to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday to offer US support, with scenes of violence playing out on American news networks. The two leaders have had strained relations but met in New York last month in a show of solidarity and Biden said they would stay in close contact.

‘I made clear to Prime Minister Netanyahu that we stand ready to offer all appropriate means of support to the government and people of Israel,’ Biden said in a written statement issued after their call.

In his televised remarks later, Biden issued a blunt warning.

‘Israel has a right to defend itself and its people – full stop,’ he said. ‘Let me say this as clearly as I can. This is not a moment for any party hostile to Israel to exploit these attacks to seek advantage. The world is watching.’

He directed his national security team to stay in touch about the situation with countries throughout the region including Egypt, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Oman, the United Arab Emirates and European allies.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin reaffirmed Washington’s ‘unwavering’ commitment, saying ‘over the coming days the Department of Defense will work to ensure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself and protect civilians.’

Since its foundation, Israel has received lavish US military aid – more than $125 billion, according to a US State Department report from 2021.

This has helped it build ‘one of the world’s most capable, effective militaries,’ the report said.

The United Nations Security Council is due to meet tomorrow after Brazil announced it would convene an emergency session due to the conflict.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has condemned the attack and urged ‘all diplomatic efforts to avoid a wider conflagration, UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said.

‘The secretary-general is deeply concerned for the civilian population and urges maximum restraint,’ he added.

‘Civilians must be respected and protected in accordance with international humanitarian law at all times.’

Hamas has controlled the Strip since winning the 2006 parliamentary elections and toppling rival party Fatah in a power struggle during the bloody Battle of Gaza in 2007. 

At least 118 people were killed and more than 550 wounded during the fighting up to June 15, 2007, as Hamas militants ousted Fatah officials and took power.


UK politicians have roundly condemned Hamas' actions. PM Rishi Sunak said he was 'shocked' by the attack, while foreign secretary James Cleverly and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer both said Israel had a right to defend itself

UK politicians have roundly condemned Hamas’ actions. PM Rishi Sunak said he was ‘shocked’ by the attack, while foreign secretary James Cleverly and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer both said Israel had a right to defend itself

In response, Israel imposed a complete blockade of the Gaza Strip. 

The conflict brought an end to the ‘unity government’ administering Gaza and the West Bank, with the Palestinian National Authority overseeing the eastern territory independently.

While the Palestinian National Authority still lays claim to Gaza, the city remains under the control of Hamas.

Today the UN peacekeeping force deployed along the Lebanon-Israel border says it is closely monitoring the situation in Israel.

In a statement, the force said that peacekeepers are present along the border line to maintain stability and help avoid escalation.

‘We have also adapted and enhanced our presence throughout our area of operations, including counter rocket-launching operations,’ said the force known as UNIFIL.

It has been months since rockets were fired from Lebanon into northern Israel. The border area has been relatively calm since a monthlong war between Israel and Hezbollah ended in August 2006.

UNIFIL said its leader is in contact with all sides since the violence began in southern Israel ‘to ensure effective coordination and avoid misunderstandings.’

The Israel-Palestine conflict: recent events in a decades-long dispute

The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas launched its biggest assault on Israel in years early on Saturday, firing a barrage of rockets from Gaza and sending fighters across the border.

Israel said it was on a war footing and began its own strikes against Hamas targets in Gaza, with Israeli media reporting gun battles between bands of Palestinian fighters and security forces in southern Israel.

The following timeline, which begins with Israel’s 2005 withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, details the major flare-ups in the conflict between Israel and Palestinian groups in the crowded coastal enclave, which is home to 2.3 million people.

August 2005: Israeli forces unilaterally withdraw from Gaza 38 years after capturing it from Egypt in the Middle East war, abandoning settlements and leaving the enclave under the control of the Palestinian Authority.

Jan. 25, 2006: The Islamist group Hamas wins a majority of seats in a Palestinian legislative election. Israel and the U.S. cut off aid to Palestinians because Hamas refuses to renounce violence and recognise Israel.

June 25, 2006: Hamas militants capture Israeli army conscript Gilad Shalit in a cross-border raid from Gaza, prompting Israeli air strikes and incursions. Shalit is finally freed more than five years later in a prisoner exchange.

June 14, 2007: Hamas takes over Gaza in a brief civil war, ousting Fatah forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who is based in the West Bank.

Dec. 27, 2008: Israel launches a 22-day military offensive in Gaza after Palestinians fire rockets at the southern Israeli town of Sderot. About 1,400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis are reported killed before a ceasefire is agreed.

Nov. 14, 2012: Israel kills Hamas’s military chief of staff, Ahmad Jabari. Eight days of Palestinian militant rocket fire and Israeli air strikes follow.

July-August 2014: The kidnap and killing of three Israeli teenagers by Hamas leads to a seven-week war in which more than 2,100 Palestinians are reported killed in Gaza and 73 Israelis are reported dead, 67 of them military.

March 2018: Palestinian protests begin at Gaza’s fenced border with Israel. Israeli troops open fire to keep protestors back. More than 170 Palestinians are reported killed in several months of protests, which also prompt fighting between Hamas and Israeli forces.

May 2021: After weeks of tension during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, hundreds of Palestinians are wounded in clashes with Israeli security forces at the Al Aqsa compound in Jerusalem, Islam’s third holiest site.

After demanding Israel withdraw security forces from the compound, Hamas unleashes a barrage of rockets from Gaza into Israel. Israel hits back with air strikes on Gaza. Fighting goes on for 11 days, killing at least 250 people in Gaza and 13 in Israel.

Aug 2022: At least 44 people, including 15 children, are killed in three days of violence that begin when Israeli air strikes hit a senior Islamic Jihad commander.

Israel says the strikes were a pre-emptive operation against an imminent attack by the Iranian-backed militant movement, targeting commanders and arms depots. In response, Islamic Jihad fires more than 1,000 rockets towards Israel. Israel’s Iron Dome air defence system prevents any serious damage or casualties.

Jan 2023: Islamic Jihad in Gaza fires two rockets towards Israel after Israeli troops raid a refugee camp and kill seven Palestinian gunmen and two civilians. The rockets set off alarms in Israeli communities near the border but cause no casualties. Israel responds with air strikes on Gaza.

Oct 2023: Hamas launches the biggest attack on Israel in years from the Gaza Strip, with a surprise assault combining gunmen crossing the border with a heavy barrage of rockets. Islamic Jihad says its fighters have joined the attack.

Israel’s military said it was on a war footing, adding it had carried out strikes targeting Hamas in Gaza and had called up reservists.

Source: ReutersÂ