On his radio show on Thursday, Fox News host Mark Levin attacked the judge presiding over the Dominion lawsuit against the network as a “biased” and “small potatoes” figure who is not up to the task and should “step aside.”
On Thursday’s The Mark Levin Show on Westwood One, the host brought up a Mediaite article from last week about a comment from Delaware Superior Court Judge Eric Davis, who sarcastically took a swipe at Fox’s Maria Bartiromo.
“She’s clearly neutral,” said Davis.
The wisecrack didn’t land so he had to spell it out when asked about it.
“She’s clearly neutral. I’m being sarcastic,” he explained. “Clearly not neutral.”
After referencing the Mediaite article, Levin went after the judge for it, saying “maybe he hasn’t even heard about freedom of the press.”
Levin said the judge, who is “supposed to be impartial” clearly isn’t, and asked, “Judge, why don’t you step aside?”
He then said Davis is “small potatoes” and “may not be able to handle” the case because it’s “the big leagues.”
“I haven’t talked to any of the Fox lawyers or the Fox executives or this one. I’m just saying as a lawyer, this is — you’re small potatoes,” said Levin. “This is in your courtroom. You’re making a clown show of the thing. You’re obviously biased and partisan the way that you’re ruling.”
At one point, reading from the transcript from Ken Meyers, Levin asked, “does the judge know how to speak? Is he even literate?”
Media Matters has the full clip here.
Toward the end of the clips above, Levin talks about voting machines and questions being raised about prior elections, and then promises he’ll have more on his Sunday evening Fox News show.
“I did all this research today for my Sunday show on Fox, so you’ll wanna see it,” he said. “Maybe I’m telling too much right now. Let’s wait, even though I know — I know the enemy media are hanging on my every syllable.”
However, on Fox News on Sunday there was no new episode of Life, Liberty & Levin, but instead the network re-aired a February episode featuring Victor Davis Hanson.
Interestingly, just thirty minutes before scheduled air time Levin still seemed to be promoting a new episode on his Gettr account, writing “See you soon, 8 PM Eastern for Life, Liberty and Levin on Fox. If you can’t watch live, make sure to DVR it!”
It was not clear at the time of this post whether this was a planned re-run or if there was a change to the schedule since Levin’s promise of a new episode. Fox News declined to comment.
On Sunday, Judge Davis delayed the start of the trial by a day until Tuesday, April 18. Mediaite’s Aidan McLaughlin notes that there’s speculation the network is in “settlement talks.”
Listen to the clip above via Westwood One, h/t Media Matters.
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